Universal Modern Combat 5: Blackout - (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. -CaptBlitz

    -CaptBlitz New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    may i know how many players will there be in a squad vs squad?

    also, is there any way to reset my stats?
  2. ipodrocks123

    ipodrocks123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    I liked the good ol basics from MC2. I'm a simple person. All these perks make me confused sometimes lol. Really, to me, there is nothing wrong with this game. Only wish it had some more multiplayer maps that weren't mazes. But really pretty decent.
  3. FriedSushi

    FriedSushi Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
    #643 FriedSushi, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    Theres 100% something wrong with the controls if somebody who had a 3+ k/d and could get 10+ k/d frequently at high levels in each MC game before this has a 1.8 here. The game definitely feels clumsy with the changes i mentioned.

    EDIT: If you go look in the appstore and read some reviews, youll see plenty of other people describing the controls as a bit more clumsy and not smooth compared to MC4
  4. ipodrocks123

    ipodrocks123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    Maybe the controls aren't "perfect" and I'll agree to that. But all in all it's a good game.
  5. FriedSushi

    FriedSushi Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
    #645 FriedSushi, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    Yes, but overall i find it has gone backwards compared to MC4. Including the graphics lol

    MC4 had so many attachment options that you could actually CHOOSE between rather than choosing the next highest unlocked one you have in this game. Different guns that were better at different things (sidegrades), so almost all of them were viable options. Here, if you have the RED, theres no way youre playing with any other assault rifle because its better than all the rest. It will also have all the exact attachments on it once they are all unlocked.

    I have no idea why they chose to use the tier system here, as well as rigid classes and support options. MC4 you could play with an assault rifle and SMG secondary, and choose which 3 kill streaks you wanted. Or you could go sniper and grenade launcher. It just had so much more customization and freedom, including the "class" system they had. That one you had to pick between two skills for each level, and actually had interesting things (like showing outlines through walls when on radar, faster moving while aiming, etc.)

    This one is just: More armor. More bullets. More damage. More grenades. And all of these are along a linear skill tree.

    Just so many things theyve changed about this game have made it worse, and i dont know why they would change something that worked really well in the game before.

    Why "fix" what wasnt only not broken, but working very well?

    EDIT: i think they should have let the same team that developed MC3 and 4 develop 5 too
  6. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    I'm sure its just the occasional drop in frames. When I have full frames the controls are top notch. They are working on stabilizing them
  7. FriedSushi

    FriedSushi Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
    Try this. Swipe normally from above the fire button (dont press) to the right of the screen. Then press the fire button and swipe to the right of the screen, and notice how much slower, and consequently how much less youve turned.

    Thats the main issue, because when im swiping to look around at one rate, then shooting and swiping at a lower rate, it makes it harder to aim.
  8. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    :D I don't mind tweaks, but changes could also make it worse. Also I'm just wondering how much of the complaints stem from frustration from lack of skills or are legit. FWIW, I'm having a hard time adapting to MC5 but I'm starting to appreciate the differences and similarities which in turn makes me realize you can adapt to anything if you develop the skills.

    Oh well.
  9. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #649 Rip73, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    The exact same thing was said about the progression and changes from MC1/2 to MC3/4.
    It's not really an exaggeration and one weapon alone serves as the best example of where tweaking goes wrong, the UFIA in MC4.
    An excellently balanced weapon at the beginning, high accuracy, low range and power but with a silencer attached, you're best friend.
    By the time people had finished complaining about it and asking for it to be nerfed, it was nerfed and it was essentially useless.

    Now I could go through over 30 different items and weapons that were tweaked in MC3 and MC4 as a result of community feedback representing them as over powered or underpowered or one thing or another and we'd be here all day long but it wouldn't change the fact that all this tweaking just led to one thing being changed and then another rising and that needing changing and around and around it went.
    Whereas the simplest solution was that as it seems everybody knew what was "over powered" or "under powered", simply use them or don't use them and adapt your tactics accordingly.

