PLS keep the stories coming! .. I love it.. keeps me entertained while I watch people looking for help! The harbinger is much harder then the Hell Guard.. he has fire tentacles! The first several boss fights really I just melee at 90 degrees with a main weapon and pistol whip ...the REALLY bradcast their next attack... Ruby: Dripping springs vodka and rocks!... best vodka ever!.. won 2 awards its new and well priced!
Sure have i'm from Grand Rapids Rolling Rock and ME go great together Edit: Im lvl 5 farming lvl 3 playing melee and shooting fireballs at ppl
Is it ok I show up in Full tier 5 PVP full battle rattle? NOTE COULD USE SOME GOOD ITUNES REVIEWS .. GUY GAVE 3 STARS DUE TO SHOTGUN RECOIL! ;/ Ruby that was LOL.. awesome!
Heck, if it means I can get into a pvp battle, then fine! I've been leaving my iPod running to receive matches almost all day, and have only actually fought about 3 times. Maybe an expanded range, or alternate matching should be available if nothing connects?
strive: Yes Arena is beta .. we only had a few guys to try it with and ver local not world wide.. so that is the main focus after launch! Please toss the ideas out there .. the game will evolve =) Any good battle stories yet? random = different stories and emergent gameplay =)
Id like so see something where there is arena rooms you queue for one and once its filled up it launches kinda like a diablo type system where you see the rooms and the amount of ppl in queue and lvl. I imagine that takes dedicated systemswhere as this is p2p so im nut sure how it would work.
here's a story for you. i'm wandering around on floor 5 and i see a fire elemental lv5, so he chases me for like 5 min though the whole floor. i end up in a circle room and run circles around for like 20 min while doomsday and that reaper summon do their thing. took like 5 cycles to kill it. but finally i won. and got my well deserved 60 xp.. i only used 2 potions too, so it kind of worked out!
Ruby: Maybe two choice quick match that lets you roam until you find a quick match.. then one that lets you pick a battle among waiting people? but then they have to choose to wait... ?? What do you think? Mek: AWESOME.. you should add you were screaming like a little girl though.. helps the story =P hehe AWESOME!
Sure, I've had a few good fights already: A few different players tried spawning Reyem or Doomsday on me immediately. But if you're comfortable with how exactly those summons work, they're actually pretty easy to dodge. That left me an opening to come in from behind and slaughter them while they were watching the light show.
Yeah keep all the stories and feedback coming! I'm not a dev but I've read all 62 pages so far while I wait for my chance to play this thing.
AS designed Strive!.. good stuff huh? EVER see that in any online game? hehe that is the goal.. players have no idea how awesome the fights will get.. You will HAVE to pop invincibility later to survive a Knuckles attack.. then they are exposed you can pop you knuckles then chained and lay the smack down with three novas!.. not coaching but (do not forget mana shield it is huge!) MORE STORIES!
Wow, you can't do that in a Gameloft game.....don't care how pretty it is...scripted gameplay sucks when you have the freedom to run around screaming like a girl..... Oh yeah..guess what..remember the gifts you just got?..later in the game the bad guys will use those pretty summons too...on you.. watch out!!
i have a story....floor 4 have alot of monsters in a hallway, around 15-25. if you throw your doomsday out, summon and shoot the crossbow with the bombs at the end in the right spot it will fill the scrren with words and numbers. and suprisingly kept the framrate constant. after that, i spent 10 minuts looting lol.
SouL_DragooN, the fact you seem to love the game so much yourself just makes it sound even more fun. I think it's really important that people make the kind of games they want to play themselves and you've definitely put your heart into this. Plus reading all of your enthusiastic posts assures me that you're going to keep working on this game and making it as good as it can be. You get a lot of respect for that
So earlier I heard someone complaining that melee was underpowered.This is not SO!! My plan is 2 lvls str, 2 lvls int, 1lvl dex, rinse and repeat that way you got mega power skills and awesome melee dmg. Let me know what ya think. Edit: also keep that vitality skill lvl'dhigh
Just picked up collectors edition. I'm confused. Am I suppose to get something for buying it day 1? My mailbox is empty. ign: jackbower. And the 'mailbox checking for messages' window won't close. So I gotta drag it around o_o