Universal Mission Europa (by Bansheesoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. And now for the bad news....the enemies go up in levels as you go up in levels. The really bad news? You'll die a lot more at higher levels.

    When I started tackling the 2nd pillar I was level 13 and the enemies were around level 20. Snipety-snipe-snipe goes the chain gun. Uppity-up-up goes my level.
    I'm level 30 and now they're level 39.

    And all the "pop-up" enemies that pop out of nowhere when you hit a switch or kill a boss are all now level 29 and 4-5 pop up right on top of me and pretty much one-hit kill me. Going Rambo with the level 30 chain gun doesn't help much either. Gotta get space and THEN Rambo 'em.

    The game itself is woefully unbalanced but it bounces back and forth from being good-for-you-rambo-junior to sucks-to-be-you-get-in-the-coffin-already so it's somewhat tolerable.
    And still no spelling errors fix?
  2. He worked on it for over a year and the game has some serious English issues in it as well which indicates one of two things: 1) lack of thorough testing and debugging or 2) all testers - including the programmer - are illiterate.
    Pick one.
  3. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    complete opposite for me... I've killed cinder furies 6 levels above me.. :p
  4. Levels and stats?
  5. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    #3845 Serian, May 15, 2011
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
    Thanks Will! You have seemed to fly through the game, I'm jealous. ;) Since good armor is actually pretty cheap at the moment, I am steadily growing in money. I have a hard time imagining having a million or more though.

    I should qualify my previous post and say that I am partially concerned about how these issues will look to other potential purchasers. I really think if Ryan spent a month playing the game from the beginning and addressed the problems as they come up it would help greatly (not a 24 hour day whole month, just after work and after other obligations). It is really hard to describe some of what happens and frustration from getting one shotted and beams going through walls really needs to be experienced. ;)

    I am also quite a supporter of this game and if I ever said (hypothetically, I never even hinted at this) that I did not get my $10 worth I would be lying. I think I am around 1200 minutes at the moment and will keep playing, but I fear that I will never see the end.

    As for strategies, the mini-boss that looks like flame is usually a lot easier if you melee him as he doesn't seem to shoot when you are close. The mini-boss that looks like shiny gold did not seem to be easier with melee and I think he shot me still. I am hoping now that I have found the phantasm mines I can start being a bit more devious. I'm glad that those recharge really quickly. I was a bit disappointed that eventually they self destruct though. I would still like to see their health toned down or getting better XP / loot from them.

    Overall the loot drops are disappointing unless I get a skill. I don't remember that last time I used a armor or weapons from a drop. For comparison, I seem to recall getting really useful items from boss kills in diablo 2.
  6. Juicebox_R

    Juicebox_R Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    What exactly does the Vitality skill do? When I press it nothing seems to happen.
  7. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    lol it's a passive :D
  8. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    idk when it was, but i've put all points into strength up to level 51.
  9. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    :p if i'm honest, i've neveer ever been one shotted through a wall, but I have been hit for half my health. and bosses still shoot you if you melee them... technically range is easier because you can dodge them. And what's this about phantasms? I've hardly ever used those :p used to use adrenal rush + those to clear out guys surrounding me on the lower levels. I really can't wait for future updates, hopefully it gets expanded somehow? or the 2 other pillars get easier.
  10. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    #3850 LucianOrb, May 15, 2011
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
    I'll have to disagree with you and side with LostLegend in the lack of testing thing.

    Ryan is one man with a "real" job and a family, how the hell in a huge game like this he would have enough time to test it properly? Maybe if the game was some casual fluffy cutie bird casual runner ;)

    Even major franchises developed by entire game companies (e.g., Fallout New Vegas, BGOTY - Bugged Game of the Year) release titles with lots of glitches and all sorts of error, how wouldn't a one-man-work like Mission Europa not have some issues?

    I think this is a wonderful game, possibly the one iOS game I spent more time playing, can't recommend it enough, but it evidently has issues. The bad English, unbalanced enemies, crashes, to name a few. Loving the game also means we should point its flaws so that Ryan can correct them if possible. We're unofficial testers of it :cool:
  11. Robotwars

    Robotwars Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    What a crybaby.
  12. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    My thoughts exactly! ME is a very deep, but accessible, game that is very hard to put down once it gets its hooks in you!
  13. Um, why is he a crybaby for stating fact?
    It's a great game, with a few issues. How does me/him saying that make us crybabies?
  14. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    So do gifts expire after a certain period of time?
  15. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    How about a dooms eye for a present sometime. I realized the sniper skill was that, so I would love to have more, as I think it does give more range per upgrade.

    Level 11 has become fun again, got some nice skills at least too. I am a little disappointed that when phantasm is upgraded it takes longer to recharge, but oh well. It is a nice one to use when up close to enemies too.
  16. Awesome_Sauce

    Awesome_Sauce Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    No they don't. They'll always stay in your mailbox waiting for you.
  17. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    I hope everything is alright with Ryan and family, he is usually a lot more active.
  18. Doom

    Doom Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Working for the man
    Northeastern California
    No, not a fanboy :) I consider Ryan a friend, although only met by phone..he appreciates all of your comments, good or bad... :) he is busy at the moment with real life...and sure he is checking in :) Thanks for your continued support of ME :D and don't hesitate to log into the arena some time :) I will see you there :)
  19. Doom

    Doom Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Working for the man
    Northeastern California
    Sent you a 1.5 Dooms Eye :)
  20. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    :eek: :D Thank you Doom!!!

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