Universal Minigore 2: Zombies - (by Mountain Sheep)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Karmington

    Karmington Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    It should be covered yes. You have same scenario as OzzY?
  2. Peewhy

    Peewhy Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    arena tweak? I'm lost
  3. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    I don't know what Ozzy has going on, but it is the same crash that was brought up earlier in the thread. If I open up the game, usually after not playing it for a while, and it takes me to a fresh game of the arena, the game will crash once my character starts moving around the screen. It will keep crashing unless I go to the shop, select another board and then re-select the arena again.
  4. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    So, here is an exact example of the crash. I opened the game after not playing it since last night and was taken directly to the arena for a brand new game, not a continuation of a previous game. After I start to play, about 3 seconds in, crash. Did the same thing all over, crash.

    The way I get out of it is by starting the game and then going to the shop and switching the boards and then going back to the arena. Then it works.
  5. Jazzzed

    Jazzzed Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    I never see any of these crashes. It seems like the people who do are using an iphone 4 though... which we already know is only somewhat compatible... and then on top of it, all of those background apps that are running for the phone probably sap whatever extra RAM is available. Not seeing any issues iPad 3.
  6. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    iPhone 4S, which should be plenty powerful enough, since there is only one version after it. It's also a very specific crash and is the only crash I have with it.
  7. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    I have the same problem playing on iPad2. No biggie, just need to go to shop, select another map then switch to the arena again. I think this crash is caused by laggy internet connection since the arena needs to load the leaderboard.
  8. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Yeah, the only way out of it that I found is to switch the board and then switch it back to the arena. It definitely happens like clockwork though.

    Just had another go at the arena while dying at the exact same spot by having the reaper drop literally right next to me and then swipe at me while having no way to avoid it and then being mauled by a predictable swarm of bunnies.

    I guess that maybe if I play this another 100 or so times I might have a chance of getting past this clusterfart of a difficulty spike :rolleyes:
  9. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Where are you on the Leaderboard? :) last time I checked I was no 240 and scored ~3600.
  10. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    #2270 SumoSplash, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
    3700, and have not been able to get past it in about 50 tries. Ridiculous.
  11. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    #2271 SumoSplash, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
    I wish there was a way to scroll through the Leaderboards.
  12. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    That might not be very helpful :/
  13. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Why's that? Because I will see the people in front of me that I will be beating once I can get past the clusterfart?
  14. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Well I don't think knowing strangers that I am possibly going to beat will be much motivation. Still, Karmington may consider the idea.
  15. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    They should see the whites of my eyes to know of the fury that will soon be reaching them!!!

    Hehe. Well if you're at 3600 I am going to make you my target, Squashy :cool:
  16. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    But you said you scored 3700? :confused:
  17. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Oh yeah. Good point. Well then, haha! I'm beating you. When YOU get to the bunnies on Night 2, then you'll see what I mean. Good luck.
  18. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Well I think it's one of the bosses that killed me. And bunnies aren't my biggest fear, if I am to name it it's gonna be either small chefs or furries. It's not fair that even when I can outrun those chefs they can still poke me to death with their knives. The reach of those knives is definitely a pain in the arse, not to mention the fact that they don't die as fast as bunnies or furries :mad:
  19. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.
    Only the bunnies on Night 2 of the arena. Other than that I dust them with ease. I don't think you have quite gotten there yet since you're at 3600. The bunnies are the farthest I get, every time.

    And yeah, as much as I adore this game, there are some seriously cheap enemy behaviors, like the drop-down-and-swipe of the grim reaper, for example. So cheap. There is no way to avoid it. Other times I simply can't outrun certain enemies and they eventually catch up and hit me.

    I wish there was a dash move in this game. I really do. A mini dash, maybe available as a power up. There are just too many times where I die due to things being out of my control. It would also add a little more of a dynamic to the overall gameplay.
  20. Karmington

    Karmington Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    #2280 Karmington, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
    Thanks for the details on the crash, that should help us narrow it down a bit more. Still having a tough time trying to reproduce it at will, and waiting an unspecified time in between shouldn't be the issue, either the app is in the background or it has been terminated. Trying force closes, resumes, turning off wi-fi in between...

    I'll take a look at that Reaper slashing fast again, and playtest a bit more myself that area. Some rare enemies running faster than you is by design, so that it is impossible to just run rings around them.

    A dash/dodge button with a slow cool-down.. Hmm. Will put that one aside for further consideration.

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