Universal Mission Europa (by Bansheesoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Sorry to hear about your father-in-law Ryan. I hope that he is doing better now! Now worries about how long it takes to get the presents, just was curious about what was going on.

    Finally starting to get some good weapons from drops! Armor is still coming from the shop though, although that is pretty good too. Why do swords (melee weapons) and shields resell for so little?
  2. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    I melt all of them :D

    Oh and is anyone feeling that skills don't drop often enough? Right now, some of my skills that I constantly used in lv 20 or so are bordering on the edge of obsolete (~lv 30), mainly because they are ALL below lv 3. I have grinded all kinds of bosses and monsters but I don't receive copies of the skills I use. From a pure RPG standpoint, this is rather inconvenient.
  3. COHagan23

    COHagan23 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Anecdotally it feels like they drop more frequently in the summon's levels (Reyem, Banshee, et cetera) and on the occasions when mobs spawn as soon as you enter 0037. I've been able to farm skills relatively successfully in those two ways. I agree though that you rarely get the skills you want/use most though. But random luck is random.
  4. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    I don't get a ton of skill drops, although I have upgraded a few to lvl 2 and I am only a lvl 7 character still. I would love to get a few more up higher though and I know that I am missing quite a few still as well.
  5. I stil seem to get very frequent crashes with no specific trigger despite updating... Hmm.
  6. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Do you happen to have any other apps running? I would get crashes when I accidentally left something open, but I don't think I have had one in a while when only ME is running.
  7. ikemike

    ikemike Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    #3767 ikemike, May 7, 2011
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
    You gotta get rid of the creation glitch where if you put if you put your entire stack of materials in the creation and press create it deletes all of your materials. All my 800 tiny crystals and 800 tiny steel just disappeared. To make things worse, I instinctively saved after doing it.

    Oh, and the shop doesn't offer tiny crystals to me anymore since I'm at level 12.

    D=< RAWR

    @awesome_sauce: I know, but I was multitasking and didn't think about it. =(
  8. Awesome_Sauce

    Awesome_Sauce Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    Ouch.....Yeah that's why your supposed to split it. That's why it has that button on the bottom
  9. ikemike

    ikemike Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    If somebody would be so kind, could they give me 200 tiny crystal and 200 tiny steel? I'll give you 100 of every other tiny material.

    Actually, I'm not even sure if it's even possible to send bulk materials over mail.
  10. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    yes this is constantly happening to me on my ipod 2g :D
  11. Nope, ME is the only open app on Ipod 3g, ios 4.1
  12. ikemike

    ikemike Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    Is there a way to have multiple save files?
  13. Awesome_Sauce

    Awesome_Sauce Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    not right now, but i believe that Ryan said that he plans to implement it in future update(s).
  14. ikemike

    ikemike Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    So the "enemies" in level 10 can be attacked with impunity? And they respawn every time you enter level 10?
  15. hamster787

    hamster787 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    until you complete the next quest yes ;)
  16. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    If there is any pattern you see I would love to hear it. That is one device I do not have anymore as mine caught on fire =)

    I should be around more tomorrow... the family issues are clearing up and the shock level is going down =)... I am going to see if I can get the mailbox fixed on my side now... ;)

    More later as I get time..
  17. iBHawk23

    iBHawk23 Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    IAP: Enemy armor

    I'd like to make a suggestion. I bought the Standard Edition because I'm cheap and wanted to pay as I go. I can purchase all the episodes, but I regret not getting the Collector's Edition for the doubled amount of armor. Considering I bought this game for a loot fest, that was a bad idea. Think you could allow it so that we pay a buck or two and get the same amount of armor the Collector's Edition gets?
  18. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    I like the idea.. let me put it in the schedule =)...

    BTW mailbox should be fixed so the presents can flow again... still testing though
  19. Gunlock

    Gunlock Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    After about 900 minutes I’m on level 12, the progress in this game is going quite slow, but that’s a good thing.
    I have some suggestions, and also I’d like to point out some flaws of the game, because all the good stuff about Mission Europa was already said in this loooong thread and I don’t want to repeat it all – brilliant game all the way.

    After updating iOS to 4.3.3 on my iPhone the crashing problem is almost gone. On iOS 4.1 the game was crashing regularly around every 20-30mins, almost every crash was when warping or getting a new quest from avatar. A couple of times I got a crash when trying to melt some stuff from my equipment. Now on 4.3.3 the game crashes like once per hour of gameplay, so with a good save system for me it’s acceptable. Every crash is caused by the same things - warping, talking to avatar, sometimes trying to melt things. Nevertheless they still happen from time to time, just wanted to point that out. (iPhone 3Gs, iOS 4.3.3, non-jailbroken, no apps running in the background, restarted the device after installing, Collectors Edition).

    There is a weird bug when I’m in the shop (inventory + shop windows are open) and when I try to compare some stuff from the shop with something I’m wearing (third window with equipment opened) sometimes in my armor slots the skills icons appear. Although when I press that skill icon the armor window appears properly (with stats etc.) Weird, but it happens from time to time. Nothing very serious, but hey, that’s why we are here to point and kill all the bugs for the next update :)

    I would like to suggest some changes in the way the map is displayed. It would be great to see something like in Diablo II with the map blended in some area of the screen, barely visible but still helpful to find your way through those levels.

    And there is nothing more refreshing like the feeling when like 15 enemies explode all together with one shot of my Hitcher. My heart goes BOOM BOOM ;D

    Well, now we all know that testing "flaming grasp" on your iDevice is a baaad thing... ;)
  20. Will011

    Will011 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
    #3780 Will011, May 9, 2011
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
    I also have a few suggestions...
    1) perhaps make the arena store shop prices a bit lower? with so few people in the arena, its impossible to get any of the items with the heads.
    2) make it obvious what the stats do, and what armour does. It took me a while to find out what the individual stats do, and only today did I realise armour increased your health, and i'm level 31.
    3) probably been said, but allow comparison between shop items and equipped items.
    4)Stop the bosses using spells like wraith... I died 3 times in a row in 1 shot to a boss 5 levels lower than me because he used that wraith spell straight away.
    5) Idk if I'm poisoned or something, but occasionally I start taking high rapid damage, which kills me in a few seconds, from the normal guys which are like 3-5 levels below me.
    6) Some skills don't say what they do... like Heaven's Ward, and seal of beast explosion.
    7) Dr Sierra tells me to gather ingredients for her to make me something, or tells me she has a gift for me, yet I get nothing except for the usual gold and ammo.
    8)Mailbox Glitch - Sometimes, even after waiting 5+ minutes, the mailbox still says checking for messages, and I cant close it or access anything else unless I reload the game.
    9) A place to store items? I have loads of good weapons that I want to keep and trade later, rather than sell for like 3k measly credits.

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