Clueless newbie here, but how do I blank out technique selections? When just starting I'd prefer to give NO technique suggestions but once I've made a selection there is no way to blank it back out (so once I've given 2 technique suggestions there is no way to go back to 0 or 1 tecnique suggestion).
Less "clueless newbie" and more "pointing out something the devs never considered" . Short answer, you can't currently. Long answer, having techniques selected as options is basically always better as if they're used they'll impress the judges & fans more. Also, they increase the number of possible fight lines that can be used so increase the variety of lines you'll see in fights. Will add blanking them to the TODO list though. Thanks for pointing that out
Update 1.2 is out! Just letting everyone know that update 1.2 is out . It's a big update, lots of changes, tweaks and improvements. Main features: Sharing screenshots via the camera button. Fighter stats gradually decay down to 40, if they're not training in that discipline. Happy fighters train more effectively. Cross training now takes a little longer and only trains the specific Stat for that gym. Your corner gives advice between rounds. The Fighter's info screen now has more complete data. This includes their complete fight history (from this update). Also, the number of times they've failed PED tests or missed weight. Coach negotiations now only allow 2 attempts to recruit them. Also, coaches will never accept a pay cut. Training Dilemmas Changes: Giving your fighter the day off will mean they dont train this month. Gameplan Techniques are now explained better. On changing Leagues your Fighter's new Rank takes their old Rank into account. The end of the month will now always show your monthly finances and will show any fights booked for the coming month. Miscellaneous fight system improvements. Various bug fixes, including a very rare crash and a small issue where you could get stuck in the Objectives screen.
Do the techniques provide any bonuses besides judge flash and text variety? I was hoping that certain skills would make certain techniques better (Boxing improves Jab & uppercut etc.) or improves counters if the opponent used it too. I'm having fun, but I was hoping to affect things just a tiny bit more other than intensity and method which only part of the time seems to work. As a MMA fan on and off I get that sub specialists will get occasional KOs and vice versa, but it still feels a little too random. Certainly makes the X number of submission victories fighter goal more of a pipe dream when my guys get ground and pound TKOs and KOs instead of the tap. And yes, I do toss in two sub techs.
Skills don't make techniques better no, what they do do though is unlock better techniques. Every fighter has a basic range that are available to all, but the best techniques are ones that are unlocked by a fighter having a particular skill. Standard boxers can't pull off Electric Chair submissions for example. The skills also function as biasing/gating for action lines, making the submissions for example far more likely for Jiu Jitsu black belts or catch wrestlers by increasing the percentage of available lines that are based on their specialities. The other important thing impressive techniques do is affect fan popularity, the more popular your fighter the better the merchandising income they and you will make. When hunting for submissions, I tend to also consider in advance if an opponent is susceptible to them as early as when I'm booking the fight. Like real MMA though, we're in a way limited by the fact that fights start on the feet, so there's always going to be unavoidable striking exchanges that could potentially result in KOs.
Update 1.3 is out! Update 1.3 is out! It's mainly focussed on behind the scenes improvements and bug fixes but we've also added Game Center achievements that link up to your Gym Objectives and Interim Titles for when a Champ has vacated a belt ( through injury, retiral or suspension). If you've already completed an objective, it will be awarded the first time you launch the game.
MMA Manager Free out now! We've just released a new ad-supported version of MMA Manager if you were interested in taking a look but the price put you off. It's exactly the same game, but with some infrequent adverts before fights and every 3 game months. I've created a new thread for it HERE.