no one's answered this yet-> how does agility and intelligence affect stats? and what on earth does "thirst" mean in the stats screen?
Trinket sent. Advice: Turn on Autoloot, play with the controls placement a bit, feel free to play around a bit - after all there is no penalty for dying... Take a good look at the stuff you find, especially skills! Try out skills when you get them, upgrade to stuff that is good/melt the rest. Once you get a shield, see if you can get the hang of blocking when you're about to be hit - you can dish out a good amount of damage with a good sword, playing with sword & shield like this to me has similar feeling to Infinity Blade, and you've got those fun skills to use as well! Try out guns too - everything works a little bit differently, this isn't your vanilla FPS...
But the App Store doesn't take cash or barter! How do I post to your blog? Should I just PM you here instead?
Ryan, when you get done at the day job, just go home and get some sleep. I think we can all wait an extra day for the update especially considering there aren't any game-breaking bugs. Go get some sleep brother, you deserve it!
PMs are fine.. anyone can post to the blog in the comments section.. its just to bad I could not get a forum the spammers wouldn't stay off of without serious moderation ;/ Thank you OJtitus I might make it just a setup night get the bugs straight and listed on the blog =).. I have to deliver presents at 9 CST.. then I might pass out =)
Loving this game so far! Well worth the wait. Great job Ryan! Name is CONFIDE. I've played for about 2 hours and can't wait to play it more!
Too few users only 350 or so right now and most will probably be single player only I plan on making a cool interface to show where people are waiting on a game... I think that way you know what your getting into =)..
Now if you only knew someone who's mature, responsible and dedicated. Somebody with a good judgement and.... Ok, I'm starting to sound like those sarcastic PS3 commercials! I'd be happy to delete all that crap for you, banned the spammer, flex my moderating muscle! Anyway, I'd be happy to help if needed, forums are fun!
A couple questions: Are ballistics affected by gravity, such as crossbow bolts? When do you get dual-wield, and is better than having a shield? Are you supposed to lose control of the camera when you fire? What do the background colors of the inventory items mean? (green, purple, yellow, red, etc.) Really enjoying the game! I didn't expect to like it so much, since I'm usually not a fan of games with even a hint of scariness. But the fact that enemies don't regenerate until you exit the level and most of the areas are linear really help! Plus, when the area is crowded, I just use doomsday or the "sky-l4z0r" thing. xD
Dahaka here, I have time. I'd be willing to help out as well. I'm a responsible 35 yo locomotive engineer. That forum would be easier to track the issues, IE separate threads and what not..
I've tried... One time on my iPod touch, the map gloriously appeared as it should have... So I've been picking where N. America should be, but I never get connected To anyone. I couldn't even get a local game started with two devices on my own wifi router at home.