Just got pointed to this thread.. I never received a request not sure where the mail went? [email protected] is my email... I have a blog at RyanMitchellGames.Wordpress.com. I would always love the attention.. If you are not impressed by the game I would love to know where it is failing here. It does not need a front page article for that . I am doing all I can to make it the best I can and input is the only way to make that happen. Thanks for the time all. Back to work I am remaking the Arena now.. another late night in many. If there is a better RPG FPS I would also love to know.. as it would give me a target... Back to work all! -Ryan Here is a video of me making the game
For front page attention, it seems the website mods tend to "favor" or lean towards more casual friendly or mainstream games over the niche generation, but that's not true at all as clearly shown from Eli's post a couple days ago: Necromancer Rising with a BIG MENTION of "MISSION EUROPA" It wasn't an in-depth review, but DID garnish front page attention... Good post Doom, I also thank the mods of TA for this great site and making it possible for us all to be aware of EVERY incoming iOs game, good or bad. This site is my #1 go-to resource and I'd be lost without it.
Agreed, we do not have an argument, we can only make an observation. I hope this little misunderstanding can be put aside and hopefully we can all move on and re-establish a better communication from both parties, these things happen.
Wow..I should not post so late... thanks for the attention. I would love to send you guys promo codes so you can just check it out.. no need for a front pager with awesome forums here (Not that I would not take a front pager from TA ) PM me if interested ( I am running low on codes)
Still no review !!!! There is a lot to consider in this massive amazing game but it's been out a while now. +1 to TA getting a review out asap.
Trying to divert Mission Europa review debate from GOTY Q1 discussion... to this thread so he's my thought from the other location: Regarding Mission Europa, it's not for everyone but my humble opinion is the lack of coverage is surprising. Regardless of personal taste in gameplay mechanics or perceived popularity level I feel it's a significant iOS release and if Touch Arcade is to represent coverage of iOS game it should cover major properties (even if those reviews are bad). Also, I am disappointed by the implicating that Touch Arcade will avoid posting reviews of bad games (TOFTT).
@Jaden Right, they saw Forget-me-not and thought "OMG! This game looks unbelievable" and that's why it got reviewed and got 5 stars, makes sense.
I don't think the game even needs a review - it's gotten tons of attention on the forums and is how I first heard of it.
This game actually got the RPG GOTY award in Touchgen, beating Chaos Rings, Final Fantasy III, The Bard's Tale, etc.