Although the gameplay doesnt seem much different that iDracula, this game seems to offer a much better experience through its art style and graphics. Hopefully its appropriately priced!
Thanks for the new video, looks very cool. The furries are starting to remind me of the movie Critters back in the day...
for my taste that's not enough blood in this video and it looks more like a red fast explosion effect.
This gameplay looks VERY addictive Kind of like Smash TV with guns, but much more beautiful - I really like your art work I'm getting this
I love it in the video when John Gore gets that power up and transforms for some furry munching action.
The man who decides to turn these Chillingo games like Minigore, iDracula, Knights Onrush into full fledged action adventure RPG games will be a great man indeed. I'd gladly pay $10 for that.
Beta copies haven't been sent out. Most likely the game won't really need testing other than tweaks and bug checks for the different hardware. Until there is testing a date can't really be set. Hopefully we'll see beta versions by the end of WWDC
Just watched the latest video... I love the music! By listening carefully you understand how John's past has scarred him for life and made him the tortured soul he is, unable to escape his destiny. Horror, despair, doom, yet his survival instinct pushes him to embrace his fate and deliver a swan song in G minor... Minigore! I wonder what the soundtrack is going to be like! I agree Beta testing looks like it will be limited to hardware technicalities and should be short, these folks at Mountain Sheep are doing a thorough job!
I think they should have a colour gradient shift in the wheel, meaning that the area of each circle not covered by the joystick should fade into a lighter hue at the opposite end. The reason I say this is so that the entire control gives visual feedback, since the joystick is gonna be covered up by the thumb anyway.
I love it when they put black shadowy figures in video games, it reminds me of 2 other great video games -- Ico(PS2) and Heart of Darkness(PS1)
learjetzoom: price is 0,99$ AttackOfThePwned: Just googled "Critters" and boy do they look cool, awesome red eyes! I need to buy that on dvd or blue-ray! MacDaddy: I remember having a good time with SmashTV on the Amiga 500 back in the day. freedog: It will probably be submitted somewhere around June 15th. Both of those games are an inspiration. Heart of Darkness had some of the best animation I've ever seen and Ico is one of the best games I've ever played. (Heart of Darkness had the better looking monsters of the two though ) arta: Once we get the voting system going for the features maybe your wish comes true Everytime I start up the build it reminds me of Zelda - A Link to the Past so it's not too far off from that road. 'Jeep: "a swan song in G minor... Minigore" That's awesome, you need to enter that in the tagline contest!