MGST 8 Level Pack

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by theone1007, Mar 30, 2009.

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  1. theone1007

    theone1007 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Speaking at a special event in the San Francisco Apple Store (see more of this in our live blog), Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear Solid series confirmed that the further eight levels of Metal Gear Solid Touch in production will be very different from the current game.

    Although no release date is yet confirmed, Kojima-san highlighted that the 'crazy' levels, which will be available for free to existing customers, will focus on 'touch-fighting' and 'battling with robots' as hinted at in the trailer, rather than the shooting gallery action of the first 12.

    Hopefully this will address at least some of the concerns we had in our review, although it obviously doesn't change the fact that the game available right now at a premium price point is still quite short.
    - Pocket Gamer

    Looks like Konami is deciding to release that promised level pack for free. Although there is no release date, seems to be a totally different type of game from the duck and shoot we're seeing right now.
  2. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    He's probably embarresed by the quality of production that chick produced and is hoping to redeem himself.
  3. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    All touch fighting means is that now you tap tan enemy to throw a fist at them instead of bullets. More gimmicky bullshit.
  4. MGST wasn't too bad, but I do look forward to this new additional levels.
  5. theone1007

    theone1007 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    I don't personally own it but my friend usually let's me play it on his iPotch. The only complain I had was that it felt like a carnival game with redone graphics and it was REALLY short.
  6. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    No, this was the plan from the start since the game was very first announced, if you look back through older posts on the main page. :)
  7. Castor Krieg

    Castor Krieg Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2009

    So wait, instead of sticking with the concept, and trying to improve it - extra levels, new modes, unlockables, leaderboards - they decide to take 180 degrees turn in the middle of the game? So instead of average duckhunt we will have shit duckhunt/shit fighter?

    BTW, all this info is already in a trailer - "touch-based fighting" is final showdown with Liquid; "battling with robots" is the fight with Metal Gear, which will probably be just before Liquid.

    Lost respect to Kojima with this one - I can understand Duckhunt, after all not a bad idea. I cannot understand releasing an unfinished product with limited modes. Next time we will pay 5$ as a preorder for MGS5 and get title screen that we can watch while waiting for the main thing.

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