Could someone answer my question i had earlier about the arena? when i tap join arena and it asks me to input my location it shows part of what i think is a world map in the top corner of the screen, if i tap anywhere it launches me into the queue for a match but i haven't battled anyone after being online for half a hour and the whole time it said i was "in line" for a match.
if no one is close enough to you it will wait.. there are only around 50 people that have registered so arena may take a while to warm up After you pick your location. when someone close joins it will connect you on the spot wherever you are.. (again BETA) as you can see it is hard with 50 and we had 3 dedicated testers really =) 10 that participated Doom: "Just trashed some guys in the Arena in #MissionEuropa .....Got a guy named bonk's head holy crap that is fun!!!"
That's how i thought it would work but i can't pick my location because 3/4 of the map is cut off and i'm left with eastern africa and that big ocean under asia...
Dark red ninja is killing the bosses he is about to hit the top 3 and be shown!
That would be the Malice machine I believe, just it's name, it doesn't mean anything. I know for a fact that you can register your name, it won't forget about you! Just check the website.
really you press once and it should zoom to that area.. then press again and that is your location.. I will have to look at that..
May want to add to the F.A.Q. that once you set your name it is yours until you change it.. And you will not show on the site until playing for more then 5 minutes playing that name
HEHEH Arena will get more interesting in a minute.. And if you post a review or such please let me know I can send you some presents to give away
Well after rebooting my device i see the whole map but its kinda small and in the top left corner. And i found a minor bug, if i pick crosshair number 7 when i come back to the app it changes from the white-T to a red dot but if i cycle back through crosshair #7 is a white T again.
I knew I shouldn't have watched the trailer... I really can't afford to be spending money right now but it looks so good! And that's saying something considering my usual negative reaction to FPS games with virtual thumbsticks on iOS
wat does the extra thing you get for registering do ingame? Plz dont let it be super awesome cuz i cant get money cuz i have no gas to get to a meijers or walmart to get a card until tomorrow after college.
Read the damn says to open up your skills menu and equip the teleport skill. Do it.
My syncing is going sooo slowly. Too many updates I should have installed earlier. Only 13min left! Gaaaah.
Hey Ryan, there's something wrong with the world map on my iPhone4, not what I remember, trying arena now!
If you lose your warp skill you can always get it again by walking to the levels teleporter.. The presents will fly more then just 10 min from now.. There will be a second of the same type tomorrow.. you can combine them then
found another bug, i joined a arena battle and nobody was there and i spawned inside a pillar thing and was stuck. i can post screen shots if you want.