Mission Europa Review?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by undeadcow, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    #1 undeadcow, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
    I demand to know why Mission Europa is not being reviewed by Touch Arcade... it seems like one of the most promising action RPGs on the device and maybe one of the most ambitious games yet. Surely it's worth at least a glance at the preview build. The developer seems forthcoming about offering preview builds. Come on Touch Arcade people!

    Link to discussion on Upcoming Games subforum.

    MICHAELSD Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    The developer is very dedicated and it looks to be a deep game. Maybe it seems deserving of at least a preview or a release article.
  3. thethinice

    thethinice Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    Cmon, the dev Ryan worked 1 1/2 years on this, he poured his heart and soul into it. It at least deserves that recognition.
  4. knighthalo123

    knighthalo123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2011
  5. The developer definitely deserves some recognition for Mission Europa given his active involvement in the game and TA thread IMO.
  6. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Well he's got some. Right here in the forum. If the game deserves recognition TA will catch it, they are aware of the popular forum threads and if the game maintains as much hype after release they'll probably mention it. I don't see what the big rush is, it's not even out and you're hankering for an article.
  7. Doom

    Doom Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Working for the man
    Northeastern California
    Please take the time to look at this amazing game...I have been playing it for at least 6 months..maybe 8 and each time it is a fun, fresh experience. Why would I subject myself to hundreds of days of something that I did not enjoy?
    Just give it a preview...really not anything like it..:)
    Thank you in advance!
  8. thethinice

    thethinice Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    We're talking about the preview builds as well.
  9. Doom

    Doom Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Working for the man
    Northeastern California
    *Copied from a post from touch arcade Ed in 2008*
    Join Date: Apr 2008
    Posts: 2,192
    Originally Posted by mjjw
    Do you have any criteria for which apps you feature / review or is it just based on which Apps you guys enjoy playing the most?
    There's no hard and fast rule.

    Here's how it goes.

    - Big name apps, like Spore or Star Wars will obviously get reviewed due to the interest surrounding it. These will probably push off other reviews or games.
    - We likely consider reviewing the more expensive games, even less well known because good or bad, the review can be helpful due to the cost.
    - We tend to also get a lot of the smaller/cheaper unknown games, but unless we actually like them, are unlikely to write up a review for it. It's usually not worth pointing out a cheap/unknown app just to say we didn't like it.
    - We also try to mix up genres. A puzzle game is going to be harder to get our attention because of the sheer number of them. Apps that are relatively new or alone in their genres tend to draw attention.
    - Apps that have looked interesting in preview and we've covered we'll generally review.
    - Developer submissions help narrow down apps a lot, and of course screenshots/videos help catch our eye too.
    - Of course, we tend to notice those that participate in the forums.
    - I really feel like we're a bit behind, in that it's been a busy week or two, so I'm very behind in the emailed submissions.

    And Blake has a retro fetish in case you haven't noticed, so those will get covered.


    - We tend to also get a lot of the smaller/cheaper unknown games, but unless we actually like them, are unlikely to write up a review for it. It's usually not worth pointing out a cheap/unknown app just to say we didn't like it.
    - We also try to mix up genres. A puzzle game is going to be harder to get our attention because of the sheer number of them. Apps that are relatively new or alone in their genres tend to draw attention.:)
    - Apps that have looked interesting in preview and we've covered we'll generally review.
    - Developer submissions help narrow down apps a lot, and of course screenshots/videos help catch our eye too.:)
    - Of course, we tend to notice those that participate in the forums. :)
    - I really feel like we're a bit behind, in that it's been a busy week or two, so I'm very behind in the emailed submissions.

    And Blake has a retro fetish in case you haven't noticed, so those will get covered.


    I think Mission Europa meets the above standards...... Do you?:)
  10. Hitch

    Hitch Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    The Lonely Island
    Dont be too demanding guys. ;) Mission Europa is pretty good, and I bet it will get covered. Ryan just needs to talk to Blake or Arn or Hodapp about it. He only talked to IMNSP if I remember correctly.

    If anyone writing for TA wants a preview build, email souldragoon/Ryan. He should be able to hook you up for a preview or review copy.

    Only major people working for TA though.
  11. medianotzu

    medianotzu Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    I am definitely hoping it gets some TA coverage. I'm sure it will though, because it's going to be amazing and TA has a pretty good record when it comes to covering good games. But I admit I was surprised that there was no apparently interest in the preview build. Perhaps it just didn't get to the right people.

    Anyway, I seem to remember Necromancer Rising getting some coverage on the front page when it came out, and if that's the case I can only assume Mission Europa will too.
  12. MrSpud

    MrSpud Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Custom finishing carpenter
    Wasaga beach, Ontario, Canada
    I just don't think TouchArcade really know what this game is about, it kills me to see all these cheesy puzzle games getting coverage but not this game. Oh well, things will change once the game is out, they can't catch all the good games before they're out the door. ImNoSuperMan said regarding this game that he "didn't like RPGs", I wonder how many people do here?!
  13. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Wow... feels good to know I can go home and relax tonight =O.... ;) hehehe good stuff! =-)
  14. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Relax, guys!

    I don't think spamming a thread like this is going to help any.

    Just keep the main game thread alive (and then the release thread once it's released) with game discussion.

    I know TA pays attention to games heavily discussed on the forums, and reviews good games. And this is going to be a good game. ;)

    You can also write detailed reviews in the review section, those get read by a lot of people as well. If real life gives me enough time to do so after the game is released, I'll try to do so. (Man, it's been a loooong time since I've written a proper review here! :eek:)
  15. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    I agree with all of the above
  16. Brazilian Rider

    Brazilian Rider Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2009
  17. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    #17 undeadcow, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011
    Mission Europa is now out and still no review or even casual front page mention? Fail!
  18. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    Did you guys checked the front page lately?
  19. MrSpud

    MrSpud Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Custom finishing carpenter
    Wasaga beach, Ontario, Canada
    Well, it is getting some attention now, the main thread has almost 400 posts in 24 hours! That's crazy! A review would be logical?! I just wish Ryan the best, he certainly deserves it.
  20. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    I see a headline about Necromancer Rising being free with a subline mention of Mission Europa. The information about Mission Europa within that context is a superficial editorial discussing graphics and price structure (not gameplay or content).

    I get that not everyone likes action RPGs but I still have illusions about unbiased respresentation of material to meet expectations of consumers. On one hand Mission Europa gets casual note in the subtext of a free game but on the other Aralon gets multiple front page features; both action RPGs. It makes it seem like Touch Arcade is less friendly to indie developers and/or not willing to spend the time reviewing more serious games. Maybe I've lost it and Mission Europa is just an odd niche title that would appeal to a select few but the buzz on the pre-release forum indicated otherwise and Touch Arcade seemed to point out the popularity of the game thread.

    At the end of the day it's their site, I just frequent it but there's my 2 cents. [Hides]

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