Universal Mission Europa (by Bansheesoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Here was a message I received form anon I would like to see what players would respond as their views would be interesting to the ones on the side of the pool ;)

    "Congratulations on releasing Mission Europa! From what I can based on the forums people are really enjoying the game. I am having a hard time figuring out what the game is and the forum topic moves so fast that it is hard to keep up. Hopefully you can answer some of my questions!"

    "1. How would you describe the game exactly? It seems like it is a something like Deus Ex or System Shock? "

    --It is a VERY open ended game and system. There is no one direct path of combat. Most current games give you 4-5 weapons and let you run through a scripted event sequence. M.E. Gives you over 150 weapons and skills and lets you loose to explore as you wish and complete the main story arc in a randomly generated dugeon. The quests are laid out with a fully voiced intro and extro cut scene... SO much I would love to hear how others that have already put in 35 hours in 3 days since launch.

    "2. How does the save system work? "
    --There is a save button on one account that auto-saves also on entering and leaving zones.

    "3. I know you are passing out bonus items somehow, not exactly sure how that works, but what exactly is the multiplayer component? Do you need to sign up for an account to play the single player game? I never have time for multiplayer, but occasional item bonus would make me sign up. "
    --Bonus items have nothing to do with the mails =).. You just have to set a name so they can get to you. And presents are flowing every day for a week from launch.. then once a week following on a Friday..or special occasions..

    "4. How does the IAP work exactly. One of the items clearly seems like a way to get ahead for the impatient, however is the Saintly Armor the same thing? Could I get the Saintly Armor in the game normally? I'm not a big fan of IAP overall."
    --IAPs for collectors. Saintly converts your CURRENT armor all up to saintly.. IE you get some great stuff but is in terrible condition. It will upgrade it all.

    "5. How else can you convince me to buy the CE at $10? Personally I think it is a lot, as I have never paid more than $7 for a game app and this was when it was special introductory promotions when they were going up to $10 soon."

    --This is no 4 month project. This is a year and a half and a TON more depth then anything I have seen. Really I do not want people to purchase that feel like that is too much. I really want happy users. But for the price of a burger, fries, and a drink you can get one heck of an experience over one heck of a long time. (There are reasons for the price. This is not free for me servers cost money. Equipment costs money and I will never get the sales a major name would get at half the price. They can slap their name on a 15 minute game that took 2 months to make and score ;)... not a bad thing they have earned it... ) Me I would much rather have 1 9.99 app to play and fall into then 10 0.99 apps..
    I hope that helps!!! Let me know... times are a crazy right now...

    Not much time to answer so many PM questions so I though it might help others!

    I have to get back to the job that puts the food on the table! I will try to monitor as much as I can =)...Tonight I have a party to go blow some steam at but all Sat will be update patch..

    Thanks strive will look into them..
  2. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    No need to keep it anonymous, they were my questions! They spawned some more questions, that I also think might help people out. I would also love to see more views too, but everything about the game points to positive!! I do believe that the dev deserves $10, as the game is quite epic and the support has been phenomenal!!!

    Mods, any chance this could be made sticky on the first page as well as being here? Might really help people.
  3. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Aha! Now I know why it does that sometimes! (At one point I thought it was supposed to be showing me dead on the ground...)
  4. Kbcorwin

    Kbcorwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    God's buddy
    Seattle, Washington
    Lol, rubbing your death in your face... No good thing... Also, my ingame name is death... Lol ;)
  5. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    OSMIRAL - Setting the fashion world on fire! ;P

  6. Creepshow

    Creepshow Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Awesome! Are the head and wings both exclusive to CE?
    I want to look sexy like that and get all da ladies...
  7. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Lol. The armor is not exclusive but the head is. So far I'm absolutely loving my dual wield flame pistols!
  8. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
  9. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    I'm still really excited your going to use my care package idea! =) Btw what are you going to include in it today?
  10. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Oh sweet! I thought you could only get the heads, I'm so going for full Bone Aegis now!
  11. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    anybody wanna pvp?
  12. Creepshow

    Creepshow Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Demon Hide Armor. Eat people with your face in PVP!!!
    (Ok not really, but the armor makes me want to chomp people!)
  13. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Picked up the game and I've been quite busy, so I haven't had much time to sink into it beyond the first 30-40 minutes.


    1 - are any of the levels randomly generated?

    2 - is there a map? If so, how does one activate it?

    So far it looks good, and runs silky smooth on my 3gs. Looking forward to put some more time into it!
  14. #934 Haruhi, Mar 18, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
    Just picked up a level 8 COOLAIDSTYLECANNON: http://twitpic.com/4aqcds

    Gotta love the "Cool Aid." ;)
    1. I don't think so, but I think you may spawn at different points though.
    2. Yes. Go to Menu > Map.
  15. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    1 - Yes, the levels are composed of randomly placed together sections.

    2 - Yes, there's a map button in the menu - you can drag it around to where you like it after opening it, as well as zooming in/out.
  16. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    More answers to Serian:

    6. How exactly is the game tied into an account? It sounds like you have to have an account and possibly be online to play? I usually am online somewhere, but it would be nice to know if internet is required to play the single player portion (I only have an iPod).
    -No internet req. (just to set the name and play multi)

    7. It sounds like the main single player game is somewhat randomly generated. Does this mean that there is one huge randomly generated dungeon every time you play? Will it really take up to 70 hours to complete? That is quite epic! Do you always get all of the quests or are multiple play throughs required to see everything the game has to offer?
    -Multiplayer is meant to stretch the game immensely. Dungeons are random pieces put together and alter as you go. Usually a few new pieces per level sometimes more. Osmiral has 25 hours invested in just 3 days of release and is only on level 13 and he knows how to play!. The levels take longer to complete as you go (They grow in size and the number of enemies)

    8. Can you restart the single player game and retain some/all of your equipment? Would the game world be different then?
    - You could mail yourself reset and take the name =).. you twinker..of course items are limited to level...Your character is Static and stics with you for the net few months I expect you will be playing... you enter leave and play... once you leave a level it is reconfigured.

    9. Any chance of beefing up the graphics for those with Retina displays? How about a universal build, although it sounds like it might be pretty decent on an iPad already.
    - As most have said it really looks pretty good in retina. No plans on a graphics overhaul. This is not infinity blade in graphics but also not in the sort game either. Assets are stretched over 50 HOURS of varied game play. No to knock infinity blade I loved playing it for a day!.. it was very very pretty . I am the guy that just sat and looked around to admire the art!! The next game I am already overhauling the opengl to support ES 2.0 which is required for shaders. It comes down to focusing like a laser on a few art assets or spreading it out over more assets.. I choose more.. it fit this game better.
  17. Groggie

    Groggie Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    I'm hoping the care package has ballistic ammo, I'm almost out and I don't have enough credits to buy more :(

    Also, does anyone have an extra rifle? (ingame name: GROGGIE)
  18. Kbcorwin

    Kbcorwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    God's buddy
    Seattle, Washington
    Legendary relic bug?

    The legendary relic script popped up, and it said I looted a cool something, maybe a coolcannon, I didn’t have much time to see it, but when I looked in my inventory it wasn’t there!
  19. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    That would be a first..could be a skill OR a weapon check your inventory.. Some skills are legendary..
  20. thethinice

    thethinice Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    Ryan, you should make a contest, first person to finish the game wins a special in-game prize!! I'm pretty sure I won't even be close, but it would be interesting to see how much time it would take for a person to beat it.

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