Universal Meteorfall: Journey (by Eric Farraro)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. Water

    Water Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Game Dev
    Just grabbing

    Downloading now.
  2. the fish

    the fish Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
    Some Ideas

    So, after playing for about 10 hours I'd like to get rid of some ideas:

    A streak count would be awesome to show how often I lost in a row. Mybe good for winning streaks too :D

    I'd really like a mode with my own starting deck. To avoid this being just "put winning cards in there" cards could give/take hp while putting the deck together so if you only take the strongest ones you wouldn't have enough hp to survive the first waves. Probably this would also need a seperate leaderboard.

    A mode with minimum deck sizes. This could change the gamestyle a lot.

    Endless mode. If the enemies have more and more hp you would have to adjust your deck to match them. Could be interesting.

    The recap sheet could show cards you use more often and those you don't so you know what to maybe get rid of. Maybe its just me, but I just don't use it how it is as of now.

    Thats all I can think of at the moment. Hope this helps to make the game even better somehow and again: thank you for it. It instantly became one of my all time favorite mobile games.
  3. Anoik

    Anoik Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    I would love separate leaderboards for each character, because i am the only Bruno in the global leaderboard :D
  4. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    re: Nuke Viking - He basically just starts with the effect of the 'Berserk' card, so yeah - it should be whenever he discards a card. I'll add it to my list to investigate

    re: Cards not showing the right amount of charges - I had a hard time reproducing this reliably during development but there does seem to be some issue there. It's on my list.

    re: Rose's Smite ability - Odd. Is it possible you accidentally removed the card through some event? For instance, 'Band of Clones' will either clone the card or remove it from your deck.
  5. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Streak count is very interesting! I'm not much of a high score player, but I know 868-Hack had a streak based scoreboard. I'll add it to the wishlist.

    Minimum deck sizes - yeah. Right now, I actually think it might be too easy to get a really small deck. I've been thinking of adding some cards which might have a better effect if you have a larger deck, or have some passive bonus while they're in your deck.

    Endless mode is on the wishlist. I need to think about it a bit because I would need to come up with some sort of algorithmic way to scale enemies / abilities. My other idea for some type of challenge mode is to keep the same difficulty, but allow the player to customize some passives/cards that have some negative effect, but a score bonus if you can when with them. I think someone mentioned Slay the Spire does something like this as well, though I haven't seen it myself.

    Thanks for all the kind words - glad you're enjoying so far!
  6. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    I've only been able to win with the wizard twice. However, I'm not able to win with the other the characters. Has anyone been able to win with the others?
  7. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    So first of all again a big thank you for this great game. Its very addicting.

    After playing this for a while i have about 4500 diamonds left and won several times with all chars.

    So first of all i doubt the scores on the global leaderboard are real. My best so far is 291. And this was only possible with exploiting a design flaw. The trick is to just quit the game in event moments so you get back to the game-menu. This will reroll cards that are offered or other options apear once you continue. This way i was able to build a deck for mischief with 4 Evescirate III cards and 6 Stab cards. I only upgraded 4 times two of the Evescirate cards. In the end i had around 225 gold that i did not spend. I just wanted to know if i could get over the 300. But only 291 is the score.

    A while ago i wrote that i would like to have more feeling of progression in this game and you answered that you dont want to make it to grindy. I understand this and have another option. What would greatly fit in this without beeing too hard to implement is a achievment board. It could start with very simple achievments like '100 Diamonds earned' or 'First Card Unlocked' to bigger achievments like 'Win with Bruno' or 'Win with Mischief'. There could even be achievment just for playing with a special deck that is not easy to play. Something like that i would love and reinstall in that case the game just to fullfill all achiements/missions. As i said, i like some kind of feeling that i progress. Even if its only on an achievment board.

    The idea of a bonus for a winstreak is very good. But first of all the design flaw has to go.

    I love this game.
  8. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    A small deck and finding out what are the best cards is the answer to this. Im thankful for every Temple or option to lose a weak card. A good deck should only have about 9-10 cards in the end imo. It takes a while to find out what you need to level for every char (stamina or health) but once you got this, you only need to find out what are the best cards in the deck and reduce your deck to them. Its also good to know, that after beating the first boss, there are different special cards in the pool, that you get offered during events. They are not available in the first round.
  9. Nykeloc

    Nykeloc Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    #109 Nykeloc, Jan 30, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
    I've unlocked everything and beaten the game, it's definitely fun.

    I have a few bug/aesthetic issues I've come across. For starters, in a deck with a bunch of positive and negative status effects, the little rock images that represent the effect on the player card should never cover your HP and stamina and I find this happens a lot when you have 5 or 6 effects on at once. In the middle of a battle I can't remember where my stamina and HP are at and they are covered with the rocks, when I click on the character card it only shows max HP, although it does show my current stamina. This can make it hard to decide which card to use not knowing ones current HP. Maybe have clicking on the player card show current HP if changing the placement area of the status effect rocks is too hard.

    I find that far too often after leveling my choices are to rest and something else. The option to rest shouldn't come after leveling since everything is refilled automatically, this makes for a useless choice and takes away from something that might be useful early on like a temple or blacksmith. I always seem to get rest and blacksmith together after I hit level 2 and I always have like 7 coins and full hp from leveling, can't do anything lol.

