iDracula always had a regular price of $3, the $1 tag was an introductory markup that was only supposed to be for a week, but ended up going for a month while it stayed in the charts. What happened was the update took longer than usual to come out and people started ridiculously bitching. When the update came out with more than 3 times the content and reverted back to $2.99, people got upset and it fell off the charts. So it's really pettiness why it got forced to being at the 99 cents tag most of the time even now. Personally I hope Minigore doesn't make this mistake. If they release at 99 cents they are gonna have to hope the game sells on hype alone, as they can't drop the price any more. Also I don't think any game should release at 99 cents on launch day. It tends to give people the unrealistic expectation that that's what the norm price should be, even though the regular price tag is written right there on the iTunes page. Y'all cheap people can **** off.
Is it just me or do you think chillingo has gone a little overboard with apps. They have over 100 (including lites). They make some really good ones like zen bound and Dracula and hopefully minigore but they also make some truly crappy ones. I would much rather see fewer apps with more time put into them
I agree with arta on this. Coming out at a bottom price point of $.99 really limits a games long-term pricing options. Most will never pay more than that because you've already undervalued yourself.
You all know where I stand on the pricing issue. Particularly at the time of product release. Back to the game though: I'm actually looking very forward to this one. It's been on my "get ready to buy upon release" list since I saw that first vid.
I like 99c but I was ready to fork out 3 bucks for this one, almost a shame that they are undercutting themselves so hard.
Perhaps they're saving that for Hardgore when it comes out and using Minigore as a way to get themselves recognized in the app store.
I didn't think of that but that's a good idea since there will only be a gap of 2-3 months between the games.
I think they made it clear that a lot the artwork and programming for mini will be used in hard, so that could explain why they will release mini at $0.99, and then capitalize on the HUGE number of people who will buy minigore (it's coming along "nicely" to say nothing and everything at the same time!) by selling them hardgore for let's say $5.99. If you like the cheap and cheerful one, you'll get the other one, believe me! In other words, the $0.99 launch (and permanent price?) could well be a clever move (I agree lots of folks are shooting themselves in the foot by launching at $0.99) because of the later release of Hardgore.
Personally I've noticed that chillingo is one of the worst offenders at pricing apps at a dollar. CS.ONE, idracula, and now this. And I am certainly under the immpression that it is chillingo who encourages the dev's to price low first and raise from there. Even with immense backlash on the two titles mentioned chillingo does nothing to curb the obviously detrimental pricing scheme of some of they're most anticipated apps.
Well minigore isn't supposed to be a huge game so I think it wrong to put a 5$ price tag. Hardgore is supposed to be the bigger game but I still think it should only release as 4-5$ he's talking about how idracula dropped from #15 in the app store straight off the top 100 a day after the price went up to $3. Even if a game is worth 3$ if it is priced at 1$ for a long time nobody will buy it when it goes up. Hopefully minigore will make and hold in the top ten. But once sallys spa goes to full price I guarantee it will drop like a rock sorry for double post
np bromosexual. But wait I still don't get minigore completely. Is it gonna be like a big map you have to explore or is it going to be like boxhead and idracula where it's a room you kill in
What the hell are you arguing about? Its a dollar. Its cheap. Thats great. iPod Games should only be around that area. $10 is rediculous. Whatever. ITS BEING SUBMITTED TODAY!
should this be released soon? cuz this is what it says on their blogspot Some unexpected work regarding iPhone OS 3.0 came up and I just wanted to drop by to tell you we are going to take the time to implement those before submitting. If you feel like you already can't wait for the game, don't worry, it won't take that long and Apple will get to approve the game soon!"