Good question. I used to like Angry Birds, but then it took #1 and raked in thousands of 5 star reviews, so I started hating it. It's like one person gave it a 5 star rating, and everyone else decided to jump on board and leave comments like, "This is the greatest game EVER!!!! OMG YOU MUST BUY IT NOW!!! BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST!!!!!". Eventually, enough people were brainwashed to the idea that it was FLAWLESS AND DESERVED NO LESS THAN INFINITE PERFECT REVIEWS that the game sky-rocketed in the AppStore and the tread is still active to this very day. People find Angry Birds on the store, see it has TONS of 5 stars, buy it & play one level, then get on the AppStore and leave another perfect review JUST to be like everyone else. At least, that's just how I see it...
Well to me, it really is a game worthy of the top spot. I absolutely love it, and it'll be on my main page of my iPod for a long time to come
I cant understand the fuss, and I think its mostly because its a Halfbrick game. I like Run! and Chop Chop Runner about as much, and dont see anything special to distinguish this. I'm not saying its bad, its just another somewhat fun running game, if it addicts you for a while, great.
Of course! It's largely due to the fact that it's from a known developer who gave us Fruit Ninja. Not taking anything away from Monster Dash, since it's a nice little game, but that's how things work not only in video games, but in all of entertainment and beyond - people buy into a name (brand, etc.)
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Angry Birds! I play it once every two days or so, to chip away at all the puzzles. I more hated how it seemed that it was only getting RAVE user reviews because everyone just wanted to rate it like everyone else Back on topic: For everyone who loves Monster Dash and feel like they'll be enjoying it for some time to come, then right on For me, I don't like how it's too hard to see anything past 2000 and I just honestly don't enjoy it at that point. Until I get my alternate control option, a slower paced gameplay, and some some kind of level choice option, I'm gonna stick with Zombie Flick and Zombie Escape.
Kind of like people buying iPhones JUST because of the Apple logo, for example
I mean, every run is a "breeze through." That's what this game is, that's what most games in such category are. You pick it up, go through a few runs shooting for a high score, you put it down. If you're looking for depth, look elsewhere. (ie. adventure or RPG genre)
Can you guys (halfbrick) believe it? Two fully 5 star rated games in the top ten at the same time! That is incredible!
Buddy, don't let me detract you from buying. It's a blast, you get the bang from your buck big time. Put it this way, you spend 59p/99c and you get around 3 hours of addictive, fun and thrilling gameplay. Then your eyes start hurting, you realise the game is hard as nails once you reach a certain distance and that's all there is to it. But damn, it's worth the price for that chaingun that propels you in the air.
Kind of ridiculous, isn't it? I was about to press the "Buy App" button in iTunes when it occurred to me to check about Retina Display support. For a game to be released now without Retina Display support, more than two months after the iPhone was announced and nearly two months to the day after it began shipping, is beyond absurd. IMO, anyway. Meh. I'm not buying anything new that doesn't take advantage of this beautiful display.
Your loss. So many games don't support the iPad either and while I wish they did, it doesn't stop me from picking up an awesome looking game
This gets said a lot, and those people should really be aware that such games were probably in development some time before the retina display was even mentioned. The amount of work involved in upping the resolution for some games can be substantial and delay the game by many more months. Anyway, you don't have to buy it.