Thanks guys, the items just came in. It still lets me set my name and password, although it's now clear that I'm definitely in the system. Maybe there should be a confirmation screen or something?
It says that for Jsrco as well but if I check my stats screen it shows up as my name fine. Ryan are we going to be able to migrate names to different devices? My ipad 2 comes in on Thursday ;p
your there a confirmation does show.. just the fact that you can change it should be said.. you can keep changing it to the same name Check your mail
Your name is registered into the system and linked with your UID device so no worries. It will say its still available but its not guys.
Ok, now that we got that straight...log in, set your name the game guys.....HOWISIT????????
Anyway to retrieve mail that you didn't actually get? Got the present mail, but it got stuck on the retrieving item part. Closed the game and relaunched it, but now it's just saying that I have no mail
Earlier for kicks I got on the areana with only the started rifle and bullet count but was immediately slaughtered (quicker than my last boss sneak peak). Areana seems to be working but I wonder if there's a way to equalize the online multiplayer so experienced players don't just overpower newbies (or maybe that's half the fun). Either way, I'm off to level up then cap some ass.
I'm level 4. Haven't decided how to distribute my stat pts. Testers or dev give a little insight on what each stat represents. IE str is pure melee. Perhaps a little clarity please. Thanks. Registered as Dahaka. Worked fine for me.
calad did you check your skills inventory? Let me grab the code and I will post the stat stuff and Maybe MrSpud can toss it in the FAQ
Health strength 75% agility 25% ArmorMult strength 25% agility 75% Energy faith 75% int 25% BaseWeaponDamage strength 100% BaseRangedDamage agility 75% int 25% BaseSkillDamage int 75% faith 25% Attack Speed strength 75% faith 25% Cast Speed Mutl agil 75% faith 25% Health Regen strength 75% agility 25% Energy Regen int 75% faith 25% Crit Chance ( Lots of mods not mentioned ) agil 75% int 25% Speed Agility 75% Faith 25% Drain VampEnery 75% int 25% Vamp vamp 75% faith 25% VAMP and DRAIN are the only way you will beat the last level 49 boss..
Since it's an early release exclusive (and I can't get to wifi) it might be cool to post a teaser pic of the summon.