Awesome to hear about a gift (just purchased the game and was hoping to get one soon ). Ryan, you said you're working on next gen stuff? Devices or new games? I would love to see iPad support for this bad boy. I keep dying on the 2nd level boss, and it upsets me haha, I just gotta keep trying I guess. I've already died about 5 times from him...
Not sure..Whenever I get close to a keyboard tonight =).. YES SET YOUR NAME BY THE RED PORTAL OR YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE =)
So therefore do it nowish when it is late for us and midday for you, so everyone can get one, not just you. Or, if it is something which you only need our usernames for, then mine is diffusion8r If you do it at like 3am over here.
You just need to have set your username online at the red portal - then you can receive mail anytime. Just check your mailbox in-game.
Can they all be gotten in the game though. The summon you get in the free version I haven't got in the CE yet...
Bah, I'm still on Level 8 and still dying from the first enemy. I've got a good armor and a good shield. Do I need to go back to Level 7 and grind around for some extra levels? D:
Sorry missed the question my roots before advices were in modern consoles and shader programming. Thus the next game Will drop support for non OpenGL es 2.0 devices so I can deliver the only thing that sells...... Graphics ... There is a wiki listed on my blog read it and toss Some input I to the blog!
Yes all summon you win in game.. Are you using a shield 60% of your armor Comes from it? Are you sure all armor is up to level and bonus equipment. Are you using the right tactics per type of enemy? Are you using your skills... Doomsday etc
ok. It seriously IS a bug. I went to the Level 40 sierra like you told me but when i go there it tells me to go see the Level 10 sierra. I went to the Level 10 sierra and SHE WON"T TALK TO ME!!!! You want me to post pictures?
I had this happen to me once when I accidentally sold a boss head to the vending machine before I turned in a quest. Could it be that it is something like this happening? I had to reset my quest and do it over to turn in the head. Just wondering if possibly your issue is something like that. The only times I've had problems with quests are when something like this happens.
Getting a gift isn't going to make or break the game. I was basically saying that time is irrelevant. What is one day ?
The way it sounds like, it seems that you'll be able to get the gift as long as your set your name before the gift is given out, so presumably time zones shouldn't matter.