I'm only 2 levels in, but Hooks is at least as great as Shorts, and I rate Shorts in my top 5 iOS games of all time. Once again, well done Mikes, you've nailed it. And $1.99 is so. Damn. Cheap.
Glad you like the game! It really is great reading all of the positive feedback, and makes all the hard work worth it!
So far I'm setting the times to beat on every level I've played. Time to get some competition up in a couple of hours! Pretty sure I have all the speed runners from the forum added.
Fantastic game just like the first one.. I'm at #1 of my friends on the first levels, now I'm trying to get a better time @echo what's your time for level 1?
Just to confirm the iap is in no way needed, you can't buy iap coins either so it's not intended that way. Plus you start with 5000 which is more than enough to get whatever you want, but leave room to collect everything! Taking my time playing this and I'm enjoying it alot more, well worth the price it's up for and iCade support too!! I can't wait to get the iCade out from its box and give it a go!
Oo I didn't even realise there was IAP. Just went back in and bought it. It's definitely a "support the devs" type deal, none of the bonuses affect the overall experience or make you faster, and the purchase button is well hidden from the main menu.
Absolutely. Specifically, there is a single IAP for $0.99 which gives you access to a: -coin doubler, -coin magnet, -double hearts (6) and -a retro graphics mode.
Thanks for supporting us! That really is why the IAP is there, plus we thought it offered up some cool stuff. I know I'm biased, but I love retro mode.
Aw man , I have been trying to avoid this thread because I need to wait about an hour to get it and since I read some posts, the wait it killing me, argh!cant wait to get and play this! C'mon 11pm...
Mikey Hooks is Available in the U.S. Mikey Hooks is out in the U.S. App Store! [LINK] Thanks for your support! We're very excited!
36.33, currently tied for first. Man, I so wish I had an iCade, or at least Joypad support, physical controls would help incredibly here. Edit: 36.32
Never wanted one (still don't, but I would love some physical controls), plus you can't get the stupid thing in NZ.
This is a really good sequel. I'm loving it - it feels so good when you do a load of hooks in a sequence and get the flow of it right as you rush about the level. Like the first game the levels are designed pretty good for speed running. The IAP is not really needed but I bought it anyway because cool things or the people that make cool things need rewarding! Well done