Universal Miracle Merchant (by Tinytouchtales)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    Did you win the game when you made the mixture? If you don't win (complete the session) it won't count.
  2. calabash11

    calabash11 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    Grabbed this the moment it was available. Absolutely worth it for the music and art alone, and the game under the hood is excellent too.

    LOVE the little Easter egg when you lose while the Card Crawl knight woman is up!
  3. Hard_Squirrel

    Hard_Squirrel Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
    I am desperately trying to like this more than I currently do. Don't get me wrong, it's a good little game and certainly worth the £2. But, without the usual card unlocks/upgrades that the previous games had, this is really struggling to hold my interest and I don't think I can be bothered to play anymore (I've had about 20 runs). Appreciate I am probably in the minority.

    Unless there are unlocks/progression at some point in the game and I simply haven't reached that point yet? Would be good to know if so before I delete. Thanks
  4. mcgillpt

    mcgillpt Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    If you're in the minority, I'm right there with you...
  5. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    #85 fabianb, Aug 5, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
    This is a really fun solitaire kind of game. Love all the animations and illustrations.

    Yeah if you don't like solitaire or card games like that, it's probably not your cup of tea. I actually like this one is a highscore chaser. Simple and pure as that.
  6. Tinytouchtales

    Tinytouchtales Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    Hey, the game has no progress system right now because we always wanted to keep it small. I'm not a big fan of artificial progression systems, but if you have any good ideas i'm open! So feel free to post suggestions of things you would like to see.
  7. Hard_Squirrel

    Hard_Squirrel Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012

    Maybe something similar to card thief whereby you have the ability to take 3 special things into a run (maybe reduce it to 1 thing for this game). For this game, maybe those things can be equipment that you can unlock. Each piece of equipment has a special ability like:

    - change a black card into a colour card of your choice
    - double a cards value
    - persuade a customer to change their required ingredient
    - your next potion can have a value of zero or below and you can still continue the run

    I don't know, the above is off of the top of my head. But you get the idea.

    As I said before in initial post, the game is good and easily worth the price. So please don't think that I am having a pop. I'm just finding it hard to keep playing and I haven't played for that long. Most people seem to be enjoying though so well done.
  8. retr0spective

    retr0spective Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
    Riverside, CA
    A big part of the game seems to be unlocking the different secret potion recipes through using them in a won game. This is a significant challenge.
  9. maxbrickem

    maxbrickem Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    So here's a tip I figured out after many games...you can add bonuses to create huge numbers. I always thought if you placed a card next to a card it "likes" it'll gain +1 every time, but this is wrong. It'll gain the number of the card next to it. So if you place a red card which benefits from a green card next to it it'll gain the number of that green card. If you build up that green card first, to say 4, and THEN place the red card, the red card will gain 4 and become a 5. On top of this if the customer likes red cards that number will double to 10 at the end of the round. Also including that red card in a duplex, twin, or whatever bonus combination you'll get those points as well. Using this method I was finally able to crack top 50 w a score of 152! Made me so happy lol. Your chances of creating huge numbers is of course influenced by RNG, but using this method you can easily get 10-15 point combos on a pretty regular basis.
    I'm sure appunwrapper's guide mentioned this, but didn't get a chance to read that yet. Hope this helps someone.
  10. Roleki

    Roleki Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    So is this portrait or landscape?
    Might get this for my 6+...
  11. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
  12. toofinedog

    toofinedog Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    My current goals are to get on the score and potion leader boards (already low on the task one which will take constant task completion to maintain) and create an evil distillate without losing immediately. I thought it was cute the reviewer called them spoiled, but mom, dad, don't touch it, it's evil. Great game.

    Bugs to note: if you go to the tutorial and place cards before told to, the game will crash. Had two crashes during the loading screen. The cause was unknown, but the animation is different (looks like a black cylinder in the cauldron). I suspect one was "rotation"-related, as my phone has crashed on start-up for many games depending on screen orientation. The other one was right after the second tutorial crash. Also, I went back to the tutorial again, and the cards did not match with the tutorial instructions. I'm having issues adding photo attachments on the TA app, so maybe I can email them to you if you're interested.
  13. vivafringe

    vivafringe Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
    Enjoying the game! So far my favorite feature is the daily challenge. Deaths there feel meaningful, since I have to wait a day to play again if I screw up.

    In the short term I'd like to see a leaderboard for streaks - the game is hard enough to win consistently that it should be fun trying to win many times in a row, racking up points the entire time.

    In the long term, I think Card Crawl-esque special cards could be mixed into the deck to add more variety. Right now games are a bit too same-y, and having a random set of unique ability cards each time would mix things up a lot. A card that sent an ingredient to the bottom of the deck, for instance, would help a lot with the randomness issues the game sometimes suffers from in the final rounds.
  14. gaymerX

    gaymerX Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    I like this game. Great mechanics, great art, and great core game loop, but it somehow feels incomplete. Right now it's a high score chaser but I need more than that to keep me engaged long term. Card unlocks? Progression through different shops? Not sure what it needs to be, but I'm getting a little bored.
  15. Nergal

    Nergal Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2014
    Ya the game does not have much progression, but that's fine with me. It plays well eneough on it's own to keep me engaged with what's there. Cluttering up a good game with shoe-horned upgrades could very well ruin it. A streak system might be cool tho
  16. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    I've been spending way too much time playing this. The core game itself is like Tetris. It easily goes down the smoothest of your three card games and it's got flavor like Coke/Pepsi in that its taste never gets old.

    But other comments have gotten me thinking about the gameplay potential outside of the core game of matching cards to mix potions. We're running a business, so why aren't we earning currency and upgrading our business? You could even tie special cards that confer abilities, ingredients, or other conditions into the situation in which they're drawn randomly from your "deck" on ingredients.

    There's so much potential here. As said, the game's core is the closest you've come to perfection. But don't stop there! Make this game legendary. Take it to the greatest heights possible!
  17. JohnnyClash

    JohnnyClash Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
  18. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Totally agree. :)
  19. Tinytouchtales

    Tinytouchtales Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    Thanks again guys, good suggestions here.

    So what i'm thinking about:

    An interesting way to alter the core gameplay is if you could decide instead of giving a potion to a customer,
    to drink the potion and gain an ability from that. The customer and the score would be lost but you could use the ability
    to make even better potions after using it. This sounds like a lot of work to implement correctly but maybe this could
    be the missing part. Right now i'm thinking about this more in a roguelike potion drinking fashion where you not 100% know what you gain from a potion until you've found out by drinking. Could be fun. Maybe there's another dictionary that you can fill with your discoveries.
  20. MonkeyChunks

    MonkeyChunks Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2012
    Good game, but the art style resembles Adventure Time style way too much. I am sure something more original could have been done. I say this only because I passionately dislike Adventure Time, not this game.

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