@laststandstan wants to know what marketing service you are using and wants some of the same! ;D Woooot!
He wasn't so bad. Dropped a turret on him and it smoked him and all his buddies and bumped me up a level. Now I have a nice Lvl. 2 Neas.
Was exploring the Neas level when I encountered a level 10 crimson something... And I was level 3. Obviously it didn't go so well
So I haven't received any gifts yet and I don't know if it has to do with the fact that I don't always have access to wifi. My username is the same as here.
1non: AWESOME STORY page 68 thanks I love the stories! Mdian: LOL Missionitus Europaza .. I need some of that I need sleep so I can start the update! Fireball926: Yes I will be doing a long stability test.. I do not have a ipod touch anymore I melted mine trying to change the battery( I will test with an old 3G ) 1nonya1: Server is a cheap godaddy server for the mail. I just cannot afford a more expensive one .. it might do that at times... Arashi541: Duel weild is a level 9 quest reward and drops there after I "think" 1nonya1: Reyem neas is the first summon I have been mailing. Each time you find and beat him you get a summon of his to combine AND he gets harder.. same as all summons.... Sean Meyers was a guy that worked with me on an old game that went bust called Horizons. ( I showed up late helping to save a sinking ship and we all were unable to right her ). Casey Robinson was the one that came up with the name reversal. I am not sure where he is now he was at EA for a while. Stude: he middle purple bar on top represents your XP.. If you have not watch the video tutorial it will REALLY help you =) ojtitus: The changes are very minor in the beggining for attributes and skill points do very little the armor will be your main focus. ( did not want to have people have bad point distro then be stuck.) I wanted them to be able to switch armor to change their character. I hated in wow how you had to grind up EACH class to play them..which I did 3 times and wish I had those days back.. argh..( was before IOS was out ) 1nonya: When reyem fires his energy bomb just dodge and do not be close to a wall where it can strike .. he really is not that bad... his minnions later are so numerous it will get hard.. now the Banshee.... not so easy... and he does a funny dance =P Haruhi: I pretty much flatlines my character so I could focus with armor what I wanted! OK I have to do some day job work to actually pay the bills =).. I will be answering questions all day. I hope the word gets out about this beyond touch arcade.. nothing like it out there!.... Tonight I will start the update I plan on including one of the suggested weapons from that thread =)..
Ryan, you really need to make a facebook page to help advertise your games. I tweeted and retweeted as you requested.
The only real LONG-TERM difference in the Collector's Edition is being axle to wear enemy armor/skins. The extra potions & starter weapons give you a head start, but can be earned. Having all levels unlocked at the beginning eventually will be meaningless if you play through the game. The main question is all that worth $3 to you? (i.e. Would you pay $3 so you can wear undead robot parts? ) Another way to think about it is if you're really really not sure, you're out only $4 if you buy the regular version and decide not to continue. I guess there is also the lite version of Necromancer Rising, but the UI is antiquated in that one, and it throws you into the middle of a late level - kind of a trial by fire that its better to build up to rather than be overwhelmed by everything so quickly...
so i just handed in the drill master quest and boom crash ipod laged a bit so im doing a hard reset... ugh taking forever!
Rylin, you dont mind if i use your lenghty review on ign mobile forums. I want to put this out more then it already is. EDIT: i did it. i knew you wouldnt mind because Its to promote the games.
No joke I melted it here look! There is a bansheesoft facebook page =) Thanks Domino I need all the help I can get with the word getting out.. Anwar79: Thanks! .. I am probably your age I loved the first system shock. .. It is hectic at first be sure to watch the tutorial video and if you have any questions I will be available when I am not sleeping =).. which is not much lately... Tips are to equip that shield as soon as you get it.. then use a LOT of strafing ... In the first level the floaters do the most damage so whack them first... strafe hit the sword wielders ... let me know!
Hi Ryan, I bought the Collectors Ed yesterday. Can't say I'm able to play it very well. Seems too chaotic to me and everything tends to kill me really easily. Maybe I'm just getting old... Anyways, just bought it coz it jogged my memory of the fun times I had with System Shock 1 way back when... I reckon thats good enough reason for the purchase. Best wishes and hope you keep improving the games. Regards,
The tutorial video did help, thanks. Any ideas why my guy got stuck after a ripper shot me on level 3? Was it a trap or glitch, cause i couldn't shoot it either until switching guns.