Universal Mission Europa (by Bansheesoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    How about a Doom's Eye! I like to snipe. :)
  2. hamster787

    hamster787 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    the third summon level has level 51s in it is that intentional? i unlocked it at level like 20-25 now 32
  3. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Tomorrow The phantasm then friday a seal ;)...

    Remind me on the forum if I forget.. I am thinking every 2 days a present for a while =)...
  4. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Thanks Ryan!

    So, I'm on floor 8 and I am lvl 11. The difficulty ramped up rather steeply and I am getting one shotted a lot more than I would like. I just got a new helm, so I hope that will help, but the one hit kills really suck. I am also starting to use ManaShield, so maybe that will help. The DeathKites, which I have heard great things about, are often the culprit. Do I really need to grind more being 3 levels higher at this point than the floor?

    I'm not sure how someone would go all melee in this game as I have a great amount of trouble still being a sniper. I finally found a hitcher and chain gun, but both were pretty underpowered because they were decrepit. I am still tempted to try the chain out to see how it goes, but I do like my tachyon rifle for the splash damage.

    I have also tried to tackle the Reyem level for the second time and the enemies are no problem, but Reyem comes at me so quickly I barely have a chance to move. I think I almost got him last time, but then I died.

    Bug Report: I found another bug, which is actually the 2nd time I encountered it. I was attempting to disarm the alarm system in floor 8 and when I got to it the label was for an enemy (defiled I think) and I could not interact with it. This happened before on floor 2 or 3 when I had to find a scientist. Restarting the mission fixed the problem. My guess is that somehow the objects are not always getting set correctly during the level generation, which could even be a cause of some crashes, maybe an out of bounds array issue (if you are using arrays). It was a bit of a bummer as the alarm was so close to where I started the level.

    One other thing, how should I decide the best way to distribute my points into stats? I almost always go for agility as I like going faster and it seems like it might be a good stat overall to have high. How exactly do I make Vamp and Drain go up, since they seem important? They aren't directly increasable stats, so do I just have to try to get equipment that has them and increase Power (which I assume is actually Energy) and Int?

    Phew, thats a lot, hope I can get some good answers. :)
  5. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    yeah... it seems dumb that you unlock it when you're 20 levels lower... and the pillar after is only 10 levels higher.
  6. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    Firstly, Drain is slightly pointless... all it does is drain energy, however i am level 31 and have only ever ran out of energy once, and I have never used an energy potion.
    Secondly, I am all melee... every point is in melee... and I haven't needed to use a health potion in ~20 levels. The only times I die are when bosses use wraiths and knuckles etc., or when I get burned/poisoned or something for rapid 200's :c
    Thirdly, Chain gun is much better than your current rifle :d
    and Finally, vamp and drain are only acquired from arma/weaps... vamp is very useful, as it drains health from enemies when you damage them... its my main way for health regen, except for the heal spells. And If I were you, i'd put all ur points in agil so you get max range damage :p
  7. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Thanks Will! I will give the chain gun I got a shot (haha) and see if it is better than my rifle. The damage is about 60 points difference though, although I suppose if the rate of fire is higher I might be able to hit enough to make up the difference.

    Glad to know that melee is still a possibility. I enjoy sniping though, so will probably stick with that. I will continue to give my focus to agility and look for more vamp increases. I have never run out of energy either, not even close. Haven't used an energy potion also.
  8. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    Chain Gun destroys any rifle in the game, even if its damage is lower. Superfast shooting, precise as hell, largest clip, lightning fast bullets, very very long range (if you couple it with a Doom's Eye you can kill monsters miles away).

    Vampirism and Drain can only be obtained through equipment. Drain is nearly useless, forget about it, in the rare occasions you'll need to fill your mana bar an Energy Potion works better. Now, Vampirism is uber useful, pump it as much as you can, and it gets better in later levels.

    With the last updates melee guns became faster and higher damage, so they're doable now. Dual-wielding fast swords + high level vampirism = crazy fun + very hard to die.

    Hitcher is a good weapon but very imprecise, short range and its explosive effect takes longer than I was willing to accept. Coolaidstylecannon is similar but way better.

    Reyem Neas can kill you nearly instantly even if you're very high level, safest way to kill him is long-range sniping, or Doomsday-run-repeat tactic.

    I distributed (Level 51) nearly all my points into Agility (Speed, Ranged Damage) and Strength (Health, Melee Damage). Power and Intelligence are not nearly as useful.
  9. Doom

    Doom Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Working for the man
    Northeastern California
    If anyone wants to kick my ass, I am logging into the Arena now :)
    Glad to see some new faces here :)
    Ryan has been hard at work on a new game, while tweaking this one :) please check out his blog for info..your chance to make a game :D
  10. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    I asked in the trade topic, but since I didn't get any offers I thought I would ask here too. Does anyone have a chaingun that is in great condition the is lvl 9 - 12 or so range? I would be happy to take slightly higher as well, as I will eventually be a high enough lvl to use it!
  11. ikemike

    ikemike Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    I actually got my first chain gun at level 12. I'd advise taking the time to sift through the shop for a chain gun. It's actually pretty good right now, since any chain gun you get will be at your level (chain guns can't exist at a low level, I think). Believe me, the game got a lot easier for me once I got the chain gun. Only thing now is that I actually have to buy ammunition... xD
  12. Awesome_Sauce

    Awesome_Sauce Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    Hey Ryan got some skill bugs. Heal still doesn't seem to work for me, whether in battle on not. I've only gotten it to work twice. Also armor talent doesn't seem to do anything. My armor doesn't go up when I equip it. Another thing is that Chain doesn't increase it's percentage after level 2 (or at least in the description). Same thing with adrenal rush, but even at level 1 the description says the same percentage when you level it up. Just some minor things, but hope this helps in future updates!
  13. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Thanks mr Awesome Sauce =)..


  14. Would it be possible to fix some typos and grammar errors if I listed them?
  15. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Are there some presents going out tonight? :)

    I got the sticky bomb skill last night, still need to try it out. The dreaded lvl 9 has not been too difficult yet, I even took out the boss minion thing. I am staying far away and taking things out though, which could be part of the ease.

    Still no chaingun, have never seen one in the shop. Speaking of the shop, is there some way to make getting into it faster and the message a bit smaller, it starts to get annoying hearing the same thing every time.

    It would be nice to be able to combine small materials into larger ones. I am not finding enough small and medium materials to make anything. Some of the ones required I cannot even buy.
  16. Quick thing that may need fixing: you can only "compare" against your equipped right hand weapon and not your left.
  17. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    Ryan, when will the next update be coming out approximately? :)
  18. COHagan23

    COHagan23 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Really - Anyone else already get that one? Or not get it as the case is for me....
  19. COHagan23

    COHagan23 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    I know that has been brought up before and is already on Ryan's list to address.
  20. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    I think it is called Phantasm something. I'm not exactly sure what I got it for doing, could be taking out the floor 8 boss again (he's a pushover now), the lvl 10 minion in floor 9, or from the skill quest the Avatar gave me that also gave me dual wield. I'm looking forward to trying it, especially since I think some enemies are now using it on me, although it does little damage.

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