I thought it existed because (Quote from a PM from Arn) And yes, I understand it's intent. I just disagree with its use in this situation. I seldom break your rules here, so this fiasco over helping somebody else (something I enjoy doing since it is morally right) is absurd. I'm done discussing this now as it is a moot point, but I think I have made myself clear.
I think that it was kind of unnecessary, I mean a forum member asked, so although he may have "went around the rule" by saying there was a link in his sig, he was just saying that so the forum member could read it, it wasn't like he was implying "click the link in my sig NAO!!" He was just informing him that that was the easiest way to find it. And to go through the trouble of PMing the member just to provide a link that is already right in front of his/her face, seems, well, unnecessary. Sometimes I think the rules can be taken too far..but I think I'm the only one who shares that thought But yea don't worry about the infraction, they're meaningless, just a slap on the hand. But I guess it isn't so much about the infraction, its about the ethics of it all.
Infractions are not meaningless. Any member that causes too much trouble and keeps getting infractions will be banned.
No I know, I'm saying that once they expire, they can't be held against you anymore. My guess is, if you get multiple infractions before any of them expire, its grounds for a ban, or something along those lines.
It's how the system works. We may take time into consideration. But if you keep getting infractions, your obviously not listening to the warnings being given. What sense would it make if every ten days everyone gets a free chance at breaking the rules?
Well, it'd make sense to me..it makes less sense to be able to hold expired infractions against you. They're EXPIRED! Lol.
We could make them last for years.... But that's not the point. It's a tracking system so we can determine how many someone has etc...
Yea I get that..I just think its weird that expired infractions can be held against you. I have like 2..one for telling a member to kill himself after he made a fail thread..and another for my epic argument with Aaron about Macs lol