thank you sir for noticing.....! Did you try it yet? I have a free skill just for my pocket...waiting for you...
I'm a tad low on funds now (damn Sega sale ) but was wondering why to get the collectors edition instead of the standard one. I have enough for the standard, but like I said, not sure whether to wait and save to get the collectors or not.
But doesn't the collectors one have IAP as well? Or are they not necessary? So will I save money by getting the collectors?
The IAPs in the collector's edition are no necessary. The Collector's edition is cheaper (Standard is $3.99 plus $2.99 for each 10 levels [x4]).
I thought the Collector's Edition has a spiffy exclusive icon?!? (Not a big deal but I just wish icon was less busy)
After an hour I feel I can say this exceeds the high expectations of this game. It's superb. Too hooked .... Back to the game !
@ SouL_DragooN and Doom: It might be worth asking a few of the more dedicated players in here if they'd mind sending you their crash logs when it happens
Initial fast feedback: 1. Voice sounds are too raspy/scratchy and hard to understand. A lot of the sounds are this way, almost like they are overmodulated. 2. Damn menus keep popping up all over the place in the first town portal, even when I'm not facing the menu area. 3. Your in-game keyboard sucks compared to the built-in Apple keyboard. It's laggy even when I'm on an iPhone 4 or my iPad. Out of curiosity, why did you go with your own in-game keyboard as opposed to Apple's keyboard? 4. Areas that one would think they can go into are instead an invisible force field preventing one from going any further. Case in point, in the town behind the building housing the stores/upgrade purchases. The map is not matching up with what can be seen. Better to toss a pile of rubble in there instead.
Just about to hit lvl 5 and it definitely gets better, more so than it already is. Picked up this legendary ranged weapon that shoots 3 pulses in a spread formation and it just shreds through much everything with one or two hits -- very fun indeed!
Damned it, missed the first present cause I've been sleeping for 15 hours straight! NOOOOO. With that said, INSTA-BOUGHT!
Missing the first present = chump change (it is the weakest summon) Sleeping 15 hours straight = priceless
Well, what can I say, I love my sleep. HEHE! With that said, I'm gonna start on ME in a few hours... gotta catch up on Glee... (DON'T JUDGE ME!)
Well, I'm done with this game now until the developer can fix some bugs. Got the battery pack and the game immediately crashed on me. I saved the game while in the very first quest level prior to it crashing but upon reloading the save it put me right back at the town portal instead of where I was in the level with none of the skills or equipment I had picked up earlier. If this is by design then no thanks, wasted some money there. This is on an iPhone 4 running 4.3, freshly rebooted with no other apps running at the time - because I've played Necromancer before and knew this was going to be resource intensive. Possible memory leak? Whatever, when you finally fix it maybe I'll return to it however in it's current state it's just a big fat waste of time for me - why play when it's prone to crash and wipe out your save? This completely sucks....I really want to play this game because it is pretty fun. The items can get to be a little overwhelming at times, and the menu buttons are tiny on the iPhone 4, but I like the skills and gameplay. If only it wasn't crashing like that.
Damn! Just about crapped my pants when I saw the standard edition on the new games page, and not the collectors... Downloading now, not sure how I missed this as it came out, but it looks like I'm gonna be getting up early today!
Has the standart edition IAP or how do you get all 5 episodes from the collectors edition? That's a bit unclear.
I think i'll wait for a sale on this one . I've got too many games to play and besides , I've been spending too much impulsively .
It's not, I'm sure. It'll be fixed...incidentally I've played for about 5 hours and had, I think, 2 crashes, but never had it happen where a save was wiped, so it may just be some bad luck for you but I'm sure Ryan will be on top of it. He has proven to be one of the best around as far as supporting his products so whatever bugs people experience are going to get worked out sooner or later (probably sooner).