I asked earlier after I queue for arena do i gotta hang around the base? Edit: haven't gotten one match prob cause im impationt and go kill stuff?
If you even knew how much fun this game was or the amount of work that was put into it not to say the amount of content it has (I mean goodness gracious your paying $1 for every 5 levels which pretty much means your paying $1 for 5 hours of gameplay). Anyway, trust me the additional items are not as powerful as people think, and being able to teleport anywhere other than to see was is to come is fairly pointless as you'll get owned really really fast if your not nearly the same level as the place your teleporting to.
Nope you can be anywhere in the game, and as soon as a match is ready you'll be teleported to the arena. I felt bad for some guy, because my first arena match I was level 2 and already had the doom turret and the other guy was level 1 and I don't think he really knew what he was doing, the poor guy never saw what hit him...
I will do my best to answer you Gabrien The price is very fair in real market terms. Here you have a game you will play far beyond the 3.00 game..LONG beyond. The collectors will stay where it is. You are not gimped in any way in buying standard. You just will not be able to wear the enemy skins really the other benefits wear off pretty quick as they should. The only people with negative comments have not played yet really.. 1.5 years of dev time is easily 10.00 but if you want to try it first and go through the IAP system then the 3.99 version is there. The race to the bottom has crashed every dev doing it. Thank goodness this is not my primary income as it is just impossible even though I put thousands of hours into this as did the testers =). Really it is up to the buyer. Do they want 10 0.99 apps or 1 app that is far more deep. Does that help? If not let me know =)..I am not here to convince you. I want people that buy to want a game like this!.. otherwise bad reviews.. So if anyone has questions please ask! 20 minutes until present drop! about to prep the present system!
It's called knowing your audience . I understand your point, but if you think about it, Ryan is under no pressure to lower the price of the collectors edition. Anybody who wants to buy the game at a lower price can already do so. Heck, he can always have a $.99 sale on the standard edition to boost his App Store rankings. The collector's edition can remain just that -- a version for people who have developed a strong appreciation for Ryan's work. Frankly, I bought the collector's edition because I have an appreciation for crazy ambitious projects -- I have little interest in all the other perks.
Keep trying to register my u/n as HBCUBED and it goes through and has me put in password but when I go back it still says name is available?
Reyem nease and doomsday in 10 minutes!\ hber goto the stats menu is your name there? then good BTW AWESOME!! ICHIGO!!! Kenpachi is where it is at though!
It is, awesome. Only played for an hour right now but VERY impressed. Having a ton of fun with the CE!!
Kenpachi is awesome but I remember one person beating his ass, hmmmmm who was that........oh yes the carrot top with resolve!!
You know what, Ryan? Guarantee me that the price of the collector's edition will "stay where it is." In fact, guarantee that it will stay where it is for just the next six months, no more. In fact, guarantee it to every other punter on these forums: if the price of the collector's edition is lowered within six months of release date, you'll refund (gift) everybody who purchased the game at full price, the difference. Are you willing to do that? Say "yes" and I will immediately download it.
dude thats totally illogical! thats like saying to microsoft oh i see your new xbox is 300 so if it drops in price are you willing to give everyone back the dropped money? dude seriosly think before you say
Why should he do that ? Your head is up your ass ! Your posts usually seem quite well thought out. I don't know why you've gone all antagonistic over this. If you miss out on playing this it's your loss. Why should Ryan guarantee anything to you ? He needs to do whatever it takes to make this pay. Glad everyone else seems to be loving this game.
Fireball for the MASSIVE message blast to that MMO check your box =).. again .. point it away from your face and towards what you want dead LEGO WIZ THE SAME!
lol i was going to say your first statement but im trying to watch my language on TA also can't wait for that doomsday turret!!