Mini Squadron Review!!!

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Will090, Dec 19, 2009.

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  1. Will090

    Will090 Well-Known Member

    Nice Review! I love this game

    PS For future reference put reviews in the "User Review" section of the forums :D
  2. Asphyxiation

    Asphyxiation Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Good review. But if I'm not mistake, wrong section?
  3. Kunning

    Kunning Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    #3 Kunning, Dec 19, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2009
    Wrong section.

    EDIT: Really shitty review. You're bashing on Avatar and NOVA, and those are high-budget, premium priced games that also provide a lot of fun. Not that MiniSquadron isn't a good game, because I covered that on our site, but it can't really be compared to Avatar or NOVA. You really need to change up the way you review games, because MiniSquadron is in no way related stylistically to the two aforementioned games. Also, many people love Avatar and NOVA, and don't regret their purchase at all. Saying "if you wasted $10 on Avatar or $6.99 on NOVA..." and "you'll enjoy this game more than Avatar or NOVA, that is a fact!" just makes me sick. I don't think there's any way a site would take you on, because you seem hellbent on bashing Gameloft and disregarding their games' quality and polish. Even if you dislike the games, as a writer you need to consider the general public instead of just your opinion. In my opinion, you're not a good writer at all, but just a whiny little wannabe that loves getting attention on these forums. If you shut the **** up and get out of here, I'll pretend I never met you.

    2ND EDIT: If anyone listens to this guy, I feel very sorry for you.
  4. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    #4 da shiz wiz 19, Dec 19, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2009
    Almost good review, no flaming from anyone this time.
    But sarcasticgamer will probably come here and say it sucks because it was made by an indie dev
  5. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Yeah, this should prove that those who thought he was a troll are mistaken. :D
  6. Harpgliss

    Harpgliss Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Here No More

    The review was fine, I bought the game and like it a lot.

    My issue is down in final thought section.

    Taking a cheap shot at another game does not help you make your point credible.

    Secondly, you can promise something but you have not any way to backup that promise.

    These points weaken an otherwise fine review for a nice game that should be supported.

    I am not taking a shot at you, just offering some constructive critiquing.

    Lots better than your NSF Shift piece.

  7. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    He is still annoying as hell and still flaunting the rules of this site. And he can't help but use this "positive" review to make some trollish remarks about Nova and Avatar. Two locked threads in his first week on TA must be some sort of a record.

    Next time, helmania, how about reviewing a game that hasn't been extensively covered already? Anyone who doesn't know that Mini Squadron is awesome by this point is simply not paying attention. There are many great games out there that have received little or no attention. Go find them and tell us about them. Make yourself useful for once.
  8. Kunning

    Kunning Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    See my edited post.
  9. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Sorry, but i happen to agree with him. High production values and shiny graphics do not a fun game make. Luckily for me, im cynical enough to NOT have spent that much money on those games before seeing if there is a downside first. And finally, while Gameloft has plenty of polish, their quality is debatable.
  10. Kunning

    Kunning Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    I know how you think, and I respect that. However, I do know that talking about other completely unrelated games in a review does not a good writer make. So obviously you're not considering the complete side of things, because I've never seen any competent writer or site mention a fun, more casual flight combat game in comparision to a high-budget movie game or a Halo clone.
  11. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Well, i guess you have a point there..
  12. Mr. Crazy

    Mr. Crazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    I agree with you there. Like it was zombieville and they talked about inkvaders it would be ok, but like you said, it was 2 completely unrelated games.
  13. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Hey there, my new friend.

    So I'll give you that you did write a much better review. Good job. However, the points others have brought up are correct. You don't need to drag NOVA or NFS into everything you write about. Just let it go, you didn't like those games, thousands upon thousands of other people did, big deal. But I do like when reviews have that personal sound to them, like someone just enjoyed something so much they had to get it in writing. I can tell how much you love MS by your review, and that's good. Also, there's PLENTY of games that deserve to be in the top 25 but never will. Not just this one. In fact, I think MS has actually done quite well compared to others. And for future reference, please post any of your future reviews in the Review Section. If you want to review something just to hear everyone's comments on it, start a blog. Or post your review in the game's thread as well. But I will hand it to you that you've seemed to put your torch and pitchfork away for now, and you're not purposely trying to evoke negative comments from people with your review.

    The only thing I have to say to this is lovelyman.

