I like that schematics are for rare/unattainable armor that you have to really, really want. I guess it is silly to have L3 armor schematics when you'll level up faster than you can acquire material but for L10+ it makes sense to me. There are no hand-outs here (err... other than the developer's daily handouts). Mission Europa is out, and you're still going to school?!?
I will say that even without top notch graphics the game is more absorbing, atmospheric and "freaky" than dead space. My game name is "soggy" if you are in possession of surplus goods (anything is great, I'm level 3). Now, why did I start posting this comment. I have no real questions... Hmmm Ok how about this: are there any penalties for dying repeatedly? Besides having to return to the town. Also: what do the stats do? In this early stage I've noticed no change in my abilities.
Yeah the schematics really aren't that useful. By the time you have enough to make something, you're usually several levels higher than the item and you already have better gear. And it doesn't help at higher levels either, because they require all new material, like "small" or "medium" variety. I brought that up about 100 pages ago, thinking the massive requirements were some sort of glitch lol.
I think I'm doing somthing wrong because one of the earlier bosses can kill me in just 2 shots, and I'm having a hard time dieing just too many times. I'm missing something? EDIT: I finally killed him but I used like 25 life potions man...
It runs great. (I actually think it works best on the Touch 3G. ) Readon for that is it was the main device we were testing on during Beta. Ive only had minimal slowdown when blowing up about... 24 enemies and it hasn't been crashing much for me. Ryan- A couple issues you should fix. 1. Schematics taking too much materials. They really are way too high. 2. Weapons are worthless in the store. I had a saintly level 3 shotgun... Sold for 7 credits. A decrepit level 3 foot sold for 30 credits. Weapons should always be worth more than armor. You should slip those into the first update. Then, a storage box would be great.
I don't know about all that. More absorbing, yes, but dead space pretty much nailed the creepy atmosphere, and the freakiness. Well the jump factor at least. I might've called Mission Europa creepy 15 years ago, but not today.
For everybody requesting a storage box, keep in mind that you can use the material menu to put stuff in there as well. You can put anything anywhere, there is no restriction as to what goes where, I put my schematics with my material for example. Not quite a storage box but it helps a little.
on level where is dr. Sierra, after talk to her you always spawn in the middle of the map, so basically every time you want to take a quest you have to run to her room again. and there are some replica soldiers too, which can block the way.
OK... getting to the day job (Lord knows how anyone survives on app sales these days)... I will read and respond later today.. do not want to lose the day job ... I am about 50% complete with the rehash of the Arena code. See yall soon!
Home now I'm still sick I guess! My mom picked me up! EDIT: also ryan isn't it possible to trade collectors ed exclusive armors to standard edition? Or are they not programmed to be able to recieve it?
Does carrying a shield help with your defense even when you're not actually pressing the button to block?
the battles with bosses are annoying, their attacks are very different. sometimes the dmg is not that big but sometimes they need just one hit and they can hit through the walls too.
Pressing the block button basicaly negates whatever attacks it intercepts at the time. Shields do provide a significant armor boost. You can see their exact amounts in their description. It can make a big difference. For example, my total armor at the moment is 1700, with 600 of that coming from my shield.