    (Possible bug, I've only used iron skin once) Iron skin level three only seemed to be reducing attack damage by 1, I haven't seen this issue with any other damage reduction cards and it was only through one run that I noticed it was doing it every enemy attack.

    I found earning diamonds was pretty easy and a use for all the extra diamonds would be nice. Having a perk system like spending 100 or more diamonds could get you 10 starting gold for your next run, or 5 max hp for that run, or replace a card in the deck. You could choose one perk that costs diamonds on each run and that perk would only last for that run, this way there is something to do with the diamonds and adds a little more replayability to the game.

    This is a great game, nice work, and hope this info helps. Also, I have an iPhone X and could care less that it doesn't fill an extra 1/4" of the screen and anyone who would request a refund for that is ridiculous.
  10. TactAuthority

    TactAuthority Active Member

    Jan 25, 2018
    I've beaten the game with all of them

    Of course building a deck for a specific char will vary but some things applied to all of them

    Only health upgrades. Stamina upgrades seems completely pointless to me

    Trim your deck. First get rid of any basic attack cards at temples, then specific cards that conflict with your build and generally bad cards such as Pickpocket for Mischief and the one that upgrades your attack card on kill for the warrior. Boast i think?

    Always select Blacksmith when it comes up provided you have enough money to upgrade even a single card

    Keep an eye on xp needed to level versus how many encounters are left before the boss so you can skip fights in order to enter the boss fight with full hp

    The only potions i've kept were hp potions. Having one for a boss fight can make all the difference

    Once you're level 8 and happy with your deck, you can skip a lot of fights. I skipped every single fight after level 8 on Mischief until the 2 last bosses
  11. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    Great job Eric!

    I don't usually go for rogue-likes but picked it up after reading the rave reviews and glad I did.

    Meteorfall reminds me of Dungeon Crawl with a unique take on the genre.

    I appreciate the difficulty in designing mechanics that keep you reaching for the next thing without it feeling like a grind. Hard to get / unique cards may be nice. Perhaps additional, increasing in difficulty levels in the future?

    Look forward to seeing this develop. Keep up the great work!
  12. idislikejordan

    idislikejordan Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2018
  13. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    I disagree a lot with you. Leveling only stamina is most important for mischief. Never put in any point of health in this char, cause its much easier to win. Also never skip any fight and this is ment for all chars. If you do so, you have fu&€&@ up your deck somehow. Every char i play is always in the endfight at level 10. so why are you ending this game on level 8 and start skipping fights?
    Also your suggestion to allways use the blacksmith is totaly wrong in my opinion. The blacksmith is the card i will always pick the least. Cause sooner or later your deck will upgrade all by itself. So its mostly a waste or only needed for small changes.
  14. TactAuthority

    TactAuthority Active Member

    Jan 25, 2018
    You're free to disagree all you want but this tactic has proven to work on all characters
  15. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    #115 Ghostdog1, Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
    Yeah in a game about highscores. Very nice tactic. (Irony over)
  16. TactAuthority

    TactAuthority Active Member

    Jan 25, 2018
    #116 TactAuthority, Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
    The fact that you stated Blacksmith is one of the least important choices shows you have no clue what you're doing

    Now, with that out of the way, ask yourself why you're acting so aggressive on a mobile games forum? Perhaps deal with your issues instead of being a dick online?
  17. Gambler

    Gambler Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
    #117 Gambler, Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
    Agree that stamina upgrades for Mischief are important, I usually make 50/50 (other characters health seems more important though) for her but I agree with TactAuthority about always using the Blacksmith when possible. Don't see so many cards upgrading themselves - Sometimes you get an offer or get an upgraded one with treasures in world II or III but that still leaves you with the weak unupgraded card.

    Usually only skip fights if I'm weak on HP and have too many XP for a level up/heal missing. With Mischief I probably could have skipped most Level III fights and still won though. With a few +turn cards, stamina and at least two Level III eviscerates the character is nearly unbeatable.
  18. Gambler

    Gambler Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
    #118 Gambler, Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
    Hi Eric,

    small bug. When playing with Mischief, Taunt III only gave 2 stamina per getting attacked instead of the advertized three.

    Edit: Think this goes for every card with +3 Stamina. When playing Charge II with Bruno, you also only get +2 Stamina. Gonna have to try with Charge III if one gets the full 5.

    Wasn't able to upgrade it anymore before losing to an Uberlich who had 2 HP left. Least favorite character due to his basic Attack cards, thank God for temples (pun intended) :) Small deck is key!

    Again, great game, looking forward to further updates.
  19. fatkit

    fatkit Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2013
    Definitely an awesome card game, wish could see more unlockables and more effects on different cards in the future update:)
  20. Nykeloc

    Nykeloc Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    #120 Nykeloc, Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
    I definitely could care less about high scores myself, just beating the game. There are far too many cellphone games to get that involved for most people. Also I agree with TactAuthority on never upgrading stamina, I find potions to be useless and they have no real reason to be in the game, also the blacksmith is key, especially when you have 80 coins and come up on the blacksmith, makes the game so much easier at the end.

    I liked your strategy and at least you took the time to answer the guy who asked for some tips regardless of other peoples play-style.

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