Universal Mission Europa (by Bansheesoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Simple. My first console was a brand-new Pong console.
    The first computer virus hadn't even been written yet when I got my first computer.

    I think I've figured out why the morons are whining about this game: the controls are too cluttered.
    They're used to iOS games with a movement "wheel", fire button or two, and a couple of blocks to hold various weapons they can change to. This frees up much of the screen to look around in.
    Now, when you look at ME, it seems that the entire outside edge of the main screen is nothing but button shortcuts, wheel, fire buttons, and a giant MENU button at the top.
    So yeah, nerfing some of the bigger enemies in the first 20 levels and trimming the button shortcuts down from TEN to maybe a more manageable 3 or 4 would open the screen area up a bit more and make the game easier for those that are n00balicious to get into so that once they're in, they're hooked on the crack that is Mission Europa.

    Also, having weak enemies from levels 1-8 then slamming the players on level 9 with super-hopped-up enemies tends to make the game unbalanced. Need to start making the difficulty increase with each level so that by the time the player reaches level 9 they actually are ready to take it on and beat it without dying about 50 times. Make each progressive level enemy stronger than the last level by about 2% to 5% (whatever) but make sure that the player's character is leveling up as well so that they are at least 2%-5% stronger than the enemies they are currently facing. That way it doesn't seem too much like the PCs are getting slammed however it's not a cake-walk to the players either.

    And fix the whole "shooting through walls" aspect. While it's great being able to snipe with a .38 handgun out from one side of a room to the other side of the adjoining room, it's kind of cheating when you're nailing them through walls - especially when they're shooting back en masse. Walls are supposed to serve a purpose - that is, stopping rounds. Make a special lvl 40+ "shoot through walls" weapon or something similar to add further incentive to rank up high in the game.

    And figure out a way to turn just the voices off while leaving the rest of the sounds on. The same damnable voices saying the same nonsense gibberish over and over again when you're walking around a level gets real *&$#@&# old quickly.
  2. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    Ballistic chain guns still are good but only in your right hand when dual wielding. But yeah spikers are better cuz the bullets work like an air and spread to other mobs. I have both and use both. When fighting bosses I use ballistic chain cuz it fires faster.
  3. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    I wish there was co-op cuz even with full best armor u can get and lvl 51, I still can't beat last 2 special summon dungeons. And co-op would rock especially with friendly fire on. But would need to have at least one respawn point that u can use once.
  4. nicoga3000

    nicoga3000 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    Structural Engineer
    Indianapolis, IN
    So far, I'm enjoying the game. My problem is that the controls feel a bit rough on the iPad. Maybe it's just me, but it is taking a LOT of getting used to. Also, I'm still trying to get a feel for the stats. I've put one point in strength so far, but then put a freeze on my points because I don't want to "mess up" my character, ha.
  5. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Wasteland! I did the same.. I loved it... All text for action with simple graphics..
    Some Dude went full auto with a pulse rifle and blew some dude into a blood sausage... or something like that.. fun stuff..

    Guys you can customize controls in the options menu and setup however you want.. (do any other games do that? Just curious there are so many now)

    Yes mana shield is a must it really doubles your hp basically.
  6. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Hehe, not as bad as the "Ice cream! Ice Cream!" from Speedball 2 Evolution. ;)

    I do miss "Master commands us!" from NM though.

    I like the voiceovers, so I'd vote for removing them being an option if you went that route and/or just turning down the frequency of them.
  7. eusti

    eusti Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
    Ryan, can we please get the skills double checked... In the description for the HEAL skill goes up in specs, but when I use it (now at level 2.0) it actually produces less of a result...

    And please, can we get a proper explanation of the skills in a way that is easily readable?

    Thank you!

  8. eusti

    eusti Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
    And the crashes really can suck! I usually just save a lot, but this time I just defeated EVIL ESSENCE (quest 95) and then the game crashed... Went to a loading screen and never came out of it! :p

  9. FlowRidah

    FlowRidah Active Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    Ive put 8 hours into this game and only just turned level 6. There is so much depth and gameplay to this game it's ridiculous. :D

    Request: Ryan, could you make it to where we can cycle through our icons while moving? Right now, you can only do it while you're standing still. In many cases, I'll be fighting a boss and I'll need to switch through the icons to get to my active skills. But in order to do this, I I've to stand still which allows the boss to attack me.
  10. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    FlowRidah: Really? that would be a bug.. so you cannot flip the skills by pressing the flip button?.. that stops you?

