Grabbed the game as a leap of faith for dev. Hope they come through with the update with all the suggestions!
Query: is it possible to gain MC without paying real $? Statement: this game take some grinding, but it is okay to me. Observation: the rifle is a poor version of shotgun, slightly better range but poor damage. So I should have save the hard-earned XP for the cannon, which is a very good sniping tool for target closer than 140.
Another week has gone... Pondecat, have you news on the cockpit update? This silence is killing the MetalWars 3 community...
Hello, Truncana. I apologize for keeping you no updated. We recently had some issues with the update. Although I've promised cockpits update first, our team wants to include some fun stuff(like dash) and bug fixes. I do apologize again. I should tell you about it. I'll show you some screenshots next week. Thank you.
man,can you please chill a bit?Childish impatience like this is"killing the community"far more than a developer that tries to improve his product but delayed the update(s) a little.Development takes time,if you can do it any better...please,go for it. Be realistic.I definitely not expected to see a cockpit view within 2-3 weeks....
Thank you Pondecat! And sorry if I seemed impatient... I did not want to put any hurry to your good job. Cheers.
The screenshot is AWESOME!!! Better than I expected!!! You are doing a really good job!!! Can' t wait!!! THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!
Looks great so far! I'm looking forward to cockpit view and other potential additions/updates. Thanks.
Just got this game and I'm digging it quite a bit. Loved MW2 and this is quite a step up. Also nice to see an update on the way. As others have mentioned I would love to see some form of multiplier on this. Co-op would be amazing. Anyways, does anyone have a guide they follow or some advice? I haven't gotten too far (4 or 5 missions), but since there is a bit of a grind for XP to research, I was curious on the best items to research, best levels to grind for XP/gold, etc. And i assume like the previous game you only get one wingman on each level right?
@DBC: Hey, is here where you've been hiding? @Scape: I found the "defend the base" levels best for collecting XP and cash: the ones where you start stationery on the wall, and play shooting gallery. Bring a Sniper rifle, and things should be fine. As for buying stuff & research: I experimented around and did not follow a straight path. Getting better Mechs and weapons that suit your style is quite important, though. Also, for some levels (looking at you, city stages) you might need a different weapon loadout; e.g. long range works great on open maps, but is a nightmare in close quarters. And yes, you get only one wingman. But he can be turned into a serious firepower platform. I stocked mine with missiles and that drone-shooter thingie, the damage he does is brutal. Before that, he was a good damage sponge and distraction that also brought a bit of additional firepower in.
Glad you mentioned that. I haven't made it past the fifth level since the wave of mechs is overwhelming when you cant move. Saving XP for a sniper rifle now.
Just recognized the good news!!! Updated it, now playing!!! Pondecat you did a really good job, mate!!! Great job!!! Awesome job!!! Cockpits different for each mech body!!! Now this is the mech game for ios!!! Great guys! Now I will restart the game to play whit cockpit view trough all the story!!!
New Boost Move I really like the new directional boost maneuver. It isn't very easy to execute properly though. ***Holding down the direction, and then quickly double tapping*** seems to work only half of the time you actually want it to. Now all this game needs is multiplayer, and a MEGA-BOSS (maybe 3 bots that connect to make a giant one)