Universal Might & Magic Clash of Heroes - (by Ubisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    It’s gone
    Makoto likes this.
  2. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    It still appears in my purchases list, so it might actually be a recent iOS version feature that removes apps/games that can't be downloaded. I'm not sure about this, just a wild guess, since my phone is runnin 13.3 and current versions are 13.5+ or something.
    Makoto likes this.
  3. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    On iOS 13.1. It’s still in my purchases list as such, but it cannot be downloaded, them being the brakes.
    Makoto and sebgo like this.
  4. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    Oh, yeah, I meant that's probably why it doesn't appear in @Makoto 's purchases list

    Makoto likes this.
  5. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    I have 2 devices, one under iOS 9.x and the other 11.2.2, and the game used to appear in the purchases list of both devices (just days ago iirc), only can’t be downloaded on the 11.2.2 one though, but now I can’t find them on either lists at all.
    Hmm, if you guys still have it, then maybe it’s just removed from China AppStore, and this already happened to quite a few of my purchases over the years...Rune Raider, Zero Age, Bardbarian to name a few...but of course this one’s bigger since I did pay for it (most of the others were received during giveaways).
    And thank you guys for replying, I really appreciate it:)

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