Universal Modern Combat 5: Blackout - (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. D-Vader

    D-Vader Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Just like 90% of this game's single-player missions, Breach missions are really boring, except worse. I also hate being forced to use sniper rifles to advance in the campaign. But no, I'm forced to use a gun I suck at rather then level my crappy SMG that is impossible to level in multiplayer because of its dreadful accuracy and range. The starter SMG should not be that bad. Everything about gun balancing in this game is broken. There is no reason to use the lower tier guns over the higher tier guns. The higher tier guns will almost always outmatch. And there is no reason to use the lower tier grips, mags, etc. because there are no tradeoffs. It's just straight up upgrading. What about people who like smaller mags for faster run speeds, why wasn't that included?
    The graphics also kind of suck. It looks like Gameloft way too much time detailing in-game faces of characters I'll never look at rather than the environment which is straight up around me all the time. The cars look ugly, the walls look ugly, but my teammate's face is detailed like none other.
    This game feels like a straight downgrade from MC4 in graphics, campaign, excitement, and gunplay. Gameloft delayed this game several times to "add more polish" or whatever yet that's what this game feels like it's lacking.
    Gameloft says the focus of this game would be multiplayer, however they only include 4 maps at release, with Canals sucking the most of all. GG Gameloft. Hype killed.
  2. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    We all wanted a mc3 kind of a game and we got it.Some people are so irritating,just like some cod players who say "WE WANT SUMTHING NEUUUUUU!NOT THE SAME OLD SHT!"then when advanced warfare trailer is getting released "WE WANT THE OLD,CLASSIC COD NOT THIS FUTURISTIC SHT".
  3. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    "We want change"

    *Change happens

    "We don't like change, change is scary and wrong and bad"

    *things stay the same

    "We want change, this is boring"

  4. 2133

    2133 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    Actually, the second SMG for me was a better experience than the tier 4 one. It has grips, so you know, accuracy.
  5. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Cool, I am about half way to that, but at the moment I am working for the RED
  6. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    More like:

    "We want these things [INSERT LIST HERE] to change/be added"

    *Developer changes/adds the wrong things, does some of the minor things asked for in the aforementioned list

    *Insert defensive posts here
    *Developer changes things back to how they were in the sequel

    "But this is just the same as what we had two games ago! Where's something new?"

  7. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    How is damage output for leveled up Assault with the added damage perk v. a leveled up Heavy? I have gone back and forth between these two, which is probably not the best strategy because it keeps me from having either of them fully leveled up. I really like the Heavy, but I'm not sure the shotguns get more damage than a leveled up Red (although to be fair, I'm still only playing with the 2nd shotgun).
  8. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    #588 rIcHrAnDoM, Jul 28, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    I'm loving MC5! I thought I'd play a few times like I did with 4 then move on, but here I seem to have a fighting chance and it feels good to be able to get an 8 kill streak. I can't wait to join a squad though I'm not fully sure what it does. Anyway, just my two cents worth to all the MC5 haters...look how far advanced mobile gaming has come just in the past couple of years and this game is on the cutting edge of that advancement. It's still hard to believe this is on my cell phone.
  9. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    #589 Brrobotix, Jul 28, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    One of the things I'm starting to really enjoy about this game is that all the classes are really specialized around different approaches to playing the game, and in a rock-paper-scissors type arrangement, some are better than others, but no one class seems incredibly OP. At least not yet.

    I've recently started playing with a heavy, and I love it so far. Most of the skills add a ton of added survivability, so you can often get into shotgunning range to take out your enemies.

    On the other hand, the assault skills all seem to be centered around dealing extra damage, like with the berserker skill, and the extra grenades.

    Really I think it just comes down to your preference. Do you want a balanced class that allows you to be effective in most situations, or do you want to charge people and gun them down? That's really it. Both are viable options as long as you realized they require a different strategy to be successful.

    Side question: what are the differences between the different grenade types? They do a horrible job explaining the damage outputs and AoEs (except for the first two).
  10. rapaleeman

    rapaleeman Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2013
    The shotgun doesn't get more damage if I remember correctly only the Heavy gets more health. Which means up close he can take more damage but the shotgun is "at home" up close so it is supposed to work out.

    The Assault though reigns supreme from my couple of tests in that it was significantly easier to kill dudes as the Assault due to the awful map layouts and borderline stupid spawning at times putting 2 enemies right in front or behind you. It makes you feel bad for your victims and irritated when it happens to you.

