There isn't an option. You have to shoot the crates and hopefully a shotgun appears which you can collect.
you get the shotgun when you pick up the ammo box there are no achievements yet...coming in an update
I think iDracula, despite of its stupid title, has more varieties in terms of gameplay, I will pass (unless it is free)...
heh Finally! I've been waiting for this game to come out and now i get to play it hype or not, ever since i bought it tonight, i've been addicted to it.
Clovers are not extra lives. Get hit once, you'll be bruised up. Get hit twice, game over. The boxes can be shot and will explode, hurting nearby enemies or walked over to get a shotgun.
ok, sooooo under the options and stuff i see an "expert" that basically expert mode? if so then that is what i've been playing on...
If you want a picture by your feint profile you have to link it to facebook or twitter and it will automatically take your profile picture from one of those services.
My guess is THE MENU and OPEN FEINT. Seems everything online now is getting rejected... Quantum Collapse's 1.2 with online multi-player got rejected cause of "User Generated Content" Same thing with iMech. WTF!?!?!
Do the menus and in game play have background music? I am getting no music but I can hear the sfx and voice.
seriously, this game is dope as fek! the menu system and opening screen needs to class up a bit. match the rest of the game. because of the subject manner, (i.e. cute but badarse animals) one could do an amazing 3d opening screen... please update the menu's at the least...
Yeah, the menus look awful. Especially since the game itself has got this nice unique look to it, and the menu looks like crappy little buttons. But this doesn't really affect the gameplay, so it's not that big of a deal. Love the game though. Reminds me of Boxhead... just plain mindless shooting.