    eusti: Stability a lot better in Update 1 I expect Update 2 will be the hopefully finish to those issues.. (just so much code in this fledgling engine)
    There are so many skills each one acts differently so please post if you see something weird!..Heal now on the list

    drelbs: Will put on list but must admit with the stability still there for update (much better in Update 1) it will be low priority =)

    nicoga3000: You character points are only 10% of your stats dist. Your gear is what matters the most .. (I did not want to screw the player with mistakes in the past.)

    adamphetamine: Who knows in the future.. depends on sales.. if they get stronger we could do anything.. if not sounds like a good side game to release seperately (as it would take a lot more dev time)

    1nonya1: Controls can be placed anywhere.. if you do not like the multiple buttons move them off the screen to the top and be sure they are clear firt =)..... Art assets are the walls issue.. Just need to adjust them (botom of list righ tnow sadly)...If you get me a list of recoils and percentages to reduce it is easy to do.. per weapon. =-)
  11. I've already done that, I'm just pointing out something that reviewers/new folks might be seeing.

    As for the weapons, yeah, right....not until after Update 1 is released, maybe not even until after Update 2 which will allow me to transfer my save game to my shiny brand-new iPad 2 which is currently absorbing my time.
  12. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    Bah... I may order mine soon.. argh... 750 bucks.. owach.. I really do not want the 3G one but am thinking about it as I might need it for Dev some day.....Next game I will have a iPad for sure to make a universal app... (there was no such animal a year and a half ago.. hell there was no iPad when I started really =P)
  13. Serian

    Serian Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Bah, excuses, excuses! You should have foreseen the iPad birth and its rise to eminence!!

    I don't really see the appeal of the 3G iPad personally. There are very few times when I am not in a wireless area. I also don't want to deal with the plans currently offered. My wife got the wireless version 2g and it is awesome. I hope to get one too after I teach in the summer.

    I'm guessing the second update is going to have a cloud save system? I hope this does not mean that if I am not connected I will not be able to play though.
  14. FlowRidah

    FlowRidah Active Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    No, you cannot press the flip button for the skills while moving. Atleast I can't... :eek:
  15. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    will it include support for the iChair 2?:D haha
  16. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    I remember when you started ! I was nothing but a young lad, scraping a living in the British industrial revolution ! I would come back from the mill and gaze wonder-eyed at the screen shots ! Ah ! ... The Beatles and the Stones !

    The years and the tears !
  17. Ah, my iPad...
    It's come in handy for me on the road being able to remote into various SuSe and Windows servers to troubleshoot and repair issues.
    Right now I've got my iPhone 4 (factory unlocked, bought in Kuwait), iPad 2 64GB 3G, iPhone 3GS jailbroken/unlocked, and iPod Touch 4G 64GB (replaced dying 3rd Gen iPod clickwheel).

    My other two first-gen iPads (64GB 3G & 16GB wifi) have already been wiped and shipped back stateside to my brother-in-law and my father for their use.
    Next year when I get my BMW R1200 GSA and decide to take a year or two off from life in general just to do a grand North American motorcycle tour I'll just be carrying my iPad 2, iPhone 4, and Macbook Air 13" - will probably only use the MBA when staying in a hotel, which will probably be once a week.

    Let me know if you need another tester for a future update.

    Anyway, shouldn't you be able to just slap in some sort of prefs setting in a PLIST file somewhere that will adjust the resolution to that of the iPad without having to do a crapload of code changes?
  18. #2778 1nonya1, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011
    Damn, I hope so. I need a new chair too...

    And how is it I have over 200,000 in credits/cash but none of the achievements for it?
    Is the cash achievement code checking the actual amount given in the store/stats and updating achievements based upon it or is it just checking it after looting?
    What's the cash achievement trigger(s)?
  19. SouL_DragooN

    SouL_DragooN Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Architecture for money Games for Fun
    Mansfield Texas
    #2779 SouL_DragooN, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011
    Serian: The only reason i would go 3G is to test features for a app I might make.. but yea the price would not be worth it to most...

    FlowRidah: Thanks added to the list..

    bigred447uk: Rofl.. brings to mind the old apple commercial 1984!!!

    1nonya1: Might be a bug there...(cash) others are way beyond that.. added..A bike trip would awesome.. I just need a bike (and permission from the parole officer ..my wonderful wife ;) ) like 50% of my local friends... ;)

    And I will need the iWalker 3.0.. I think..
  20. COHagan23

    COHagan23 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Anecdotal observation leads me to believe that the achievements only count the gold you pick up from drops and doesn't count gold received for selling things. I've never purchased materials from the store but it wouldn't surprise me if only looted materials counted towards achievements as well.

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