It was being referenced to the clone apps of this game. Without the survival mode, it is pretty much the same thing as those. Heck even mooncraft had aliens. If there is a possibility of the creeps being added in, then I would consider this. But without them I just don't see a point. Creative mode has been done in other apps for cheaper.
Do blocks break instantly or does it take a few seconds for them to break like on the desktop version?.
It's creative. Instantly. Kids these days, I used to play minecraft in alpha. There was no survival mode, everyone played creative multiplayer. Cities were built, wonders too, and games were invented. Lava survival, spleef, etc. I'd buy this if it's true creative mode - that is, I can connect to multiplayer servers.
Not sure about iOS, but there are numerous, separate updates planned for the android version. I assume they would make it to iOS.
This is gonna sound really silly, but can someone tell me what the premise/object of this game is? What do you do? Just stack blocks to make structures and landscapes? Surely there has to be more to it than that?? Can someone just give me a very brief overview?
Ever played the original Minecraft? Basically it's like the original Minecraft except no online. (Survival isn't the original mode. The original is the trial version)
Well, you have to keep in mind that they had to integrate touch controls. So a single tap would place a block and to remove a block, you have to hold it. Technically, there is no objective. You just let your mind flow and create whatever you want.
No, never played the original. (I know, SACRELIGE!!!) This version of the game might as well be the first one ever released to my naive little brain, I have absolutely no knowledge about this game whatsoever. Is there a story? Objectives? Levels? What exactly is it you're doing? Is it just a big game of digital Lego? Any insight would be appreciated.
The Pocket Edition is just 'a big game of digital LEGO'. The computer version of Minecraft has creative mode ('a big game of digital LEGO') and it also has survival mode. Survival mode, I believe has quests, levels, a final boss and all that stuff. I say 'I believe' because I haven't read too much into it and the final game is being released this Friday. I just saved everyone who was going to buy this eight dollars. You're welcome.
I'm kind of reluctant to spend that much on this without survival. /will probably end up buying though
I await the two thousand reviews that say, "OMG. tihs game sux cuz ther r no manstrs. y ony bloks? n00b devs r fak (fake). *spam emoticons*"
Haha, but this game actually sucks. Why not play it on the computer? All you do in Minecraft Pocket Edition is run around, explore, place blocks, build stuff. Thats it.
I can see this turning into a war of loyalists/detractors very quickly. I can also see this game getting lukewarm reviews due to it's apparent lack of features/functionality compared to other versions, according to these posts. And before you ask, yes, I am a psychic. I want this game to be awesome since it seems to be one of those games that either you've played or have been living under a rock for the best years of your life, but I'm just not convinced. I'm also super-impatient, but looks like I'll have to wait for the concensus of the reviews to see what this things really made of..