Universal Monster Adventures - (by Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Ok. I am so mad right now. So get this, I am checking out the 'spitter plant' ability, and there doesn't seem to be a cap on the amount of them you can spawn, so this happened:

    But then THIS guy shows up, and I'm like "aw I'm so going to catch that", so I'm ducking and weaving for like 5 minutes because this monster has like 4000 health (no joke), while keeping him away from my plants (they have a short range). I actually thought he was invincible for a while, until he accidentally wandered over to my plants. Be then proceeded to murder half of them and then die. I don't know what you get for catching him, but he was hard to beat and he must be super rare (and why the hell is he in meadows lvl 4?). Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this beast and/or caught it because I would like to know what it's abilities are (it didn't pull any special moves on me).
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I've had him a few times I think he's like a mini boss monster type I don't think you can capture him
  3. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Why would Foursaken make an uncatchable monster? I'm fairly sure he has a catch percentage before he died.
    Whew, I'm just glad he isn't a 'spawns once every week' kind of rare monster
  4. cretpetpet

    cretpetpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
    I don't think there is untouchable monster. the only uncatchable is the bandit. if there is % over his head its possible
  5. Boozy

    Boozy Active Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    I caught one of them - they're called Ancients. 2 abilities are Summon Ancient (5 needed) and Brawler (15 needed). Those abilities are unique to Ancients.
  6. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Anyone can tell me what it requires to activate this skill? Is this a bug?

    Plus, the catch percentage number isn't proberly displayed for me anymore. In the begining it was positioned over the enemies head i guess but now it's positioned in the middle of an enemy which makes it hard to read.

    Attached Files:

  7. cretpetpet

    cretpetpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
    It require you wear Volcano essence
  8. queenbee

    queenbee Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    Forgot to add this in my "Blobhelper is OP" post: there should be a way to unsummon your minions :) happened to me, too. I was actually racing ahead their slime spit just to catch some enemies. lol
  9. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    #449 JCho133, Oct 12, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2013
    This guy and I are at a stand still. He keeps putting on Rain Storm so I basically can't die, then silly me unequipped charge and now I can't deal enough damage because he keeps using some skill that heals him 125hp like every 5 seconds.

  10. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Yeah I've been having this problem too. I don't think you would have to un-summon them. Maybe just an option to have them stop attacking for a short period. They end up killing what I'm trying to catch before my net is ready. It's kind of frustrating sometimes. They would still be useful to take enemy attacks off of you. That's mainly what I use them for.
  11. Ramaz1234

    Ramaz1234 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    This game is so much fun but to call it a Pokemon-Zelda type game is not right, it's more of a:

    •Digimon(the games not the show)
  12. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Ye it's definitely more like Diablo/Pokémon (Loot and Dngs with deeper levels where harder monsters lure around and of course one main village) what is much better than Zelda/Pokémon, imo!
  13. gruntler

    gruntler New Member

    Oct 12, 2013
    Great Game!

    I am at Lev 22 using a tank/melee build focusing on HP and AP.

    Im not sure if this has been mentioned but I just now noticed that you can use any learned ability during combat (even if not on a hot key) if you press pause. It will just be a one time use and will not change your 4 hot keys.

    I am running with the 4 hotkeys as:


    Counter Attack

    Scatter Shot

    Breaker Punch

    If I get in a tough spot, I can hit pause and use Resillience, Speedy etc as a one time use that doesn't change my 4 main.

    This has been mentioned, but still not sure if its intended. When beating coliseum 2 and three, I had my new monster at level one with some great essences with leveling bonuses. When beating the coliseum on my first monster my second monster got identical experience taking him to level 7 without having played him (and boosting stats like crazy).

    Edit: I do notice that both showed up in the coliseum queue when going in for round 4, and after my main died the poor level one entered where he left off.
    I didn't realize all the monsters were linked like that and can be used in the same battle, awesome!

    One other trick I found is that before entering a new room, you can summon a full battalion of blog helpers and spitter plants. Once they are up, change out abilities to what ever you want. As you move into any "ambushed" rooms that seal off, they will teleport into it. As long as they live, they will follow you through the rest of the level without having to waste MP or hot keys on them. I found this can be a big help, especially before going into a boss room. That way you can summon a small army, wait for MP to cap out again, then enter for the big fight.

