Universal Modern Combat 5: Blackout - (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I've noticed that middle tiers on nearly all weapons are rubbish. Personally I don't use impact and wouldn't miss them, I love when you shoot grenades too. I can't decide what I like best but the stun is good you can kill them while they can't see.

    I think gameplay would be better balanced if sniper were actually better at long range than everyone else and impact could be removed as there isn't much you can do about avoiding it really.
  2. Paul202

    Paul202 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    MI, USA
    As Oscar was saying, the problem with impact grenades is that there is really nothing you can do to avoid them, or as you said "outplay" them. Unless you want to camp at the back of the map with a sniper rifle, you will always run into someone and they will often nade you, which is extremely annoying. Another thing I thing should be changed for grenades is the ability of the grenades to damage you through walls. This is pretty stupid and I think should be removed.

    In regards to gun balance, I think that the tier system should be either revamped or removed. As others have echoed, there is practically no reason to use lower tiered guns, as they are inferior to the higher tiered ones. This is going to be very unfair for newer players and wil likely heavily discourage more people from buying the game.
  3. Bad_Trip

    Bad_Trip Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    Production Director
    The Bay to Nashville
    In my experience the Nail grenades are too powerful; they are a for sure kill if they land within 10-12ft of a player.

    Impact grenades however? I use them with recon, and they're definitely pretty weak I've thrown them at the ground literally within a foot of an Assault class player and they have survived.

    I've been playing online for games for the last 12 years and people will always complain about something, especially if they're good players and have a weakness, they'll want it nerfed.

    Guys, if they nerfed everything, would you really enjoy playing an FOS where you have to shoot someone 10 times in the chest to kill them? I don't mind powerful weapons, it's realistic... IRL, if you take a bullet anywhere to the torso, you're goin' down...
  4. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #624 oscar123967, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    I think one of their games recently got updated with the removal of grenades damaging other through walls, can't remember which one though. So it is possible.

    Completely agree with you.

    You're talking about the loud mouthed kids. We're recommending actual/logical feedback that can contribute to the game's balance.
  5. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Great here we go with the nerfing again.

    Nerfing and "rebalancing" was one of the primary reasons I deleted MC4.
    The lack of it was one of the primary reasons MC2 stayed on device for so long.

    Can some one explain to me the reason for a tier system if said tier system doesn't reward with stronger weapons?
    Incidentally very similar in this to MC2, which people have been wanting ever since MC3 came out.

    I'll tell you what will happen.
    The Red will be nerfed for being too strong and too munch range.
    Then shotguns will be too powerfull.
    Then they'll be nerfed for having too much range and power.
    Than snipers will be the default.
    Then they'll be too powerful and be nerfed.
    Then recon will be the only viable class, so of course that'll be "too powerful" so that'll have to be nerfed as well.
    Headshots are too powerful. Grenades are too powerful
    And on and on and on it'll go until you'll need two or there grenades and full magazines to take an enemy out.

    You know what, grenades are meant to blow you up, headshots are meant to drop an enemy, higher tier weapons are meant to be more powerful, that's why they a have a higher tier.
    If an impact grenade is killing you, don't get so close. It's really very simple.

    Perhaps asking for tweaks to matchmaking would be a wiser choice than looking for weapons that can kill at the moment be made into ones that can't without needing 10/20/30 rounds to do it.

    Getting more powerful weapons is a result of levelling up.
    It's being part of gaming for as long as there has been gaming.

    Looking for those higher weapons to be nerfed just nullifies the whole point of xp levelling.
    It nullifies the point of attachments having an impact on performance and it nullifies the point of having any more than one weapon for any class.

    However, matchmaking is something that should be considered and rebalancing for starter people so they don't come up against top levels.

    The whole thing worked very well in MC2.
    And ultimately, it's not the strength of the Red that gives it an advantage, its a the accuracy and minimal bullet spread that does. And even at that, it doesn't need to be nerfed.
    Its a simple case of higher tier weapons being useful. If that wasn't the case, well then, no more than one weapon is required.

