Universal Minigore 2: Zombies - (by Mountain Sheep)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Karmington

    Karmington Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    #1541 Karmington, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
    iPod 4 technically works, but there are issues of crashing when going to store from too little RAM, and the framerate drops in busy situations. We prefer to say that it does not work on it at all, and say so in the description... The powers that be have made this a bit of a sticky wicket for the developer as there is no way to block iPod 4 users from purchasing the game, resulting in a lot of irritated low-star reviews and support e-mails.
    Clean booting the device may help some, but the official line is to get a refund if you got it by mistake and performance is suboptimal.

    Inky : you are quite right, the challenges should show rewards. In fact they did for a while, but a lastminute rework of the challenges buried the text switching. Might resuscitate that bit, it would make them clearer indeed. The rewards are substantial.
  2. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    Is the Friendly Fire challenge currently stuck? I've tried with Zombie Santa and Metuselum but can't seem to get any results. Unless I'm misinterpreting the nature of the challenge...
    I'm sure this has been asked before, but thanks in advance for any info anyway.
  3. Quantum Apocalypse

    Quantum Apocalypse Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    Yep, it will be fixed in the next update.
  4. PyroLord

    PyroLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Well all minigore 2 eniemes are idiots but the Sheeps,Moooses,Aligators,Bunnys and bats are the only genius eniemes because they do an attack plan from front not behind!
  5. Quantum Apocalypse

    Quantum Apocalypse Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    Could there also be a banner of some sort which indicates the night throughout gameplay?
  6. Karmington

    Karmington Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    #1546 Karmington, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
    Night counter: our HUD is pretty crowded already, I've been thinking it should be on the Store menu on the "Saved" tags over the levels, or accompanying the tooltips at the start / resumption of game. Not sure yet where it would fit nicely. Maybe inside the skull on the scoreboard?
  7. InkyTheGhost

    InkyTheGhost Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2012
    Does anyone know where I can find/kill Jerry Gore?
    I don't remember seeing him anywhere.

    Also, I've been looking for a green sheep on the last level - is this where most people have found one?
  8. PyroLord

    PyroLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    there is Jerry gore in graveyard I (domovoi), also I'm searching for a green sheep since 3 weeks and haven't find it :( that so hard
  9. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    as of this date i've NO PROBLEMS at all ( except for those annoying bunnies)
  10. InkyTheGhost

    InkyTheGhost Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2012
    Thanks! I actually just finally found a green sheep on the last level, night one.
    Took well over a dozen tries.
  11. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Finally just finished all the levels. I didn't die at all in the last three. :) Earned either at 100K on that lvl, or just above that. ;)

    Love it so far. Time for all the challenges, and earn more and more money to upgrade as much as I can.

    Any advice or tips on upgrading, earning, etc., would be greatly appreciated.
  12. PyroLord

    PyroLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    WHAT? IMPOSSIBLE I HAVE TRIED OVER 25 TIMES AND NOTHING!!, which night you found it?
  13. InkyTheGhost

    InkyTheGhost Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2012
    I found it on the first night of the Metusalem level. And honestly, I haven't gotten to night two on that board yet, I always die right after I kill Metusalem. It really took a long time to find that green sheep, it could have been 30 times for all I know. I lost count.

    F34R: you should unlock hardcore mode, and get the coin doubler if you're looking to upgrade. Otherwise I think it would take a very long time. I have both of those on, and I still only have the single handed weapons maxed out.
    Personally, I don't see the point in unlocking and maxing all the characters, since it seems (to me, could be wrong) upgrading them only increases beast mode time. I just unlock a character when I need them for a challenge. Who knows, maybe I'll change my mind after I max the weapons.
    Also, the rewards increase after consecutive nights on a single level, but I'm not sure by how much.
  14. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Thanks. I have the doubler already, and unlocked hc mode. I'll go for that. Thanks for the tips.
  15. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    #1555 SumoSplash, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
    I made these comments many pages ago, but they probably got lost in the mix.

    Not knowing how many of the little green clover pads you have that enable rage mode is really starting to test my patience. If I remember correctly, they were in Minigore 1 at the top of the screen in the form of little icons and it escapes me why they have been omitted from Minigore 2. I can usually keep track of how many I've picked up (since you are pretty much forced to), but every now and again I am incorrect. I just lost a game where I was many nights in simply because I guessed wrong when I only had two of the pads when I thought I had three.

