LOL the parts were TRASHED along with my wooden table I was working on .. it shot out a 8" stream of acid fire and left a good gouge and burn... never doing that again.. Stude: Corners can get tricky BUT you might have been frozen if you see little spikes around your character and hear a freezing sound you have been slowed.. and you can get slowed over and over to a stop .. if they are firing blue bolts.. other then that not sure. The shotgun is a tricky gun it may look like you hit but it did not those rays are pretty close do dead on but are a micro meter different from the ray trace. and the fire comes FROM THE GUN.. not the camera cross hair so when you go into aim mode it is off the gun you are firing I like it a LOT more that way a lot more realistic =) Fire: Yes we only have around 350 or so players in all so far. And some will not ever play online. Along with the fact that Arena is still a work in progress (UPDATE 1 main focus stability and Arena). I am glad it is just the icing on the cake!.. I could not imagine trying to ship a multiplayer only game these days with so much competition...Hopefully we can win some more converts from the fences ..
Yeah, I found the facebook page eventually. You really need to set up a page that is not a personal account, that way people can just "like" it and not have to go through the friend request process. And you should have pics and video of your game, that and you should really change the Interested in Men detail, unless you're trying to get a boyfriend on the side and hey, I'm not one to judge.
ROFL LOL.. CRAP!.. I just know so little about facebook.. I had a personal site and found it sucking my life to answer everyone..
At least if you make a commercial facebook page then people can ask and answer each others questions without you needing to be so hands on.
Best strategy ever!!! if you dont want to waste mana on a boss and have a rifle and the aimming skill, then stand as far back as you can see him(they are usually in a hallway) and headshoot him. if your good enough and lucky enough and have enough passives, it will take only like 10 headshots. also i found it easier to find goodies and lvl up if you go to a higher lvl (like 9, 10 if you lvl 4, 5) if you do that same strategy on the monsters. Thats my daily tip of the day
Here's a winning pro-tip: when you come to a 4-way junction with lots o' finsters (I once knew a monster named finster) run up and slap a LVL 2+ turret as close the middle of the junction as possible, then run back and wait. Eventually it will also lure out things from waaaay down some of the branching corridors and nail them too. Then just walk around and loot. Some call it cowardly, I call it The Turret of Winning because I refuse to not plan better. For bosses, drop a turret and then haul ass in the opposite direction and await the winning.
Controls I left my review last night, I hope it helps to get the word out on this awesome game! Also, I was having trouble with the controls and it was really making the game a lot less fun for me. I was having a hard time aiming and firing consistently with my right thumb, I solved this by moving both the L and the R buttons to the left side. The L button is directly above the Left Thumb Stick and the R button is to the Right. It helps so much, I'm so glad the controls are customizable! My controls looks like this now, you guys should give it a try: (L) (LTS) (R) One small question, how do I buy ammo?
Is "Cash" on the Mission Europa site the same as credit in the game? I currently have 2567 credits in-game, but my page shows only 364 cash.
What is the quality number on the stats of items. In my image, I don't know which is the better item.
Just getting my feet wet after buying the Collector's Edition last. Tried registering a name (COHAGAN23) to get in on the free present action, but while the name registration reported success I see no indication that I now have a name and yet to receive any mails. Any advice would be appreciated. As I said, I am still getting my feet wet but what I have experienced so far has been pretty impressive... there's just so much to take in!
the second one is better because of the armour is 7.7 and trust me when i say this, you will need ALL the best armor you can get.
If you correctly registered your name online, then your name should be displayed at the top of your stats screen. P.S. COHagan as in Total Recall?