Universal Mission Europa (by Bansheesoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    RYAN! how bout you add animals or pets as equipment! Or a tier 5 arena award!
  2. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    In the old days of gaming you had to learn the hard way by playing. Although this demand commitment the pay-off is better. The more you struggle to achieve the knowledge the higher the sense of achievement.

    Also more experienced players learn which skills to use in a given situation and this progression of understanding will make the arena an exciting and evolving place as people gain a greater understanding and update their tactics.

    As I understand it though the stats only account for 10% difference over the course of the game and weapons and armour have much greater effect.

    I guess str/dex/int etc are the usual meanings Ie more mana for int, greater health for constitution etc. Why would it be any different ?

    I have distributed points fairly evenly for the first playthrough.

    I'm going to create a specialised build for my second once I know what I want to build.
  3. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Aww the summons feel no love ;)
  4. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    I want a pet Doomsday! :D
  5. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    A pet is very doable I will add it to the requests ;)
  6. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    Can Meinz leik 2 sh0otz F1r3b4llz?/?:D:p haha
  7. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    If anything before getting too ambitious with animals and summons more simple weapon variety might be nice.

    - Knuckles: Fists a la Doom or Hand energy crackles like Hexen (alternatively kung fu kicking foot of doom might be funnier).
    - Chainsaw: I know it's totally out of place but chainsaw carnage is a must.
    - Beam Gum: It might be cool to have a laser beam gun similar to Star Trek phasers.
    - Obscene massive energy weapon: A comically over the top gun that fires a ball of energy destruction (like The Hitcher but with more obnoxiously large effects). Even consider a Super Mario Bro style super large bullet torpedo.
    - Energy prod: A cow prod style jabbing instrument.
    - Ninja stars: How are these not already included (consider sci-fi enhancements).
    - Words: Being able to shoot verbal gestures towards villians (maybe this is too madcap).
    - Lunar Werewolf: Ability to transform into a gnashing clawing/biting ball of fury for a limited time. Maybe this ability could result from being attacked by a specific type of new enemy.
    - Scepters: Scepters are under-rated instruments of destruction, why are these not used more by developers?
    - Enemy hurl: Ability to pick up and hurl enemies at each other (either physically like Incredible Hulk or Star Wars jedi style).

    Consider also the ability to select between different player classes - on one hand there's the standards: Knight, Mage, Rogue, etc but you could get creative: Ninja/Monk, Engineer, Robot, etc.

    If you insist on adding summons/pets, can you add an Undeadcow bovine summon (in lieu of a secret cow level)?

    Either way, thanks for consideration.
  8. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    I agree with fireball in wanting a top tier arena weapon
  9. eusti

    eusti Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010

    Yes, we saw that table. But to me it doesn't make any sense, because there seems to be no "faith" involved in any item nor the stats... Could that be power? As well: How can Vamp be vamp + something??? I'm not that strong in maths, but that seems to be like x=x+y... Which is at least confusing, no?

  10. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    #2830 LucianOrb, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
    Sorry but it doesn't help, Ryan. We know that table already. Problem is, where's Energy and Power? I'm supposing Energy=Faith, but, if that's so, what's Power supposed to mean? VampEnery?
  11. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    #2831 SouL_DragooN, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
    Here is the math how the stats work....

    faith = power typo from necro.. need to fix that

    BuildStatAction( pUnit,
    float statPercentageA = statBoostA * 0.003f;
    float statPercentageB = statBoostB * 0.003f;
    float statAddA = lowestLevel + highestLevel * (statPercentageA);
    float statAddB = lowestLevel + highestLevel * (statPercentageB);
    float totalPoints = statAddA * multA + statAddB * multB;
    return totalPoints;

    So take the stats involved and if it is 75% str then statA * 0.003f is N

    Lowest level is irrelevant as it is always added. Then you have the at the highest level you will have X * N points ... thus there is your number + doing the same for the 25% increase... the multA and multB are there as tweaks for gameplay and are stat dependent knobs for me to turn in order to quickly adjust the input power...