    Well, that's really just your opinion. You make it sound like you don't buy games with "downsides". Every game will have downsides to some people, so far for me I don't think there's any downsides to my purchase of NOVA. I can agree with it's a copy, GL has no soul, blah blah blah. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm enjoying the hell out of their games, which is what matters most to me. Just because a game isn't your cup of tea doesn't make it a bad game, which is what everyone was trying to tell the OP in the first place.
  14. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Well, some people, yeah, but a lot of people are claiming the OPs intention is to troll, and that nova is the best game ever, or crap like that. That is what im arguing against. you can enjoy any game you want, but when you start saying things like "best game in the app store", thats taking your enthusiasm a bit too far. You cant speak for everybody.

    That being said, i both agree with and applaud the statement in bold, its not just what matters most to you, it should be the ONLY thing that matters, PERIOD. Despite the slight "token effort" feel i get from Dungeon Hunter, i enjoy it pretty well, and Real Tennis is just awesome.

    I think what it comes down to is this: If you liked a certain type of game in the first place, you will like Gameloft's version of it. I HATED Modern Combat mainly because it was so typical of what most FPSes are. A lot of people love it and NOVA for the exact same reason that i hated it. For making token efforts, Gameloft has it down to an art form. Whatever works for them, i guess..
  15. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Well, what you're describing is basically why everyone has called him a troll. His argument was "Real Racing is the best racer in the app store, fact!" and when everyone called him out on that he insulted their intelligence. Then he threatened to write a shitty review for NOVA just so everyone could argue with him. That is called being a troll, but to the OP's benefit, I don't get the vibe that this was his intention with his MS review. Some people will think that NOVA is the best game in the app store, and they wouldn't be wrong. It's just their opinion.

    But I agree with you agreeing with me. ;) :p The most important thing is how enjoyable a game is to YOU. Nothing else besides that should ever matter.
  16. RankoSao

    RankoSao Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    College Student
    State of Hysteria
    Well, he only said best racer, and to be honest, it is kind of the gold standard, even though its missing some things i personally would have enjoyed having. I agree, he shouldn't have insulted their intelligence though.

    In NOVAs case, yes, it would be their opinion, and yes it would be wrong, for that reason alone. Too many people try to pass statements like those off as fact, or act like everybody is in agreement on it, and if someone DISAGREES, they must be a fanboy, hater, or troll. This is what gets me going.
  17. Hmar9333

    Hmar9333 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Book Salesperson/Student
    Melbourne, Australia


    Err... no.

    Aah, but you see, helmania thinks NOVA is a bad game, so therefore it is. Fact. He also thinks that Minisquadron is a good game, so it is. Fact.

    I'm inclined to not buy this game now, because helmania gave it a good review, and I wouldn't trust helmania further than I could throw him.
  18. Eduku

    Eduku Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    #18 Eduku, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
    This. You can even look at my sig for reference.

    Okay, now that the facepalming is over with, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and give some constructive criticism.

    I'll look past the fact that you keep posting your reviews in the wrong section. (User reviews go into the user reviews section, funnily enough)

    As has been said before, flaming, actually even MENTIONING another game that is completely irrelevant, takes away a lot of your credibility straight away. Doing it to a developer, despite what you may personally think of them, is even worse.

    This is a prime example of that, and you kept doing it throughout the review.


    This is a problem that you consistently have, that you regard your opinion as fact. I'm not trying to flame you here, because you've done it before.

    Another problem isn't one directly related to this review, but in the past, you have directly insulted everyone else's intelligence, basically because pretty much everyone disagreed with the fact that you thought opinion = fact. As a reviewer, this is probably one of the worse things you can do, and takes away most of your credibility.

    It's not all bad though, the way you write is decent enough and you make some good points in the review (when it's about the actual game)

    For general advice, I think you should go to other review sites, and see what they are doing that you aren't, and go from there. SlidetoPlay and TouchArcade itself are good examples.
  19. Hmar9333

    Hmar9333 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Book Salesperson/Student
    Melbourne, Australia
    Firstly, why are you defending this guy?

    Secondly, coming back to my original argument against this guy, the 'best game in the app store' is opinionated, some people may think it's NOVA some might think it's Doodle Jump. No, he can't speak for everybody, neither can you, or helmania, or anybody.

    He can say, however, "In my opinion, NOVA is the best game on the app store."

    What helmania is saying, however (especially if you read the other threads) is things like, you may not think that Real Racing is the best racer in the app store, but it is, fact. No, that's not my opinion, but it is a fact.
    I am arguing against that.

    And yes, the OP is being a troll, he is breaking forum rules, etc.

    This should be posted in the game review section, but no, helmania is above that.

    Sorry if that post was crazy and incoherent.
  20. Hmar9333

    Hmar9333 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Book Salesperson/Student
    Melbourne, Australia
    I tried to tell him, but every time I did, he told me to take a philosophy class and learn some comprehension.

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