    Don't go looking for fundamental changes (and any weapon tweak is fundamental to a weapon based game) that will only result in altering the nature and style of the game itself.
    In the case of MC4, it didn't improve things and made previously viable weapons and load outs irrelevant.
    I would rather not see the same thing happen here.
  10. Dom1nat0R

    Dom1nat0R Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2013
    Don't know if this question was answered before but how does the rating system work? In some games I do 28-4 and my rating goes down. Am I doing something wrong?
  11. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Its the average score you get per match.
  12. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    #652 Mess, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    Seems like the needing debate is kicking off. Here's my two cents:

    I think that some of the guns are powerful, like the red, but that is just realistic IMO. Like Rip said a few pages back all these things are realistic to real world scenarios.
    Also I don't really think impacts should be removed. I haven't come across any situation were getting killed by one has annoyed me, in fact I get killed just as much by other 'nades. As Ryan said, if they are killing you to much, use another tactic...

    These guns and nades etc are rewards for playing the game and unlocking them.

    What I would like to see though are different effects for the attachments. I don't really know how to describe it, but more like mc4 were even though there was more powerful guns you could get by with a less powerful one due to attachments... That probably makes no sense...

    Upto 6 v 6.

    Not without using another account if that is possible! But don't worry about your stats, it's just a number that doesn't mean anything. Your not goin to get rewarded for it :D
  13. Mamalovesyou

    Mamalovesyou Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    The campaign is the worst out of the previous 4 games,It has no ebb or flow or any meaningful story or interesting characters.They shouldn't have wasted their resources on it at all,they took such a long time including the delay and this is the result.Lacluster A.i,Level design and outdated graphics,There's nothing console quality here it's blatantly fake marketing.It's Medicore game at best,multiplayer is the only saving grace can't believe how this site gave it such a high score,Such low standards here.
  14. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    While I agree with the story campaign being bad I disagree with the graphics being outdated. It's the engine which is outdated and which should be recoded from scratch instead upgrading it to death without much effort which obviously leads to bad performances. There were definitely some nice spots in the game where I tought "wow, this is looking darn good for a mobile game", while fighting my way through low framerates trying to aim as accurately as I could. :D
  15. Mamalovesyou

    Mamalovesyou Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    #655 Mamalovesyou, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    It's their job to update the engine,I dragged throught ue whole campaign but there was never a moment where the graphics stood out this is on a Mini 2.The textures look murky and washed out,Lightning is fake and baked,Dynamic shadows are buggy.Only thing going for it are the character models they look detailed still no console quality as claimed by the makers of the game.It looks the same as mc4 except for the character models,Looks decent for a mobile game nothing more.And the fps is jiggly and tingly all the way through runs like shit 90% of the time,Wonder if they were sleeping during the long delay?
  16. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    #656 Nekku, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    Dude, you don't have to tell me that (Mini 2 here, too). I'm usually the first one who is ranting about it (since Sidgoku is gone, hah)...I'm sick of it, though, so I still try to calm down if something like this comes around the corner, which is hard sometimes due to ppl consistently telling me it's smooth on their devices, which obviously isn't the case due to the fact that everyone is using the same hardware and OS so there isn't any way it plays differently on the same device (jailbroken devices may be an exception). I still have my hopes up for some fixes and until that I play it in forced iPhone resolution. I just want to have fun playing games instead of fighting with low framerates. But all in all, the visuals in this game are looking good considering it's being a mobile game.
  17. Mamalovesyou

    Mamalovesyou Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
  18. Sn0wCl0ne

    Sn0wCl0ne Member

    Jul 24, 2014
    #658 Sn0wCl0ne, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    You can't play chapter 3-6( the ones that need to be downloaded) unless your on WiFi even if you installed them already :p....
    Edit: You can't play multiplayer either, guess I will have to play something else on my 8 hour car ride :(
  19. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    You can play the chapters if you've already downloaded. When it says you need wifi to d/l the chapter, uncheck that box and then d/l. It simply unlocks the chapter if you've already downloaded previously. I wonder if that's a bug...

    Not playing multiplayer except over wifi sucks though. I was hoping to get a game or 2 in while at work but can't which totally sucks.
  20. Checkerspell

    Checkerspell Member

    May 31, 2014
    Finally, i've unlocked every weapon. I must admit that the tier 5 weapons of every class are extremely more powerful than the tier 4 weapons. The difference is bigger than tier1-tier2 for example.

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