Universal Monopoly (by Marmalade Game Studio)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Brightsiderus, Dec 4, 2019.

  1. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    If they were on the same Apple ID, they couldn’t play at the same time anyway. I assume they would’ve want to play against each other in the first place, right?
  2. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    The discount against separate purchases looks about right, and should be a bargain in the long run.

    All our devices are on the same Apple ID. I’ve not heard about family sharing so will look into it. Thanks for mentioning.
  3. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Sure, playing against each other would be good. I need to get this sorted!
  4. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I haven't messed about with multiplayer yet so I'm not sure how it works. Don't know if it's Game Center-tied (I presume not), if it's tied to your Apple ID or if it's just based on the usernames you create. I'll look into it once my phone's off charge, but if it's GC related, there shouldn't be an issue using the same Apple ID.
  5. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @metalcasket even it’s slightly off topic here, it’d be great if you could find out, because I’m under impression it won’t work. I remember from few years ago when having multiple devices I accidentally run the game that was already running on my other device and it just didn’t work. I got warning that using the same ID at the same time is not allowed. But since you mentioned differences between using Game Center and Apple ID (or even a custom username) based on game, I’m no longer sure about anything.;)
  6. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    I’ve set up a game now on 2 devices and it looks to be working fine with the same ID. Using the Online Friends setting a room is opened with a code number which is entered by other players.
    macplash likes this.
  7. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel

    Yeah, Family Sharing is great if you're adamant on your personal account being yours and yours only, but if you have no problem with your immediate family using your account, don't bother. After half a decade of my dad using my account, I decided to set up an account for him and use Family Sharing and in an age where so much is tied to IAPs, it was a mistake in hindsight.
    Stronsay likes this.
  8. Velx

    Velx Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2016
    Only speaking for myself, but I experience a lot of lag and connectivity issues almost every game. There is online play, no leaderboards, nothing that tracks your stats, wins losses. There’s no deterrent to just quitting a game not going well and starting a new game. Which makes winning not very satisfying. No real way to tell if your players have quit and your just playing AI. If you do lose connection, there’s no way to return to the game.... Also, I’m normally a spender, but, can’t even imagine paying for board skins that only I’m going to see, on game that I’ve already payed for. Let me earn those or unlock them, by wins or something. Hard to wrap my head around who’s paying for that.
  9. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    I thought the same thing. There seems little point in the standard multiplayer, there’s no chat or anything, so might as well play against the AI opponents with the ability to save and return later. I tried one multiplayer game which I was unable to finish as it was taking so long. I’ve not had any lag issues so far.

    Where online comes into its own, though, is with friends mode. Works really well, much easier than setting up a physical game, and the app looks after the rules and accounting.

    Regarding the skins, I’d say that is the fairest way of including IAP in a paid game. No obligation to buy, but an option for those who want to support the project. I would think Marmalade are in this for the long haul but I doubt a one-off $3.99 base price would sustain the app for long; and, to be fair, they are more than just skins. The Snowdrop Valley is a mini work of art, changing the overall atmosphere - being able to buy mountain cable cars instead of utilities for example.
    metalcasket likes this.
  10. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I understand where you’re coming from, I really do. Thing is, sure, these are digital adaptations of board games, but they’re fully functional, all encompassing versions of board games that are literally on your phone/tablet that allow you to play them as much as you want to your heart’s content with or without other people, without having to carry around massive boards and dozens upon dozens of tokens, cards, cash, etc. (Holy shit, what a long-ass sentence)

    I haven’t seen a Monopoly board’s price in ages, but I did a quick Amazon look-up and found a traditional Monopoly board to be 28 bucks. It’s a little unreasonable to think you can get the same thing, albeit in digital form, for $4, isn’t it? But you can! And that $4 doesn’t hold ANYTHING back. The entire GAMING experience is there for you, and probably will be for a very long time (given Marmalade’s track record of support/handling Hasbro IP). If, however, you’d like to customize your experience, you can pay upfront for whatever customization you want, OR just pay for the season pass upfront and be done with it.

    Yes, $30 is a lot of money for a mobile game, but don’t people essentially pay upwards of $10 every season for a Fortnite SUBSCRIPTION? Believe me, Marmalade could’ve easily, easily made the season pass a subscription, but instead they took the high road (as indicated in the app description) and made this an ethical board game adaptation for families and kids.

    While yes, this is a video game, we need to approach it through a different lens; it’s a full fledged board game that’s only $4 instead of $30. If you’d like to pay another $30, you can do that, but no one, including Marmalade, is forcing you to do that.
    Stronsay likes this.
  11. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Get out of my mind, man!
    Stronsay likes this.
  12. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Oh, and following my previous post, it’s worth mentioning that all of Marmalade’s titles are indeed digital board games without the extra fluff such as leaderboards, unlocks and whatnot. They turn board games into digital board games, and that’s that. They’re meant to be played as board games and not video games. That needs to be made abundantly clear. I think me even calling them “adaptations” is inaccurate.
  13. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    LOL. I wouldn’t have written all that if I’d known you were doing so!
    metalcasket likes this.
  14. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I just realized I can go for this Bundle instead of a single game and since I own all three other games already (which I didn’t even know, yay!), it’s not even $4 for me, so it’s a no-brainer, with Season Pass or not, eventually.
    Stronsay likes this.
  15. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I know, right!? Our posts will forever go down in history with having the same time stamps. :p
    Stronsay likes this.
  16. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Noooo, it shows a minute's difference!
  17. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Well, it’s been a few months. If you’ve bought the season pass, it’s clear you’re starting to get your monies worth. Every additional board is 7 bucks. With Atlantic City out now, you’re already getting half of what you paid. If I’m not mistaken, there are still 8 boards (and perhaps even tokens specific to each?) to come. That’s $56 if you’re planning on just buying each of them separately. I’d say buying the pass is a damn good investment. Sure, you can’t share the IAP with family members, but if you’re playing local, you all get to experience the beautiful new boards, and if you’re playing online...who gives a flying poop what others are playing on. ;)
    Stronsay likes this.
  18. ShinHadoukin

    ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    Having said that...is their Clue app any good? It looks great & looks to even be portrait. $3.99 isn’t expensive but I haven’t seen anything about the game. If Monopoly is do good maybe that’s a testament to the company.
  19. ShinHadoukin

    ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    I gotta know. Do you all love Monopoly already and here to play? I know Metal typically doesn’t buy board games (if I remember correctly) but loves this. I have never completed a Monopoly game that I can think of, but reading this thread has made me tempted to buy all of this. The praise of Marmalade here tempts to buy other games (Clue). Is all of this linked to a love of Monopoly? Does a digital version let you take bite-size portions of the game so it never gets boring? Please explain. Thanks.
  20. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    @ShinHadoukin If you're not into the actual board games, absolutely steer clear of any of these conversions. Like I said earlier in this thread, this game (and ALL of Marmalade's games) aren't essentially games. They're digital versions of board games. So, like...if you're used to playing games by Asmodee, who essentially turn board games into video games (with single player campaigns and whatnot), you'll find absolutely nothing to enjoy with the Marmalade games if the actual board games have done nothing for you. That said, if you ABSOLUTELY have to give one a shot, go for the board game you actually enjoy. I highly recommend not going for the bundle in your case, though. Just lookin' out for you. :)

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