Man, I'm so pumped. 2Gb is quite the file size but well worth it !! I deleted Mc3 for now. Just didn't have the heart to delete Mc2. Killjoy, JBruu, add me on GLL. User name FightingGI. Hope to see you on the battlefield ( and you too Rip)
about the controls, I played MC3 a bit, couldnt go online ever it would just say "connection lost". But anyway, I get that you use the left thumb for the stick and the right thumb for aiming, but how do you shoot while aiming? What I mean is...In the time it takes to move your right thumb from wherever you are aiming to the shoot button, the enemy will have moved already. It felt clunky to move my aiming thumb to the shoot button. Does any of that make sense and if so how do experienced players aim?
I agree with you, I feel the same way. I do feel the more I play though the better I get at it. If you hold the shoot button down and move your finger it will also move the camera too which kind of helps. I have seen some videos of people playing MC3 online and they are just so quick with moving their fingers around and watching it I was like man that really looks uncomfortable. A controller is 10 times better of course but I don't think that will ever happen on an Iphone or Ipad right from Apple.
N3 is notoriously unoptimized, anyway. SP drops to 20 fps at the lowest. Was your multitasking empty?
I have played lots of touchscreen FPS games, and you are right - it is virtually impossible to aim AND shoot at the same time. Having said that, it is not as bad as you think it is. Once you get accustomed to things, the time delay between aiming, shooting and back to aiming is *almost* negligible. Update: Sorry, most of the newer games allow you to shoot and slightly chage your aiming at the same time.
Er, you can shoot while doing a 360 turn if you want. Press fire then slide your finger around to aim. Up the sensitivity.
Bullspit. None of you seem to understand you are able to aim while holding down fire. Works just fine. Another, more precise option is turning on gyro scope. You aim with the accelerometer
Gawd...please if you must continue to tease us at least post impressions... No it isn't. Have you ever played a shooter on a touchscreen?
Sensitivity up. Hold finger on fire and move around. It's not rocket science and aiming and running at the same time is really easy. Easier than with a controller.
I always kill every app after I am done with it and reboot often. I might be wrong in saying it drops in single digits but its weird because it will go from what feels like 45-60 to to 15-20 so that is why it feels worse than it is I guess, but I can't stand how it screws up your aim. But like I said not the end of the world. I just hope it runs better than Asphalt 7 after the retina update, so disappointing because I love that game.
Yeah, after playing touchscreen FPS, the aiming part is better than a physical joystick, really. But then, when it comes to things like throwing grenade, reloading, switching weapons, rolling etc...this is where a controller is superior. You can do all those at once on a controller.
Yes, the framerate really dips around while playing campaign, but the extremes lowest is around 20, typically it's above 30. MP is another story. Very stable framerate, never, ever drops. N3 was also rushed to release, even GL admitted to that I believe. MC4 was delayed nearly a month, so I'm hoping that some polishing took place. Seeing as how it's their flagship game, I'd have a hard time imagining it not running smoothly on A6 devices.
All i can say its awesome. But it has bugs. Enemy AI can shoot throught wall. Invinsible enemy. So far those were the bugs i encounter. Total mission is 12. I will try to finish it without sleep tonight.
That's not so bad, nothing game breaking at least like NOVA 3 had. How's the enemy AI? Framerate? Dynamic objects throughout level, what's that like? Oh and thanks for your impressions.