Minigore (Hardgore prequel)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by TimoVihola, May 15, 2009.

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Will you buy Minigore when it is released?

  1. Yes

    193 vote(s)
  2. No

    32 vote(s)
  3. Nachos Bel Grande

    24 vote(s)
  4. Subway Foot Long Meatball on Hearty Italian, Toasted

    10 vote(s)
  5. White Castle Cheeseburger Crave Case

    3 vote(s)
  1. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    They really need to do something like that. :D Even if they can't do it in Minigore it's obvious that they are using the same graphical and art assets to create a "gore" franchise, so later on they could make a "Megagore" game that plays just like Fat Princess capture the flag.

    Just running around doing objectives would be fun (with a good control scheme of course). And multiplayer would be killer.

    It's so cool to see fleshed out yet fun gameplay experiences starting to be realized on the iDevice. :)
  2. TimoVihola

    TimoVihola Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Creative Director at Mountain Sheep inc
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I added screenshots and artwork in the first post. I'll answer the questions in an hour after I've done some more work...

    I'll be back soon!
  3. TimoVihola

    TimoVihola Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Creative Director at Mountain Sheep inc
    21duc29: We hope the game will be out in mid June. (AppStore submission takes unknown time so I can't give exact date)

    lcwz: Boxhead was an inspiration for me, as well as Dan Paladin's work on Alien Hominid & Castle Crashers and Ken Wong's work on American Mcgee's Grimm

    supg328911: After long discussions about price we have decided it's gonna be 99c (which I think translates to 0,79 € in Europe).

    crimson: Minigore is survival shooter and Hardgore is tower defence game.

    Devilishly Good: That's a good idea with potential! Considering how much screen estate the dual stick configuration takes how would you do the jumping? I remember jump by shaking mechanic on Labyrinth 3D but it wasn't very accurate. Maybe tapping on the screen (except on the area where the dual sticks are) could work...

    arta: Full trailer should be out simultaneously with the game, so hopefully in about a month. Speaking of Fat Princess we're gonna expand Minigore a lot and the only limitation is that it stays inside the boundaries of "action game". That means it won't become a word puzzle game but it might very well get stuff like multiplayer in the future! My secret dream is to do Zelda Phantom Hourglass type stuff, of course with lots of blood ;)

    MojoArcanus: I suffer from the same addiction, and the worst part is that I barely have any time to play the games! Few days ago I played like 5 minutes of Saucelifter then had to get back to work.

    The hairy characters are called Furries and they come in 3 different sizes. They function a bit like matryoshka dolls:


    Thanks again everyone for the comments!

  4. 21duc29

    21duc29 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    Seems like it is worth three to five dollars... but $0.99 is a must buy. The screen shots looks amazing. I don't know if I'm up for a TD game of Hardgore but can't wait for Minigore.
  5. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Wow some really great comments! I personally feel like 99cents is too little as you can't do price drops and equates the great value of your game to the myriad of throwaway apps for the same price, but I'm sure your publisher Chillingo has learned over the past year how to maximise marketing and sales. Best of financial success!

    As for the gameplay nice to hear about the updates! I'm not sure what part of the Zelda game you want to emulate but definately looking forward to it. And I picked Fat Princess cause it would look cool with a bunch of you running around in storymode coop/ free for all/ team deathmatch with cool objectives to help advance you during skirmishes to keep the whole thing from degenerating into people just running to the centre and holding down SHOOT till a game over screen pops up in 2 seconds. Like I said, I'd be willing to pay money ($10) for a separate app for that.

    And yeah, jumping by tapping the screen outside the dual wheels should work.
  6. hdgreen

    hdgreen Well-Known Member

    love the look of this game and the promo for it. cant wait to buy when it comes out. :D
  7. 21duc29

    21duc29 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    #27 21duc29, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
    I'm not sure if I read anything about the length of the game... how long is the game going to be? Or does it come out like iDracula then a major update comes out with more levels and such..

    Nvm, read about the potential updates.
  8. Shokz

    Shokz Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2009
    Physicist. No, not really, but maybe one day, i'm
    England. It's a sucky place.
    This really does look like a great game, and i'm with 21duc29 and his stance on TD games, i don't really like them (Well, okay, i like geoDefense, but none or the others so far...), i do hope Hardgore sells well too, but i don't think i'll be getting it (I suppose it depends on the quality of the final product).

    As for Minigore, i can't wait, 59p sounds so cheap for a game which looks amazingly well polished. Would not mind paying a lot more if you developed it into something along the lines of Fat Princess (Which i also cannot wait for - Suck on that 360 owners ^.^).
  9. MojoArcanus

    MojoArcanus Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Well, I'll be buying this AND Hardgore as soon as they hit the store!!!
    TimoVihola, best of luck with that thing to do is feed it. LOL! If you need a sponsor, I'm going to the IGA meetings...(Iphone Game-addicts Anonymous), but hey, who's REALLY trying to quit??? Not me!!!:D
  10. joni99

    joni99 Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2008
  11. Devilishly Good

    Devilishly Good Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2009
    The Underworld
    How about a simultaneous tap with 2 fingers and the character lands centered between your two fingers? You could do the tap with your thumbs or two fingers on the part of the screen not occupied by the dual sticks. That way you have some control over where you land...
  12. Shinto

    Shinto Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Good luck with the games, I am addicted to the 2 and only for the screens and video. I also think 0,99 is cheap and 3-5 $ will be ok for me if the replay is that good like it seems.
    Perfect graphic design, theme and game genres.
  13. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Err, I'm not so sure I'd want to have to move from the safety of my thumbpads only then to have to scramble back to them and end up being a bit off center on the pads.
  14. Rithkil

    Rithkil Active Member

    May 17, 2009
    Bellingham, WA
    This game looks really cool. I love survival games and I love the art style, can't wait.
  15. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Depends on how fast paced the game is. If it's like iDracula no, Fat Princess yes.
  16. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    Why not double tap the "look" wheel to jump?

    Tap once then tap again quickly but leave your thumb down and you will be able to shoot in any direction while jumping.

    The hand on the "move" wheel would handle the accuracy by letting you adjust direction in flight.
  17. Devilishly Good

    Devilishly Good Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2009
    The Underworld
    How about using the controllers to get where you want and then shake to jump and you land where you took off from?
  18. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Don't really liking the shake to do anything, hate losing view of the screen just to jump precisely.
  19. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    shake to jump could work well here. It was only bad there because it used the accel. to move as well, and that would throw everything off. With touch controls its not a problem.

    Why would there even need to be jumping in this game anyways?
  20. Devilishly Good

    Devilishly Good Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2009
    The Underworld
    I had suggested a jump attack where you jump and when you land it creates an area of effect shockwave all around you.

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