No one seems to know this answer but my speculation is that the quality of the item does not effect how well it functions but only effects resale value. Any other theories?
I reckon it means how much it's dmg is affected by it's state. Ie if the item was saintly it would have 115 more dmg. This is a guess btw.
This question may have been answered already but how many episodes does the standard edition have? It says the collector's edition has "all" of them. But im not sure how many are in it.
If you buy the standard edition you will have to purchase 4 episode blocks (there are actually 5 but the first block comes with the game). Each episode is about 10 levels (I'm poorly skilled but at 10 hours and to level 4 of block 1) so they're meaty.
My set of questions Hi all I guess I have a few questions to add to the mix so here we go... 1) Is there any penalty for dying (because it seems to happen quite a bit) 2) What do all of the different stats (Strength Agility Intelligence etc) do? 3) Also what do the different item mods do (Vampirism, Draining etc) 4) Is speccing for Melee a viable option (I put my first 3 points into strength so I think that I may have made a mistake)p 5) I have a weapon that says "next level dmg..." how do I level a weapon? 6) And how does one level skills? 7) is anyone having a hard time with the bosses also, all that seems to happen is that they end up getting into melee range with me and tooling me mercilessly...are there any techniques that people are having better luck with? well that's it for now, thanks much for making this wonderful game! it seems like Doom and Diablo (or just Borderlands )in your hand. The best game that I have on the iPhone yet... A true labor of love that I hope ends up being profitable for the developer...everyone should grab it up. Mike "BIGHEAD" holler at me for an arena game if anyone's interested
@MikeBigHead No penalty for dying, I don't think you level weapons, just skills. As for leveling skills, check first post. Bosses are hard but if you level up even one level, they become a lot easier. I'm not sure what all the stats mean but I'm working on it!
Regarding stats: Health strength 75% agility 25% ArmorMult strength 25% agility 75% Energy faith 75% int 25% BaseWeaponDamage strength 100% BaseRangedDamage agility 75% int 25% BaseSkillDamage int 75% faith 25% Attack Speed strength 75% faith 25% Cast Speed Mutl agil 75% faith 25% Health Regen strength 75% agility 25% Energy Regen int 75% faith 25% Crit Chance ( Lots of mods not mentioned ) agil 75% int 25% Speed Agility 75% Faith 25% Drain VampEnery 75% int 25% Vamp vamp 75% faith 25%
Thank Drelbs! I remember seeing that about two months ago, you must have really dug for it or it was re-explained, can't keep up with the main thread! Will add it up.
This is what I take away from it: Item A: Level 8 Rusted Titanium Helm Armor: 21.8 - Quality: Rusted (-110.0) Rarity: Common Item B: Level 8 Saintly Titanium Helm Armor: 45.0 - Quality: Saintly (80.0) Rarity: Common While both example items function the same and are the same level, I think the only factor quality plays is the Armor result.
Am i still the only one who doesn't understand what this means? What i believe it means is if you want to specialize in Health Regen strength 75% agility 25% you would put 3 skill points in strength for every 1 in agility. But then what does this mean Drain VampEnery 75% int 25%. wheres the 75% go to? Its really not clear to me what the stat points effect. I feel like I'm the only one not getting this. Also the quality thing is a bit confusing still. Otherwise one of the best iphone games of played in a while.
I do believe this is correct, but it might be easier to think of it a different way: Health Regen = (Strength * .75) + (Agility * .25) Meaning that your Health Regen score is derived 75% from Strength, 25% from Agility. As for VampEnergy, look for items that grant points in this.
Wow. thank u very much. everything just clicked. Those were the things in the stat menu and ahhh it all makes sense now. thank you! now off to properly place those stat points ive been saving.
You can change your name by going to the portal and entering a new name. And to get to the Main Menu go to the level teleporter by the house and go to level 0, thats the main menu.