    Once nerfing starts, there's no end to it and all it will ultimately achieve is unbalancing the game further. As it did in MC4 which became seriously hobbled by the pressure from the community to nerf everything that was actually effective in it and then turn it in to a sniper or grenade game and made every other weapon useless.
  6. Manny7

    Manny7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2009

    Your so right nothing wrong with the guns play the game get points

    Don't mess up a great online game
  7. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #627 oscar123967, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    Completely agree with you Rip but it is a bit of an exaggeration. It is not like the devs are going to tweak everything everyone asks for, the game is still in their hands. Its just feedback & I'll stick with the statements I made on some gun balance & impact grenades, and as you said you can only avoid them if you're not within range of the enemy. I have faith and complete respect for the devs & the did a great job on delivering a launching game. The game is live, now they can have an idea on what needs tweaking. Just how they did with MC3. Many people (and I mean many people) enjoyed how the unlock system worked and how the weapon balance worked in MC3. Everyone seemed to have their favorite gun.

    Also I'd like to point out there were not many guns in MC2, so ofc people were limited to what they'd use. All it was was MN106 camo, MN106 silenced. Ak gold, ak silenced, M4A03, shotgun, and knife.
  8. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    If they gave us an option to stabilize aim speed normal and while firing I would be happy...
  9. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    MC2 all over again haha
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Completely agree about grenade damage through walls. I mainly play CTF and it's really annoying on some levels especially the fog one where you can be inside on the catwalk and grenades outside the building hurt/kill you.
  11. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    You know what? I don't have a problem with impact grenades, nor did I have a problem with explosives in MC4. You just gotta learn how to adapt and learn the game. I've battled with great players on MC4 who were really hard to compete against and all had different strategies and loadouts. I got my ass kicked with just about any weapon in MC4.

    I have to disagree with your opinion on MC4 like I wrote above but it actually supports your greater point about nerfing and my point that people should just learn how to play the game instead of complaining.

    Balancing and level-matching MP games could be a good idea but playing along and against skilled players is the fastest way to improve.
  12. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #632 oscar123967, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    Hah yeah, but at least with the player movement was fast enough to dodge em & when tossed they had an arch

    Yeah I learned how to adapt and play it. Compakt and impact grenades = 5+kd. I love MC5 and I'm pretty decent at it. They were just suggestions. Sorry if you don't want tweaks. Let me believe man!!! Lol
  13. Lemmonz

    Lemmonz Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2014
    I know that I complained about RED, BUT THANK YOU!
  14. FriedSushi

    FriedSushi Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
    #634 FriedSushi, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    The main issue for me is the controls. They worked great in MC4, i could easily get 20 kills without dying in that game.

    In this game when youre firing, they make it so that its harder to turn. Basically they automatically decrease the sensitivity while shooting. This makes it so much harder to aim while moving (such as while strafing), because the difference from normal swipe speed to the speed while shooting throws me off so much. They need an option to disable this automatic sensitivity decrease

    I dont know why this feature was even added in?

    On guns, i think the best kind of FPS's have (mainly) side grades, rather than upgrades. Otherwise everybody would be running around with the same weapon, as you see here with all the REDs. MC4 also did this well. Some people used the UFIA, some Charbtek, others MP5, Jolt, all that stuff. Here its RED, and all the other top guns for each class. All equipped with the best (and same) attachments.

    See Planetside 2 for a great example of this
  15. -CaptBlitz

    -CaptBlitz New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    hi thre,

    have registered myself cause of TA squad, i loved playing FPS.

    have some issue, is there any way to reset my stats?

    u see, i have been playing free for all, but was top 2nd or 3rd, then in my stats, my lose rate is more then my win rate.

    have played team games at first, but due to some inactive players, my team lost. that explains my losing rate.
  16. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    No worries man :) we accept anyone who is willing to have a good time. I'll go ahead and add ya to a list
  17. BruteOutlawz

    BruteOutlawz Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2010
    Hit the nail on the head.

    I don't see the reason to change any of the weapons.

    I am up against impact grenades all the time but that does not stop me from getting 25-5 matches all the time. In fact i use the impact grenade and used effectively its a good weapon. You still have to aim it, quite often i lob one at the enemy and miss.
  18. -CaptBlitz

    -CaptBlitz New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    thanks, as i am located in Singapore, normally i will be online around 9.00pm Singapore time.
  19. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Alright make sure you check the squad thread every now and then, we might be moving players from squad to squad. Cheers!
  20. Duste

    Duste Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    How do I unlock guns? I've been stuck on 4th tier for a while. Is there a trick to isolate what ya want to unlock?

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