Universal Minigore 2: Zombies - (by Mountain Sheep)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. PyroLord

    PyroLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Karmington so new bug fix update in first march days, interesting!, btw are you guys working on something new and more difficult?
  2. Karmington

    Karmington Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    This one was spotted a ways back, but we just noted it and figured out what is causing it.

    Bassman97: The Bike Baron getting locked again seems to be caused by the fact we added the new character Furry in there, it affects the logic of the characters being unlocked. It is calculated directly from your reached level, and the new character pushes the ones coming after it forwards. Theoretically once you reach the new unlock level, that characters upgrade levels should be as it was before. This was an oversight, and we will need to fix that up so your unlocks are not affected by new characters getting plugged in.

    Glad to hear Arena rewards have made it to be not too painful to have the Harcode mode getting locked, though It causes me too wonder whether the Arena is being too openhanded with the rewards...
  3. PyroLord

    PyroLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Anyone killed zombie merchant yet? He's so hard to be killed you need a lot of time, the arena is so hard
  4. Karmington

    Karmington Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    #2144 Karmington, Feb 24, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
    PyroLord : Im afraid I am not at liberty to reveal much about what we have in the pipeline, but I think this much I can say, one game for iOS is starting to look pretty good and the finish line is in sight, but still needs a lot of polish to be finished. It is pretty casual though. The other project is a lot more ambitious and aimed initially for PC and possibly other high end gaming platforms. That one will definitely have a more hardcore game focus, and hopefully we will have the resources to go far beyond anything Mountain Sheep has released so far. Both are very much based on Timo Vihola´s graphics visions, and as such will have a pretty familiar feel to them.

    We´ll probably start releasing some preview stuff of the first one some time this spring, and hopefully the major project will also reach a stage where we can start hyping it up a bit later this year...
  5. bramblett05

    bramblett05 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Its not to openhanded its just alot more enemies and less of pauses. I say keep it like it is. How good you do is based on luck and weapon drops anyway.
  6. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Color me interested.
  7. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Hardcore game: HardGore?

    Anyway i still haven't managed to beat the 1st night on Arena yet, it's quite challenging :)
  8. Neehan

    Neehan Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Working on the achievement "Way of the Dodo," where you have to slay the emperor penguin. I'm assuming I have to find him on the frosty plains level. I've completed a couple nights defeating the zombie Santa. I'm assuming I just need to wait and hope he actually spawns?
  9. PyroLord

    PyroLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    he will spawn in the second frozen plains (Cossack general) he will appear in the beginning
  10. PyroLord

    PyroLord Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    im with you, can't complete that stupid map, I always die after the Cossacks, and my kill score always 1300 but my high is 1520
  11. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    that's better than my high score on arena 1396 i just can't make it past the first day, towards the end it's REALLY GETS TOUGH
  12. Jazzzed

    Jazzzed Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    Save a third clover for this exact moment. Its the Cossacks and then the million bunnies right afterwards that will get you every time. Even the dual cannons cant really give you enough space.
  13. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    right you are about the DAMNED bunnies
  14. prdlacky

    prdlacky Member

    Feb 24, 2013
    worth it to download?
  15. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Hell yeah. Buy this.

    My Arena score is ~1700, completely out of guns after killing that huge moose :rolleyes:
  16. JP_Guinness

    JP_Guinness Guest

    This game is so #%**# FRUSTRATING!!! I keep finding myself walking around without one single friggin' weapon anywhere to be found on the map. i.e. I was in Sunny Lake and it was just me and the Grim Reaper left. There werent any weapons available, not even melee, so I just kept walking around in a circle. I did this for an absolute minimum of 5 minutes.

    Then there's the new desert arena:
    You know, I'm pretty good at this game. My player level is 70, and each character I use is maxed to level 10/10. I've beat the Desert Arena's first night, and scored over 3500. I'm trying right now to beat my score, but HOW THE EFFIN' HELL CAN I BEAT MY SCORE WHEN THE ARENA IS VOID OF ALL WEAPINS FOR MORE THAN 60 SECONDS??? I get eaten alive by little weak-ass zombies and furries while I'm pacing around the perimeter of the arena looking for weapons like a friggin' dumba$$.

    Why is this happening? I loved this game before the update. Someone please tell me I don't have to wait until the next update before this issue is addressed.

    p.s. no, I'm not blowing up my own ammo boxes.
  17. JP_Guinness

    JP_Guinness Guest

    THAT'S ITTTTTTTTT!!!!! I just got up to 1500 on the new desert arena and then I walked around the perimeter of the entire arena three times without any weapons appearing. I had a full three hearts of health, and then slowly but surely, I got mobbed. THERE WASN'T A THUNG I COULD DO ABOUT IT. HOW IS THIS FAIR?????!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. PedroCst

    PedroCst Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2012
    Stop complaining, this game is awesome.
  19. Best75

    Best75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    So I got a challenge to hunt 2 blue pork Druids so what level do they appear most in
  20. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Greeeeeen sheeeeeeeep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!

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