    Great Game!
  14. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Thanks for stating the obvious! (;
  15. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    So from a previous post about using the second monster as your pvp main because of skill points from level 1 with rare pieces.

    Are ability points not retroactive? Because that sounds pretty annoying if they aren't and someone can be better by starting a new monster with the best body parts rather than put the work in on one.
  16. PresidentZer0

    PresidentZer0 Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2012
    I never found a automatch game... Am I doing something wrong? Maybe someone wants do add me. Gc: PresidentZer0
  17. kenken11

    kenken11 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    Well, getting the best body parts will not be easy, I assume that the rank will be normal>uncommon>rare>legendary (assumption). Also, it's a common goal to get an ultimate monster.
  18. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    #458 ChaosProdigy, Oct 12, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2013
    Advanced Tips: (Please copy below and add your own to the list then post it all together to keep this alive!)

    1. You can use all your skills in combat even without having them equipped to the 4 skill slots! Just pause the game and go to the first tab, then you can either click any skill and if you have the mana it will let you "USE" or "Equip" so you can easily use skills like Experiencer or other skills you use once in a while without actually having them take up a slot! - It will also remember your last skill used so you can quickly pause and click use every time.

    2. Ever wonder what the Apple Seed, Pear Seed, Grape Seed are? They can be planted in town on specific locations - for example just under the Colloseum (bottom left of town) there will be 3 round dark patches of ground, if you walk over them you will be able to click the "talk" button and i will say "looks like i can plant something there". Look around town for more locations for example next to fruit merchant. You can plant the apple and if you leave it alone for a hour or so you can harvest small apple, if you leave it longer you can get a medium apple heals 250, and if you leave it even longer you can get a mega apple heals alot more! You can harvest this again and again and again. Pear gives you hp and mp at same time and is my favorite (mega pear gives 500 hp and 500 mp!) and Grape can give you upwards of 1000 MP for the mega!

    3. Secret merchant (black hooded guy) shows up every 24 hours or so in the evening EST time, he can be in a variety of town locations including next to Mayor, Well, below Well etc. He sells another monster essence for $10,000 but i recomend you wait to find one for free in the wild. He also sells max level essences at 5000 gold. If you buy one thing he will dissapear but you can enter a map and reenter town or restart your game and he will be in town again!

    4. Once you get the "Experiencer" skill and at least 100 mana - you can head into wilderness level 2 and with a lot of pets like Blobs you can use Experiencer skill (gives experience per kill - based on your Special it gives more experience, at about 200 special it gives 15 experience per kill) against the never ending wave of Blue Blobs as each Blue Blob splits into 2 smaller ones and you can end up farming up quite a bit of EXP and best part is they also drop the rare fruit that increases your monster stats permanently. Yesterday i went from lvl 30-42 and found 4x fruit that gives +100HP permanently and some others for example. This actually might get patched in future as it seems like a bit of an abuse since there is no MAX monster level in this game - you can level up forever.
    Another advice is to finish the quest to find the person in the Rock Cliffs area - he is on LEVEL 3 and will randomly appear to you as you clear some areas up there. After that you will need to make sure you have BURN skill and get quest from Mayor to unlock ice area. After you unlock ice area there will be new NPC human monsters attacking you on every map so you can farm more exp at the blob area with the human mercenary enemy spawning on top of
    those guys.

    5. You can actually move your HUD (heads up display) around under options right under movement control option, it allows you to move the 4 main skills around. I do wish we are allowed to move the Map and monster HP banners around but maybe in future?

    6. There is a passive ability called "Guardian Angel" you get from the big boss monster with wings, it resurrects you on death with % of your max health, for example for me it resurrects me at 41% HP so in those moments when your HP goes down too quick it will give an animation of you resurrecting and give you enough time to react to go to your inventory and heal or escape.

    Remember guys - copy the above 6 and do new reply to add your own pro tips! Lets keep this going as a community!
  19. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    The secret vendor is obviously only around when i'm already at sleep -.-
    I never saw him as of yet.
  20. Eidaven

    Eidaven Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Just to make sure I understand this right... You can only imbue one essence at a time on your monster right?

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