    (I would have to look where I have the "knobs" set for most of these for more information)

    Energy = Energy you have
    faith 75%
    int 25%

    BaseWeaponDamage - Base additional weapon damage multiplier
    strength 100%

    BaseRangedDamage - Increase ranged weapon damage.
    agility 75%
    int 25%

    BaseSkillDamage - Increase ability damage
    int 75%
    faith 25%

    Attack Speed - decrease the attack speed...(this is minimal and I would not really shoot for this one consider it a fringe benefit)
    strength 75%
    faith 25%

    Cast Speed Mutl - Same as above..
    agil 75%
    faith 25%

    Health Regen - how fast you regenerate health
    strength 75%
    agility 25%

    Energy Regen - how fast you regenerate energy
    int 75%
    faith 25%

    Speed - how fast you walk
    Agility 75%
    Faith 25%

    Drain - drains energy
    VampEnery 75%
    int 25%

    Vamp - drains health from the enemy (I would have to look where I have the "knobs" set.. I know later in the game this puppy is very significant)
    vamp 75%
    faith 25%

    Is that it? ;)
  12. Attica

    Attica Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    WOOT!!!! Found a lvl ten coolaidcannon.:D:)
  13. Pete the Geek

    Pete the Geek Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2010
    Math Teacher
    North-Western Ontario
    Is anyone planning to start a new character when the update comes out? :D

    BTW Ryan, I don't want a pet in ME, but I think a coop play mode would be awesome! :cool: How about the ability to resurrect some minions and have them tag along as helpers. :eek:
  14. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    oooo I like added.. Coop would be difficult but is there on the list as a future issue =)
  15. FlowRidah

    FlowRidah Active Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    When it says like 75% does that mean that the skill point you put up goes 75% into that/those attribute?
  16. Kbcorwin

    Kbcorwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    God's buddy
    Seattle, Washington
    Sort of, that attribute is 75 percent affected by that skill, so if you had 20 points in strength and 5 points in agility, than the skill would be 75 percent affected by the twenty, so if it was a basic damage equation it would be like .75x+.25z=y so yeah, I guess so...
  17. WTF? Where? What level?
  18. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    I'm not sure if I should ask this here but anyway, here's the deal: I (finally) got (another) iTune gift card and have decided to buy the game. A few questions:

    1. 2X armor sets - the enemy armor sets are just 'exclusive armor sets' in addition to the 15 that you can have right? Are there any benefits (stat wise)?

    2. Epic sword + saintly armor - by how much will these decrease the difficulty for new players?

    3. Will (health) potions be purchasable? I heard a few players complaining. Not to mention some players requiring 'potion spam' for bosses.

    4. Is the enemy shooting through walls problem fixed in the new update?
    (did not follow this thread fully)

    5. Doomsday turret - em, I kinda want that... will it be mailed ever again? Or can it be acquired in-game?

    6. What are the 'Saintly Armor U...' & 'Treasure Trove' IAP?

    Will purchase & promote game to the point of harassing friends to buy this game when I'm satisfied with the responses.
  19. strivemind

    strivemind Well-Known Member

    1. Differences are mostly cosmetic, as all items can have random stat bonuses. I think more armor will drop in general from monsters, but I'm not sure.

    2. It helps, but really isn't necessary. You'll probably switch in to newly found armor in weapons in a level or two anyways.

    3. You can buy health potions in game, and they also drop from monsters. I've personally never ran out.

    4. This isn't a bug. Some special skills are designed to pass through walls (think spectral), nor does it break the game... you just have to rethink your strategy a bit.

    5. Doomsday turrets drop in game. I've picked up several already.

    6. Increases all of your current armor to saintly level. This basically just gives you more defense. Or you can spam open the shop, and hope some saintly items appear.
  20. nicoga3000

    nicoga3000 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    Structural Engineer
    Indianapolis, IN
    Honestly, the CE is definitely worth it - you get all the episodes and start off with a really great skill + loads of health pots. The one thing you need to watch for is the random crash bug that still plagues the gameplay. Apparently update 1 will fix this, but until then, save often. :p

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