    The Heavy lasted longer in fights but trying to get close to guys all the time was the problem. Even with the crazy shotgun range, your dude moves so slow (this is the case for all classes though) that having to constantly running around and find dudes wasn't very fun. Sure I did ok as when I was in a firefight it was really hard to kill me and I could instantly start regenerating health by dodging and weaving, it ultimately seemed to be more trouble than it's worth.

    My K/D was better with the Heavy (not by much) but I had far less kills than with the Assault dude. In reality I'd take a slightly lower K/D if it means I get to kill more guys and ultimately have more fun.

    @Kenan2000 - Your logic is flawed as we didn't get an MC3 style of game at all. Instead of a cohesive story we get these broken little chunks that have no cohesion and are just terribly confusing. I literally had no idea what I was doing in each section outside of the 3 objectives that for all intents and purposes were random.

    We get fewer maps which would be fine if they were good but they are poorly designed, play terribly, and still have crummy spawns. We also got fewer modes and overall just less content. I will say the weapon count seems to be about the same (no throwing knife saddens me) but again, the top tier weapons seem to be the winners throwing balance out the window and putting it in the hands of those that have grinded their way to the top instead of the better players.

    I should not be able to run around with a Red and suppressor and spray dudes down from the hip across the majority of the maps never aiming down the sites at all or run around as a Heavy and shotgun dudes while absorbing tons of bullets only to then one shot them in the face from the hip. That's broken and unbalanced in every sense of the words.

    All of this without even mentioning the online only stuff for single player that prevents me from playing this at times due to spotty service or even at full service getting the reconnect message due to being in a car.

    Unfortunately this is the only FPS in town and while there are a ton of negatives, the core gameplay is still somewhat solid. I only wish the CoD Strike Team game had multiplayer as that game looks and plays better than this one. That maybe would have given Gameloft some competition and forced them to bring their "A" game.
  11. sbirksy666

    sbirksy666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
    Funny story of the day, playing CTF and just before it goes into overtime I accidentally press my bomber and thought crap what a waste :(

    Turns out the bomber just flies overhead as the round starts and kills the entire team lol :) quickest overtime ever lol
  12. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    I just got my first bomber and it was pretty funny: Some dude ran around the corner infront of me and exploded.
  13. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    I think this is all pretty accurate. Unfortunately, my aim still sucks enough that when running at people I have difficulty centering on their head and it still takes at least a couple shots to the body to take someone out with the shotgun (at least the 2nd level shotgun). More often than not I'm up against a higher level player with the Red AR and they take me out with one shot to the face.
  14. DrasticPegasus

    DrasticPegasus Active Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Ideal customization

    Attached Files:

  15. Lemmonz

    Lemmonz Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2014
    The game keeps uninstalling all the chapters besides 1&2. This is getting really annoying because I can't install them when I'm not at home. Anyone else experiencing this?
  16. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    I had that problem on my iphone but it was actually installed. Just checked off "d/l over wifi" and it basically unlocked and didn't need to redownload...
    It was happening because I had predownloade the levels before playing them but they were in fact already in my phone...
  17. Freeway82

    Freeway82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    No. I installed mine only once and it has stuck ever since.

    If you have installed it previously, then it's there. The game does not make it very obvious. Try finishing a chapter and any following chapter that you may have downloaded previously would open up automatically. If it doesn't, tap on it a few times.

    Good luck.
  18. Gameloft_Ryan

    Gameloft_Ryan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2013
    Community Manager
    San Francisco
    Hi everyone - Just wanted to say my schedule has calmed down a bit since the launch of MC5 and I'll be doing a better of job of being available on the forums and at least reading all of the posts.

    I also wanted to say thanks to everyone who messaged me feedback and bugs/issues through TA or on Twitter! Keep posting and I'll do my best to make sure the Devs are aware of anything that might need tweaking!
  19. Lemmonz

    Lemmonz Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2014
    #599 Lemmonz, Jul 28, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    Well, I'm trying to finish chapter three,(I'm halfway done) but it keeps uninstalling and reinstalling

    Edit: I didn't read that last part about tapping the screen. Lemme try that.
  20. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Awesome dude! Can you mention the idea of completely removing impact grenades? They're not healthy for the gameplay at all.

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