    The board switching by itself in between nights when you automatically are taken back to the shop still gives me somewhat of a chuckle, but this is also becoming annoying. I am wondering if there is going to be a fix for this in the next update.

    I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but there are many instances where I am unable to escape bosses and larger enemies. For example, I was just about to beat Night 3, Graveyard/Monstrosity when Metusalem jumped in. I ran away from him since I couldn't find a weapon and he was able to catch up to me and kill me. This shouldn't happen. You should always be able to escape an enemy by running away, which I usually can do, but I have noticed this happening repeatedly. I am not playing Hardgore Mode, nor am I playing using consumables like the speed boost. There are instances where I simply do not have enough speed to escape.
  16. Quantum Apocalypse

    Quantum Apocalypse Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    1) Yeah, in the next update (I think) there will be the old flaming clovers :p

    2) I don't follow o_O

    3) I always thought this was part of the challenge... Metusalem seems like the only one who moves faster than you, however he is susceptible to knockback from weapons, so even if you hit him with your axe every so often, you can stay away. And when his attacks miss, you get time too :p
  17. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    #1557 SumoSplash, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
    For point #2 that you don't follow... When you play a Night on any board, beat the Night and are taken back to the shop, the game loses track of the board you were just on. So, for example, if you start on Night 1, Graveyard/Domovoi, then beat this Night and are brought back to the shop, the game de-selects this Night and places you randomly onto another board, when it should obviously be putting you on Night 2, Graveyard/Domovoi automatically. This is random, all of it, but happens on a consistent basis. Sometimes I can play Night 1 of any board, be brought back to the shop and it puts me on Night 2 of the same board like it should. Other times it shifts me to another board. This can also happen when going from Night 2 to Night 3, etc. It's very random.

    This has been brought up by myself (to Jouni) and others previously in this thread and I was just wondering if someone from Mountain Sheep could clarify the issue.

    For point #3 that I stated... Firstly, this isn't just Metusalem that is doing this, it is also the large mini bosses. I understand your point in that it is a challenge, and I agree, but when the game provides you with no weapons and you have no recourse other than to run and STILL can't escape, then that is unbalanced gameplay. You should never be forced into dying, ever. Like I said, this is when the game provides you with no weapons, which happens every now and then, and you are left to use the default ax. However, getting close to Metusalem or the mini bosses with only the default ax is an absolute recipe for disaster, especially on low health. So the situation I found myself in as I described above had me at one heart and no weapons with Metusalem dropping down relatively near me. I had the foresight to know he was going to be dropping in, so the second I saw him I backtracked. Regardless of this foresight, he still caught me and killed me, with there being nothing I could do.
  18. Karmington

    Karmington Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    Yes clovers are flaming in the update.

    The board switch I am not exactly sure about: we know that sometimes the night would reset, in which case you would start the level at Night 1 which should be fixed up. It should not be possible that you have a certain level selected and a different level would load.

    As for metusalem, there may be situations in which weapon drops have been unlucky that may cause this sort of 'unfair' situation, but it is not on our most critical issue list.
  19. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Oh, it's possible ;) It's been happening to me since I downloaded the game, which was on release. I brought this issue up to Jouni a little while ago, and I'm pretty sure it was mentioned by other players as well.

    I absolutely LOVE this game, but, in the immortal words of John Gore, 'GOD DAMN' is it glitchy.
  20. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    #1560 SumoSplash, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
    Yup, I just did it. I jumped into a saved game of Frozen Plains/Cossack General, beat the Night, was brought back to the shop afterwards and among the level select it had Graveyard/Monstrosity as 'active.' I hit play and it brought me to Graveyard/Monstrosity and not the next Night of Frozen Plains/Cossack General, where I just was.

    Since this is happening to me so much, I simply select the board I was on manually without even thinking about it, whether the game selected it properly or not.

    I want to highlight the fact that the game is completely intact. Once I select the board I was just on manually, it goes right back to my game. It's not like the saved game goes from Night 2 back to Night 1. Nothing is erased or altered. The game is simply shuffling the board you were just on to another board when you go into the shop after beating a Night.


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