What happened to killjoy this time? On another topic, lolavi pounded me hard. This _knife_ guy is good too
I can't... I don't... I quit. Hacker season now? I met two hackers in a row. Here it is recorded: http://youtu.be/y4HhUqrZon8
Looking back, I personally preferred MC3. For some reason I hardly ever ran into hackers, it was much easier to join a game, and I also really like the fact the all of the guns actually existed in real life.
Ditto. I stopped playing MC4 months ago. I still play MC3 occasionally (very occasionally). It's more fun. MC4 lost my interest fast.
Yeah I stopped playing Modern Combat 4 since the first update, the one that screwed up the retina for iPad users. I tried to get into a match, but compared to MC3 the gameplay feels sooo slow and it is almost impossible to get into a full lobby.
That's my biggest problem with MC4. It's slow. I have an extremely short attention span. MC4 does a toll on it. MC3 doesn't. MC4 is great but it bored me fast.
Completed the game. It was short but very great. A question though is there any new updates coming because I heard MC5 is gonna be released later this year? So should I delete it or keep it? Want to download Deus Ex!
Well to be honest the multiplayer is really where it's at in this game, and it's where the real challenge lies. Kep in mind that if you delete the game then you will also delete your campaign progress.
There won't be any more content updates to MC 4 other than iOS 7 compatibility and some bug fixes at the same time. MC5 is well on its way now, should be around late November/early December so the focus is on that now. That doesn't mean this one is forgotten just that the new content element would be focused on the next installment. As Paul said, multiplayer is where its at, join us there.
Th Is game is awesome. And I'll surely keep an eye on the next one! Right now I'm playing A8 so I'll try the multiplayer later!