Universal Might & Magic Clash of Heroes - (by Ubisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Ubi_Irina

    Ubi_Irina Member

    Jan 8, 2013
    [Clash of Heroes] Version of March 12 (1.3.0)

    Hello everyone:),

    yesterday, the dev team from TAG GAMES released a new update fixing a very annoying bug spotted after the latest update of the game 3 weeks ago. On some specific iOS devices characters and units were invisible, or else some of you had black square texture issues. It is now fixed. Please, download the last update and tell us if everything works as intended and you can finally enjoy Clash of Heroes on your iOS.

    Please, accept our apologizes for the time it took us to find the issue and to fix it. We will continue to do our best to improve the game. If you experience any other issue, please, detail it in this thread and specify what kind of device you are playing on and what is the version of the iOS system.

  2. Yume

    Yume Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
    It's working, but it feels like it's a lot slower than first :<

    Ubi, can't you make it so that you tap a character and then the spot you want it to move to? The swiping is pretty annoying.
  3. GR3NADE

    GR3NADE Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Czech republic
    After the update it's playable pretty well :) also may I ask if there are some content updates coming? (Artifacts,...)
  4. Cebollo

    Cebollo Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    There are still bugs with touch controls.
    It's impossible to delete a unit. It requires 4 or more attempts to do it.
    It's very frustrating!!!
  5. GR3NADE

    GR3NADE Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Czech republic
    I don't have any issues with controls (campaign humans so far) - just wanted to say if you did not buy it jet, don't take those posts seriously. Controls WILL or WILL NOT be bad in YOUR opinion.

    I'm playing on iPhone 5 btw
  6. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010

    Thank you for keeping us updated on the game's update plans.

    Can you please rely the ongoing sync issue to the development team that I described earlier?

    Also, on a separate note...

    Why is this thread being listed to have 49 pages (as of the time of this post) and yet the "last" viewable page is only 46 pages? Where are the missing pages?
  7. Endeauvirr

    Endeauvirr Active Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    Good to hear about fixes - keep them going and I'll buy the game :)
  8. picohero

    picohero Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    So how far along is the updating fixing problem?
  9. il-Palazzo

    il-Palazzo Member

    Nov 24, 2012
    Multiplayer problem

    Is it just me or the Asynchronous Online play is kinda wonky today?

    First it notify my turn but when I loaded the game the opponent does not do anything after his creatures attack. This repeats every time I reload the game and I cannot do anything.

    Then when I start a new multiplayer game, the game just become "Victory!" during matchmaking. A win against no-one.

    Then when I tried again the game booked me up with someone without letting me choose a character. It just randomly gave me Cyrus.

    Is there something wrong on my side? Anybody having the same problem?
  10. ripp1980

    ripp1980 New Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    1.3.0 update report

    Reporting fixed invisibility bug in ver. 1.3.0. But still experiencing random crashes and one particular crash occuring always at the start of boss fight with Talsam (Academy campaign), which prevents me to continue further in the game.
  11. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Well I've just deleted this. Honestly I was expecting to enjoy it as much as TWEWY (not similar gameplay style I know) but really didn't, think I may just be bad at it but it felt that you were so dependent on what your board looks like in the first place.

    Very glad it came out and did enjoy a bit of it but I think just not for me to be honest.
  12. Kotovsky

    Kotovsky Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    Somehow I've enabled hints about hp of walls, units and so on. Can anyone tell me how to turn it off?
  13. Cebollo

    Cebollo Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    I beated today the campaign, and the bug was present during the whole game.
    It's playable but very frustrating.
    I have an iPad 3, last version of ios, and last version of the game.
  14. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    Midway through campaign three and I kind of ran out of gas a bit. Like the game a lot though, glad I bought it. Only problem so far is on campaign two I can't start the bounty fight with the wizard in the northeast corner of the square with the arena. No touchbox, it seems.

    Will finish the game one of these days.
  15. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    This game is ridiculously buggy.

    With 1.3.0, the game crashes repeatedly after the Fiona campaign and loading into Aiden campaign. I reloaded the game thrice, each time crashing at the exact same spot.

  16. il-Palazzo

    il-Palazzo Member

    Nov 24, 2012
    Triple-tap the screen to view/hide unit HP.
  17. hefty_97

    hefty_97 New Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    #497 hefty_97, Apr 1, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
    It seems every forum for this game is dead or near death, is there any one resource you fellows use? I found one in depth strategy guide on Gamefaqs but it was for the outdated DS version. I saw earlier someone with connections to the dev team posted so I thought I'd register and offer some feedback.

    First I must say that it's an excellent game, one I play multiple times a day, but there are quite a few issues that hamper the online. There is a bug that causes the game to freeze during an opponents turn, it simply cannot be bypassed in my experience, trying everything that I can think of. The game must be quit and an invite sent to replay. Fairly common, and I've managed to confirm it happens to others also(perhaps a skip opponent turn option? just throwing it out).

    There is another that I've only encountered a handful of times that will crash the game during the action phase of my own turn, always at the exact same spot, forcing you to quit the match. Again, no workaround that I've found, but thankfully much more rare.

    Another bug that is fairly common, when picking your character sometimes you will not receive the units you want. You'll simply be "Anwen" or another character name instead of your own Gamecenter name, with randomized units. More frustrating though, is when you choose your own units only to find in game that your core units, champions, and sometimes artifact is random. Only the hero is left unchanged in these cases, that I've noticed. Needless to say this crushes any strategy or counterpicking you were going for. This is related in some part, I believe, to the order of turns. I've never had it happen to me after the opponent has already picked, that is to say, a game where after picking my units I'm immediately transported to the battlefield.

    Another bug that took me some time to realize was occurring, sometimes the game will change your units on the field. Uncommon as far as I've observed, but I try to stay at what seems to be the maximum of 30 games at all times so it may be more to the astute whose memory is better. This mostly happens, it seems, during reinforcements; when your opponent moves suddenly your units have changed, or as is sometimes the case, your unit that was charging will vanish or become inactive.

    Now this one may not be a bug, merely the product of my diseased imagination, but something seems to be up with the online client altogether, I wouldn't bring it up if I didn't experience it every day, and have a maddening feeling that something was amiss. There have been many times when I'll be playing several games in which the moves come in under two minutes, fast as you please, almost like a pass and play game, then they will all cease taking their turns. All players will take a coffee break, for anywhere between 8-15 minutes, then all at once 5+ games will reveal themselves as if they've been waiting the whole time. By far the most commonly experienced thing on this list, and similar anomalies. Again, perhaps my paranoid mind, I'd be interested to hear if anyone else had anything similar happen to them.

    I had a bigger list, but it seems to have fled my mind during the registration period. If I think of the ones I wanted to add I'll revisit this post and edit it, if possible. A naive question however, is there a way to contact other players? The only way I've seen is adding them as a friend, coincidentally the first time I found out someone was experiencing the frozen turn bug on the other end.

    So, terrific game, please consider fixing these issues, cheers.
  18. il-Palazzo

    il-Palazzo Member

    Nov 24, 2012

    I once fixed this by closing the game from task bar, restart and load the match again.

    Haven't occurred to me again since that so I don't know if this works every time.

    I really hope they fix the "Random Hero & Unit" bug real soon. Multiplayer just sucks when that happen.
  19. hefty_97

    hefty_97 New Member

    Apr 1, 2013

    Unfortunately that doesn't work for me :( It's interesting that it is very rare for you and fairly common for me, perhaps the devices?
  20. Endeauvirr

    Endeauvirr Active Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    Anything is going on with improvements/ bug fixing? I really want to buy this but not in this form :/ please hurry with fixes :(

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