Universal Mission Europa (by Bansheesoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    About weapons, if u want a good one than keep opening the store, if no chain gun there close the store and reopen it until a good one is there. Might take a while but some awesome guns will show up. And chainguns rock FYI but are expensive, mine at lvl 17 was over 40k
  2. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    I still love this game, but it does have some serious issues.

    - Alright the Death Kites are tough, fine, but why are they so hard to hit? I was standing on one of those light bridges and my shots just went right through one without damage. I had to burn through health potions and switch to a grenade launcher. This is a problem with many enemies too, and many of those enemies like to get right in your face where it is impossible to hit them with ranged weapons.

    - Having enemies spawn in the 'safe' area is really a dick move, especially when you get attacked in the safe house and have to struggle against the shop menu constantly opening just to hit these opponents.

    - Please, have it pause the game when quest, shop or inventory windows are open. It makes no sense that I can pause my game by bringing up the main window, yet quest windows that come up against your will simply leave you open to attack, and you can't manage your inventory under fire.

    - Not too bad of an issue considering there's no death penalty but, every now and then, I'll come across a "Flame ________" enemy that is hideously overpowered compared to anything on the level. My first encounter was after soundly thrashing a level 5 Reyem Neas only to be annihilated by a level 17 Flame Guardian. Why? Why would you do that? Even if I had pimped out gear that thing is ten levels higher, and even when one spawns at my level it still is more powerful than the level boss.

    - For all its hype, I have never found the Reyem Neas summon useful. You press the button and he shows up, SLOWLY charges a projectile and SLOWLY launch it forward. The result is either
    1. The enemy has already casually strolled past Reyem and the attack is wasted
    2. The projectile goes through the enemy doing no damage
    3. Reyem doesn't even summon facing the right direction, completely wasting the attack.
    If you're going to have a summon, why couldn't he be like a friendly NPC or at least AIM his attack, hell just make the attack fire instantly.

    If this is restricted to just special rare boss enemies/the last few levels then that's fine, but if this applies to random grunts on each level that is a horrible, horrible idea. Its bad enough I have to switch to a sword/grenade just because enemies randomly are impossible to hit with any projectile, legitimizing it and extending it to everything is just the most cruel thing you could do.

    It works in Resident Evil because enemies there are slow, can be knocked down and don't follow you past a door (load screen). It doesn't work here because enemies are fast, have ranged attacks, can only be slowed by certain skills and pursue you relentlessly. Ever since Resident Evil became action oriented, sneaking by enemies is no longer an option (see RE4/RE5).
  3. HarveyWins

    HarveyWins New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    I want a refund this game is bad.
  4. Drakeer Melkhor

    Drakeer Melkhor Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    The game is really cool actually, but it is not for everyone! :p
  5. silentcorp

    silentcorp Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Im sure I can power through it, but in the best interest of selling the game and keeping people interested in the game (ie not give up and tell their friends the game sucks) that he ahold change it.

    Not asking the bosses to be nerfed, just the kites that one shot me even though I'm four levels above them! Games should have a natural difficulty curve,games that don't often times get dumped to the way side.

    For the same reason I think Ryan should give all new players a decent pistol outta the starting gate. Two icky friends tried the game but the melee only options at the start prevented them from playing further. Never a good thing from a game design standpoint!
  6. Rylin

    Rylin Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    I honestly believe this game is more akin to "Diablo 2 FPS" if you had to convince your friends what the game is and more specifically its game play. It's loot driven with a fairly good story for those that read the dialogue that is given throughout the campaign.
  7. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Here's the list:

    strength 75%
    agility 25%

    strength 25%
    agility 75%

    faith 75%
    int 25%

    strength 100%

    agility 75%
    int 25%

    int 75%
    faith 25%

    Attack Speed
    strength 75%
    faith 25%

    Cast Speed Mutl
    agil 75%
    faith 25%

    Health Regen
    strength 75%
    agility 25%

    Energy Regen
    int 75%
    faith 25%

    Crit Chance ( Lots of mods not mentioned )
    agil 75%
    int 25%

    Agility 75%
    Faith 25%

    VampEnery 75%
    int 25%

    vamp 75%
    faith 25%
  8. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Well Harvey a more in depth description would be nice.. you are the first to give that impression after playing. Being more descriptive could help make it better...game is bad really does not help...
  9. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    #1569 SouL_DragooN, Mar 22, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
    Melee only? They start with a shotgun and a pistol? I am confused silent...

    By the way tweaking one of the over 300 bad guys is easy just name them... update 1 kites get a nerf.. ;)

    I will be on my blog if poeple need me. Day job now and I need to concentrate on the update.. ;)
  10. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Where can I send crash logs?

    And if we're still voting on gifts, I vote .5 Reyem .5 Doomsday ;) (They both rock!)
  11. strivemind

    strivemind Well-Known Member

    I was perfectly fine with the standard shotgun for the first few levels until I picked up something better.

    Too many people are treating this game like it should be played like a standard shooter. You can't just run into a room and start shooting. This is especially important in later levels when enemies start using more complex skills on you. You need a plan. And if that doesn't work, then try something different; there's no penalty for death.
  12. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Hey Ryan, I've been searching for some Bone Regis pauldrons to complete my Bone Regis armour set for two days now ! How come I can't get the pauldrons ?

    I want to turn this set saintly but I can't until i have the complete set !
  13. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Same here, yeah, about 85 deaths later I can safely say that charging into a room just doesn't cut it in this game:D Thats what I love about it.
  14. silentcorp

    silentcorp Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    #1574 silentcorp, Mar 22, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
    Sorry, I meant a pistol over the shotgun. I didn't even realize you get one when you start!

    Also, any idea on the hit detection for the kites? Bullets passing right through them is pretty frustrating. That and enemies shooting through walls (you can take advanatage of this yourself it seems so it's ok) but that can be very frustrating!

    Thanks for the game Ryan, I cant stop playing the thing!!! It's a damn shame TA seems to not want to review this one.
  15. medianotzu

    medianotzu Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    It's a hard game, there's no denying that.

    I think that those who are familiar already with Necromancer knew what we were getting into ;) God that game had some bosses that made me pull my hair out...but that's not to say there shouldn't be some balancing here and there after feedback, as Necro got the same treatment. I am glad to see an ongoing dialogue happening here, that's got me confident that the game's going to just keep getting better.

    I think I recall that Ryan originally was going to have permadeath in Necro in true roguelike fashion. Hahaha, that sure would have pissed people off. Imagine Mission Europa, for those who've not played Necro, with permadeath. This thread would be pretty interesting!

    Oh and I vote Doomsday also for the gift. ;)
  16. Drakeer Melkhor

    Drakeer Melkhor Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    The best comparison I could do it's with a PC game called "Hellgate London", the gameplay is really similar.
  17. DahakaJR

    DahakaJR Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    I drive trains, Locomotive Engineer.
    Pacific Northwest.
    Agree. I actually didn't mind that game. It was fun one time through.
  18. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    Area 51
    Does anyone want 2 free fire crossbows (lvl 8 and lvl 10)?
  19. silentcorp

    silentcorp Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    All of my skills say level 0 next to them, to raise that is it just a matter of finding a 1.0 skill drop? Or do they upgrade with use over time? Still trying to get past level 8 now....
  20. Drakeer Melkhor

    Drakeer Melkhor Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    I would like to know that too.

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