Monster! 2d iOS Platformer via Kickstarter

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by chadmac, May 16, 2012.

  1. chadmac

    chadmac Member

    Feb 22, 2010
    Graphic Designer
    Minneapolis, MN
    Reve Studios + Gray Squid are kickstarting our latest project.

    Monster! is a 2D puzzle platformer where the player must defeat gigantic beasts that threaten the lives and lands of his people. You journey through the game as either Bruce or Lenny, two best friends who assist each other in their quest for the five fragments of the Amulet of Oogle. This ancient amulet gives the wearer the power to speak to and control the great beasts who have put this world in peril. With the power of teamwork, and a little help from the friends they make on the way, Bruce and Lenny navigate through five treacherous lands in search of the amulet pieces that will help them save their homeland.

    Help us spread the word and get funded! |

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