The game is really a huge step up from mc3, all those effects are amazing on the iPad 4, but everything has jagged edges which makes me wonder if it is using retina, what does anybody else who is using an iPad 4 think?
So I played a few maps of the multiplayer a bit.. Here's some of the things I've noticed. .. The grenades are much better now, unlike in MC3 where, IMO, they were pretty pointless .. The game feels more 3 dimensional, as in, you don't just move on flat surfaces. Jumping over obstacles has been implemented in every place possible so movement isn't restricted. In one map I jumped over a railing and fell over and I'm guessing I was stunned because for a second, the screen blurred and everything slowed down. It's kinda cool .. You can't seem to choose the map if you want XP + credit. The first map I played was in the Custom Maps option (the others were Create your own map, and Ranked Map) and in custom map, you can choose between all the maps running (type of game, as well as the map itself). But in ranked, you just pick the type (FFA, Team Battle etc) and it puts you in a random map that's already in play. Weird .. There really are THOUSANDS of different customizations possible for weapons. you can seperately change scopes, muzzles, grips, magazine sizes, stocks or whatever. you aren't restricted to just 2 choices. .. Also, there's this cool feature where every gun can be viewed from any angle .. The game seems a little less fast paced compared to MC3. Maybe it's cuz it's new to everyone and we're all using basic weapons without sprint perks. Yeah, that's probably it, haha. Nevermind .. As it was mentioned previously, the colors do seem a bit washed out. In MC3, all the maps seemed, well, much brighter and richer in terms of color. These looked dull (I just played 3 maps so far, but still) .. I didn't get the whole kill streak system. I do remember getting a streak of 3 in one map but I didn't get my recon helo. When I checked my armory, I saw three slots under Military Support, but I had to buy them first. I didn't know if it was for a one time use or not, so I didn't buy (money's a bit low right now, haha) iPad 3 specific points .. The game runs without retina display AND without motion blur. .. The real time shadows are present, at least for the same team players. I haven't been able to check opponents' but I'm guessing it's there .. In terms of presentation, I still feel MC3 looks much better, at least on the iPad 3. Screens (they're a bit too big to be embedded) Looking to see some of you on the field!!
Does modern combat 4 have ps3 controller support ? Need to know before purchase for iPad 2 and android nexus 7
Thanks for the impressions. Overall looking very solid indeed. Glad to hear that the performance on older devices is playable.
Hey, if anyone has any ipad 2 reports...i would love to hear them So far, i'm a little disappointed in the hipfire accuracy, and it could easily be fixed by providing a wider cross hare. It is better than modern combat 3 (I couldn't imagine anyone getting a kill across the map with hip fire), but still not what i had hoped for. Hopefully they will fix it in an update:/ But, i think that the maps size will help keep down the exclusive hipfire only people But, i would really like to get to a point where you needed the ads almost always (like cod), except when with a grip. I really want some sort of communication between teammates! During the dev diaries, they kept talking about how they wanted it to be tactical, and you cant have strategy and such with no communication! i would be happy with the text chat that was in nova, at least you could plan an attack on a flag:/ Really happy about the maps....i love them, love them, love them!!!! Paradise looks like epicness, and cant wait to play on them!!!! But, I am still sadly missing a Nuketown-esque map. I'm not sure if it would even play that well in MC4, but dog days, the only other small map, looks too crowded for my taste:/ I't would be awesome if the MC team looked at the maps for cod, and really get inspired to do a simple little codish map But, other than that, i love the stuff they brought to the table in terms of maps. Now, i noticed a button in multiplayer with a airdrop symbol on it....does anyone know what this is??? cant wait!!!!! GL id is jman7997, fyi
Also, in ranked matches, there's a cool Vote for map option, eliminating the need for a host. It's a major time saver!!
Wait... You're asking for impressions, but you talk like you've already played it? Seriously though, how can you know just how much hip fire has been reduced or how good the maps are. Save the speculations and wait a few hours