Meteorfall - Roguelike deck builder

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by slothwerks, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Beat the game and there was no option or button to return to title screen.
    Had to quit app and restart.
  2. mudrik

    mudrik Member

    Sep 27, 2017
    Are this the right card ability descriptions?

    Often meet a problem when card shifted left, then slide to wright don't show card description.

    Attached Files:

  3. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Thanks! I'll look into this. I'm guessing it has something to do with both you and the monster dying at the same time.
  4. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Just release it half baked. I'm sure it's tasty enough to still be palatable enough in the meantime.

    My fundage awaits!

    Just kidding. Please don't pull a Warbands. :(
  5. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    I'm putting the finishing touches on the first patch/update which I hope to submit tomorrow (should be available to testers sooner after). I have MANY bugs and improvements to work through thanks to all the feedback I've gotten, but I've tried to address the low-hanging fruit and critical 'crash' type issues.

    First update notes:
    (Heal) Heal now restores 1 action if you play it while at full health
    (Inferno) Fixed a bug where the card name showed ROMAN_ERROR and would lock up the game
    (Fire Shield) Reduced duration
    (Cleansing Potion) No longer removes positive buffs
    Added price label on blacksmith screen
    Fixed a bug where killing an enemy with poison would lock up the game
    Enabled debug logging
    Fixed upgrade descriptions for Stab, Observe, and Enchant Weapon
    Fixed some issues with max stamina level-up reward not working
    Fixed (some) of the bugs with Smite
    Reduced power level of Nukr0mancer enemy (less Zap cards)
    Added a hint the first time you choose a hero after earning gems, about how to spend gems
    Fixed (some) of the issues with health exceeding max health
    Fixed a bug where Bleed would trigger at 0 stacks
    Fixed a bug where players could level up after defeating the Uberlich
    Fixed a bug where players could 'continue' their game after defeating the Uberlich
    Reduced the delay for tooltips to show up when 'leaning' cards left/right
    Fixed a variety of typos and other cosmetic text errors
  6. Armadi

    Armadi Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Looking forward to the update!
  7. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Introduced a very bad bug with the latest update where you can no longer update cards :) I was able to identify thanks to a report from one of the testers. Testing a follow-up patch now.
  8. Armadi

    Armadi Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Testing after the update

    Thanks for the update!

    I just took Rose to the top of the leaderboard (puffinator11 with 201 score). The change to heal helps. It is a decision whether to use it at full health or not, since it uses a charge. I usually didn't.

    I think I ran into a bug- received the event that clones a card- they picked a level 3 smite- but the clone was at level 1.
  9. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    re: Clone, definitely not working as intended, will fix!

    Yeah - I like the change to heal overall. I think it's most impactful in the early game, when it was really frustrating to play as Rose since half her deck does nothing if you are at full HP/charges. I'm thinking of doing a similar change to be able to cycle Meditate, since I agree with feedback I got that it 'feels' bad when you draw useless cards in the beginning.
  10. Armadi

    Armadi Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    What if meditate gave time but used stamina?
  11. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    I may use this idea actually, thank you :) I had some other ideas around having it costs stamina depending on how many charges you restored, but having just a flat cost would be a lot simpler to understand for the player. I think it would help address another issue in the game which is that stamina is useless for 50% of the classes. Having Meditate cost stamina would make stamina management a bit more interesting for those classes.

    It's a pretty big change from a balance and 'game feel' standpoint, but I think I'll give it a try and get some feedback about how players like it.
  12. Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne Member

    Oct 5, 2017
    Manchester, UK
    I just came here, this game has gorgeous art style. Good job guys
  13. Armadi

    Armadi Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Slothwerks, have you tried monster slayers on steam? It's another deckbuilder that seems heavily inspired by Dream Quest. I like your game more but there may be some ideas there that will help you.
  14. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    yep! I've tried monster slayers. it has some good ideas, but I didn't enjoy it much as dream quest. one aspect of the design in particular that I didn't like is that the powerful equipment upgrades totally trivialize the first two thirds of the game. I think dream quest does a good job of having upgrades and unlockables that don't fundamentally change the challenge level.
  15. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Planning to submit a new update today!

    The major change is that Meditate costs 2 stamina, and also 'cycles' for free if you don't have any spells to charge. I'm curious to hear about this change feels for players that enjoy playing as Greybeard/Rose. I'm not sure on the balance yet, but it does make the early game feel a lot better, since you'll have a lot less dead turns.

    I'm also working on improving Bruno, particularly his starting kit. First up is a new card called Rusty Helm, which grants Block when you discard cards. Let me know what you think.

    The last major change is I discovered a bug where there were 4-5 cards per character that weren't showing up at all in the loot table! From the second area onwards, you may notice some 'new' cards.

    You can read the rest of the patch notes here:
  16. cbos0503

    cbos0503 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2015
    I'll give this some more attention with gameplay/balance impressions when 109 hits TestFlight. Been wrapped up with life and another beta lately. Looking forward to see some of the UI changes/fixes though.
  17. Gold_Lion

    Gold_Lion New Member

    Oct 9, 2017
  18. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Quick note - Android Patch #3 is already live. iOS is a bit delayed due to some recent changes with the new version of iOS that require a 'marketing icon' with new apps, something that isn't supported by Unity Cloud Build (a cloud based service for building the app binary) Unity is aware of the issue and is hopefully working on a fix. If I don't see a fix in the next few days, I'll try doing a manual build instead.

    Sorry for the delay!
  19. Toxicle

    Toxicle New Member

    Sep 27, 2017
    On Android, got the new patch late Saturday Night - Really liking the changes to meditate - I know before I wasn't as thrilled with hope/greybeard early game when I got a dead turn, sometimes it just screwed me over completely, this seems like a good way to get past that.

    Possibly a new small bug may have appeared this latest patch though (just a graphical one) - a few times I've noticed I've spent 100 gems to unlock a card, but the count won't go down on on my gem count - so I'm at 168, spend 100, and it will still say 168 even if I don't have that - quitting the app and coming back solves. Only seems to have started once the UI was changed. Very minor, just letting you know.

    Galaxy S8, android 7
  20. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Could definitely be related to the new UI for displaying gems, I'll add it to my list to debug. Thanks for the feedback!

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