Price drop! \o/ Finally, been waiting for this to happen since the game's release X) Time to pound some monsters!
Well the update is nice but I'd still like to see the timer removed. I'm so used to the proper mh games where you have to time dodge and attack. Here it's all so fast paced I'd prefer longer or no time so I could slow down a bit.
It isn't, by but that didn't stop me as a long time die-hard fan of the series. It looks like playing on a PSP with a TV-out cord, just not as over-pixelated(not even close in fact). Sure it would be better universal, but it's not hard on the eyes in the least bit and still very fun to play at x2. A steal at it's current pricing might I add.
I'm getting frustrated with these newest monsters. I just beat all four... And I must say, I had to buy the non-IAP time-extender drinks. These monsters take TOO long to kill. I mean it's nice not having to buy the IAP ones, but having to spend 10,000z on a stupid Time drink each time is aggravating, considering if I had more time I could easily defeat them. Rarely did I ever have this problem in MH1&2. It feels like it's unneeded with these harder monsters. It causes me to make stupid mistakes always trying to go for big damage instead of smartly attacking and dodging. Maybe it's just me though... If anyone can prove me wrong, please do. Guess I'll have to try and upgrade some Hammers and see if that helps.
It's not just you. I've said all along that you dont get enough time, The focus is to much on speed and no strategy with a longer time limit this game would be so much better as you'd have time to attack,dodge,counter etc at your own pace. I always feel rushed into attacking when playing dynamic hunting.
I loved MH2 for the PSP, but the early reviews in this thread and the price convinced me to wait. Glad I bought it during the price drop! What a great game. In some ways it is not as good as the PSP MHs, but I do like that all the busy work was taken out.
Picked it up for the sale. I hope it's not too bad. At that, I can spare 2 bucks. Seems like they've updated a few times, which is cool. I'd love to see more in the future.
Any suggestion on level 4 monsters? Can't beat tham not even one, too tough! PS: don't wanna do in store purchase
Just practice, I beat the first 2 or 3 with duel swords and sword n shield. But I didn't have very much time left (only seconds and that was with a pretty much none stop attack). It's still my opinion that the time limit is to short and we should have at least 5mins or 10 to have a good chance to fight properly.
Update Out! Gunlance has been implemented (and some other new functions ) The game is also on sale. Was hoping for a universal update, but oh well. I'm happy they implemented the Gunlance at least, not to mention added Diablos, Azure Rathalos, Kirin, and Lunastra. Pretty solid update to say the least.
Ugh, I wanted the Bows, not the damn Gunlance. That said, it's actually added Lances AND Gunlances, they just put them in the same category, whereas they're two separate ones in the real MH games. I still hate the timelimits and feel they detract heavily from the games. Especially with slower weapons like gunlances, it forces you to play somewhat recklessly or purchase the IAPs/Waste money on those damn expensive pots that slow time and what not. Ah well... I hope we get Bows soon.
Couldn't agree more... Runs like a champ on the iPad. The controls are very responsive, and the graphics at x2 are ps2 quality (could be better). It's a steal at the current sale.
Thanks was a little hesitant, but glad to hear that it works, so I bought it, will try and play some this weekend.
Sorry for the necro, but the game has been updated for "Minor Bug Fixes" and still no iPad-native resolution. Pffft.
Just saying, Capcom is updating every game with "minor bug fixes", even vanilla SFIV. I think it's for fixing compatibility with last iOS or something like that.
Or just a bump. The way i understand it, it will count as recently added when there's a version upgrade, and of course, people get reminded of the game, and then they can rate it again.